This issue of an organization being able to creatively respond 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The issue in organizational change and the deeper organizational transformation relative to the ability to creatively response is that any organizational change and/or organizational transformation is a creative endeavor. Any truly creative endeavor takes us into the unknown where mind is of limited value. An alternative way of saying this is that the mind which created the problem we face is not the mind which will solve the problem faced and it is what we feel that is causing us to act. What this means is that we need to step out of our current mind in one way or another to feel our way to finding the truly creative solution which will solve the problem we face at its root.

Here an important point needs to be made. Creative power lies in feeling. As long as what we experience feels correct, feels good, feels satisfactory, there is little incentive to change. Only when there is some level of discomfort, perceived discomfort or anxiousness about something, if not outright pain, is there the incentive to act to change what we experience. Hence feeling, both what we feel and how we feel, becomes very important in influencing and determining what we create. Some however, rather than responding to the root cause of the pain or discomfort try to numb, suppress or otherwise avoid the pain only to increase the tension pushing the necessary changes.

Here it needs to be understood that it is the heart and what we feel takes us into, and through the unknown, to find a true creative solution. Without the heart there is no passion to do the necessary exploration and to go where mind has not yet gone. Here one can be overwhelmed with fear in the unknown. But we cannot fear the unknown for we do not know what to fear. What we fear is the past and we fear the past will be repeated in the unknown. And the past will be repeated unless we stay out of mind.

The mind is needed to bring what is found backing to the world. But we need to be careful not to thwart the creative solution in attempting to return to the past. Without the mind sufficiently understanding it needs to keep out of the way, it will interfere with the solution. However if mind is not engaged, we become lost and unable to ground and bring back what is found into the world.

Hence a dance arises. It is a dance between the mind and the heart. It is a dance between what mind thinks and believes and wants to do and what we feel. To step out of mind to not recreate the past in a new way and yet remained engaged to bring back the desired solution we will need to shift our perspective in some way. We need to change what we think and believe in some way. In shifting our perspective, there is a period of time that mind is totally incapable of guiding us and we will feel lost. Some get frighten by the discomfort in being out of mind and quickly return to the past ways of dealing with what they feel. However, in doing so, they thwart the creative endeavor and will never achieve what is possible. Here we need to remained focused on what feeling we are trying to escape and, more importantly, we need to keep focused on what feeling we are trying to obtain. That is, we know the correct solution because we can feel it.

When the correct solution is experienced there is an experience or feeling of flow, lack of resistance and an expansion within our being. We can feel the freedom. When the correct solution is not experienced there is an experience of resistance or lack of ease in what is being doing and/or a shrinking or becoming less than what is possible.

Relative to organizational change and/or organizational transformation, the issue of feeling centers on who is initiating the change or transformation. That is, all the members in the organization can feel there is no need to change but there is the feeling of the need to change for one reason or another within the individual initiating the change. In this regard, what this single individual feels and why they feel what they do becomes essential and key to the organizational change and/or transformation for they maybe the only one who is feeling the need.

Here lies the root of a major issue relative to organizational change and/or organizational transformation. That is, one individual or a small collection of individuals, in very influential roles feel the need to change and drive the change where as the others in the organization feel no such need. Those who feel the need to change will change. Those who feel no need to change will resist the change or go about it in a very intellectual will little or no passion to act.

In any case, any creative endeavor, of which organizational change and deeper organizational transformation are such endeavors, requires a dance between the heart and mind. That is, a dance between what mind knows of the past and what mind wants and what we feel as symbolized in the heart, which leads to the correct solution.

Relative to this dance between mind and heart, "Transforming the Organization" is a more linear approach to organizational change and organizational transformation reflective of the mind. "Transforming the Heart of the Organization" is a more nonlinear approach to organizations and working with the heart of the organization. Transforming the Heart of the Organization is to work a at deeper level than normally accessed by the mind to access the feelings of what is really motivating the individuals in an organization. That is to access the heart of the organization, and how it affects organizational performance. If one truly wants to change anything, they must go to the heart of the matter.

The key is not one or the other but a dance between the two as there is the need to dance between the heart and the mind in any true creative endeavor.

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