Creating Rituals

Healing Petitions


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Healing petitions are very specific and directed requests. In many ways it is similar to, and encompassed by, what is done in the topic, "Healing and facing the pain of the past." The focus here is on something that raising itself an a significant issue to be addressed or we feel has a deeper significance that needs a deeper exploration.

There are two primary issues here. One is fixing what is broke. It is much like a doctor fixing a compound fracture and outside assistance of some type is needed. To address this aspect we need to do what needs to be done to address the actual condition of the body. In this regard, a ritual is not substitute for what needs to be done to address the actual condition of the body through some type or kind of medical means.

The second issue is what the ritual is all about. It is to ferret out and address the energetic cause of what gave rise to the experience. Although many of the health related issues such as accident, illness and the like may be of the past, there may be residual patterns of believing and thinking which continue to exist within our belief structure. These can lead to future issues. In looking for the cause we need to look to occasion or occasions where we experience/experienced the unhealthy condition. Although the occasion may not reflect the cause, it may provide a direction in which to look. We need to become aware of how the inner reflects the outer and what our outer world is telling us about our inner condition.

Based on the types and kinds of issues that have been experienced in life we should request particular healing around these issue. The location of each wound and/or pain should be addressed. It needs to be remembered although there may be no scars, there are body memories. Bringing the focus of our attention and awareness to those areas of the body will help to release the energy held in the body memories. The idea is to flush out and/or surface what needs to be address to remove anything that does not serve us to align and surface the intention for our life and/or manifest our desired creation. Whatever is done, we should attempt to situation to simultaneously address our spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health.

The request should be accompanied by some type and kind of action, such as an anointing, laying of the hands, and the like on the particular areas of the body affected by the request. Fragrance and consistency of the oil may or may not be important to the individual and they can be use to heighten the sensory experience of the body. Different types and kinds of oils and fragrances can be used differentiating healing actions from the general anointing of the chakras as discussed above. It does need to be noted that since the energy held in body memories may be release, the release may be accompanied by feelings, pain, images, thoughts and the like that center on the circumstance of life when this wound/pain was initially received. When these do arise, we should explore them and pull the string to release any residual energy that may still be bound in them.

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