The key understanding about a creative endeavor

A Gentle Phoenix discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Based on all that has been observed and the lessons learned in the exploration of our inherent creativity and how we create our experiences and how we create the reality we experience there is one key of which we need to become aware and use. When all is said and done, the key to life, or more appropriately said, the key to creating life and to any creative endeavor at any level of being is a dance. It is the dance between heart and mind. But to do the dance, we must know both our heart and the view from the heart and our mind and the view of the mind. To know each, we will need to spend some time exploring each.

Here we need to realize that our heart and our mind are unique for we are a unique creation. No one will experience creation/Creation at any level of creation/Creation as we do. To think otherwise is to be in the illusion of mind and the illusion of Creation. The seeming paradox here is we need to become our uniqueness reflected in living and being the truth of our being to see and experience the Oneness of Creation and see through both the illusion of mind and the illusion of Creation. In this regard, we are very much alone and no one can take this journey for us. Avoiding our uniqueness only takes us deeper into the illusion of mind and the illusion of Creation.

The view from the heart and the view from the mind are generic in nature . But, what we actually experience in the view from our heart and the view from our mind will be different than any other. Because of the nature of Creation and how we experience the Source of Creation and the material of Creation we cannot, and should not, assume that what we experience will be like what any other experiences. It is vital we learn to understand our truth and what is true for us based on the experiences we have had. When we learn to see that we do not experience creation/Creation or any aspect of creation/Creation as any other, the door open to understanding both their view and our view. It is the differences in our views which supplies the contrast to see the truth of what is. In this regard, creation/Creation is not done alone and we need that other. We can, and should, take in whatever another tells us about creation/Creation for there is a truth in whatever another says or does. But we must treat it like any other food. We must eat it and digest it absorbing what serves us and nourished the growth and unfoldment of our being discarding the remainder.

The general rule here is the deeper we go into the exploration of the nature of Creation and the Source of Creation and the more we can step out of mind and outside of what we think and believe to move more and more to a beginner's mind and a detached witness, the more our experience of both the view from the mind and the view from the heart will look like another’s view. It is only in an unbiased experience of the Source or the material of the Creation can we begin to see the truth of what is. This is why it is said the most powerful creative state is most closely approximated by that of the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our world before mind steps in with its judgments. It is in such childlike play we experience a true beginner’s mind. We all have been there in our current life. We do remember what it feels like. However, the memory is stored as body memory for we had it before mind developed and we can feel it as we move towards it. But we lose the ability to be in this state of being early in life when the free expression of our creative spirit becomes thwarted in one way or another for whatever reason.

Here an aside need to be made. According to the observation made by brain scientists, the brain which provides our interpretation of the experiences we have in this life, does not fully develop until the late teenage years. This is well after we have the experiences which cause the free expression of our creative spirit to become thwarted. However, body retains the memories of such experiences. For example, individuals can have scars reflective of a body injury early in life carried all their life. So too with many of the experiences that thwarted the free expression of our creative spirit. They are carried in body memories long before the brain developed the understanding to fully understand what we experienced and why. Similarly, a developed brain can have difficulty processing the memories and response patterns it developed as in undeveloped brain. That is, it no longer has the same pattern of thought which developed the memories and response patterns.

The problem we face in learning the view of the mind and the view of the heart is that our heart is not what our current mind thinks it is. That which exists in the heart existed before our current mind came into existence. That which lies in the heart is what gives us our health and grew our body from a fertilized egg into an adult without the need of mind. In this regard, there is an inherent body wisdom beyond what mind knows. As a result, there are facets of our heart which our current mind will never fully be capable of comprehending and understanding. Humanity is been lead off into a variety of adventures trying to explain and comprehend this part of the heart that brought us into existence. Here it needs to be understood we access this body wisdom which exists beyond our current mind through what we sense and can best be described as what we feel. There is an awareness in what we feel if we open ourselves to feeling and learn to use this awareness. Additionally, how our current mind interprets what we feel will most probably be inaccurate, if not in error, until our current mind has a sufficient minimum set of experience to understand what we sense and feel.

As used here in this discussion this is part of our being inaccessible to our current mind is called our creative spirit and the flow of our creative life energy. In essence, creative spirit and the flow of our creative life energy are two different ways of explaining or describing the same thing. That is, they refer to the material of Creation which emanates from the Source of Creation that give rise to both the life we have and the world we experience. The creative spirit describes the consciousness aspect of the material of Creation. The flow of energy describes the energy aspect of the material of Creation.

In any creative endeavor, including creating our life, we need to give appropriately to both our current mind and heart. Here an important note needs to be made. We refer to our current mind because our current mind is always changing based on the experiences it has. Heart remains more fixed. What causes us to feel life and a fullness of being will change much less with the experiences of life than what our current mind thinks as we experience life but we must be willing to surrender. This is why stepping out of mind to return to a state of childlike play can be so powerfully transforming. It allows us to bring forth the real essence of our heart so that our current mind can have a conscious experience of the heart to come to know what our heart truly knows and feels. We can then use the feeling of our heart to guide us in life to create both a life which serves us and creates a life worth living for it is much less changing through the experiences of life than our current mind.

In some creative endeavors we need to be in heart more than mind. In others we need to be in mind more than heart. As a general rule, it can be said, the more we want our future to look like the past the more we will need to be in mind. The more we desire to create a future different than the past, the more we need to be in the heart. However, it does need to be noted that Creation is constantly changing. Whatever we did in the past to create our past and the experience we desire to have in the future will not necessary work to create that same type and kind of experience in the future. It all depends on how much our environment changes. In this regard, remaining in the mind will always end up causing us some problems. We only need to remember that the mind which created any problem we face is not the mind that will give us the solution.

The balance point for the dance between heart and mind between giving the mind what it needs and giving the heart what it needs is not about given equally to one or the other. It is about giving in proportion to what is needed to manifest the particular creation we desire to experience. We find this balance point through feeling and what we feel. If we remember any intention creates a flow of energy, we can create a single point focus for the feeling that accompanies what we desire and intend to create. We then use that feeling as our internal compass to carry us through the both the sacrifice of creation and the chaos of creation required by the creative process. We need this guiding focus so as to not become diverted by the pleasurable or unpleasant experiences we have and/or seek refuge in a Valley of Contentment along the way rather than continuing the creative journey.

To keep focused, we give what mind needs until we begin to loose the feeling as we would lose the signal in tuning a radio. We then give what the heart needs until we create a strong a feeling as possible for the environment in which we find ourselves. Here we dance back and forth giving to each to keep the feeling as strong as possible until we experience our desired creation. In time, we can come to see our swings between heart and mind become very, very small and we simply go into and out of balance never noticing the dance much the way we do when we walk. Here again, some creative endeavors will require us to be in mind much more than the heart and, for others, we need to be in the heart much more than mind. But, when we learn to dance the dance between heart and mind, we will never notice we give more to one or the other. We do it as simply and naturally as we walk.

Relative to what is said above, the following minimum actions will need to do to one degree or another to use this key and to create a relatively faster, easier and gentler manifestation of what we desire as possible. Exactly what any one individual will need to do relative to anyone of these items is unique to the individual. There are generic things that will be done, or can be done, but each path is unique.

Items to be addressed

The following list of items arise from the discussion above. How we choose to act on any items is our choice. There is no preferred way. The recommendation is to allow effectiveness to be your measure of truth for any technique or approach that is used and use what works for us. Look to address them all in one way or another and spiral around returning to each as new understandings and information is revealed. In time you will find you have a clarity about what you need to do and how you need to live your life that can not be logically explained. Rather, it arises from the awareness you access in and through your creative activities in addressing the following.

Generic information and/or exercises what can be done to address an item available in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material currently posted on the web are in bold faced hyperlinks. Methods, ideas and thoughts to address all the listed items for your particular creative endeavor can be obtained through the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Programs and/or Gentle Phoenix Services. However, all one really needs to do to is to learn to access and use their intuitive guidance and body wisdom and allow them to lead. As you addresses each of the following you will find intuitive guidance and body wisdom will reveal themselves to you. You only need to learn the inner language they are using to communicate to you.

Items to address arising from the above discussion

  • Learn what lies in our heart and spend some time explore it. Here we need to become open to feeling and lowering our threshold for what we feel. When we live and respond to the world based on what we feel we will come to see and perceive the world in a very different way. It cannot be adequately described in worlds. Rather, it is something which must be experienced.

  • Learn the view from the heart and spend some time explore it.

  • Learn what is in our current mind in what we think and believe and spend some time explore it.

  • Learn the view of the mind and spend some time explore it..

  • Understand what it really means that we are a unique creation.

  • Understand there is an illusion of mind

  • Understand there is an illusion of Creation.

  • Explore the truth of our being and seek to live it Here we need to take a very deep and careful look at who and what we truly are. We must give ourselves permission and go on an inward journey.

  • Understand our truth and what is true for us based on the experiences we have had. Here we need to look carefully and what is true for us because we have had some type and kind of experience to support that beliefs as opposed to believing something some authority figure or other figure has told us or encouraged us to believe.

  • Understand creation/Creation is not done alone and we need that other to give us both the experiences we have and the contract to reflect our truth.

  • Learn to eat and digest what we are told about life and Creation absorbing what serves us and nourished the growth and unfoldment of our being and creative spirit discarding the remainder.

  • Learn to step out of mind and outside of what we think and believe

  • Look to experience a beginner's mind somewhere in life and become aware of what we think and feel in that beginners’ mind and how different Creation looks from that perspective. Then adopt a beginner’s mind toward what we desire to create.

  • Look to become a detached witness

  • Seek to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our world without mind stepping in with its judgments. Look to remember what it feels like to be in such a state of being.

  • Do some type and kind of body work to surface the body memories.

  • Deal with the memories which arise as to where the free expression of our creative spirit became thwarted in one way or another for whatever reason and we lost the ability to be in childlike play.

  • Look to access and use the body wisdom

  • Look to access and use the awareness in what we feel

  • As necessary become open to feeling were we release our past where we raise the threshold to what we feel early in life.

  • Understand how our current mind interprets what we feel will most probably be inaccurate, if not in error, until our current mind has a sufficient minimum set of experience to understand what we sense and feel. Do what is necessary to gain the minimum set of experience for the area of our creative endeavor.

  • Realize part of our being is inaccessible to our current mind and look to see how this inaccessible part is reflect in some type and kind of spirit of creativity within our being and what type and kinds of activities gives a feeling of fullness of being and/or expansion of our being.

  • Look to see how our mind has changed over the years and how what we think and believe has changed based on the experiences we have had. Contrast our current understanding about issues as to how we thought about them as a child.

  • Learn the ability to surrender to what we feel.

  • Learn to understand what serves us

  • Learn to understand what a life worth living looks like to us

  • Calibrate our internal compass and use it to guide our life

  • Look to see how much our environment changes and how we use to do things can no longer be done that way and/or a new and better ways exists to do it.

  • Look to see how any intention we have also creates a desired feeling. Look at the feeling we desire to have which accompanies any intention we have. Look to become aware of that feeling and use to guide your actions.

  • Look to see how easy it is to become distracted by life and what we need to do to remain focused on any endeavor with a single point focus. Become aware of the type and kinds of activities that are most disrupted by life.

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