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Pain of the collective


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In becoming open to feeling and dealing with the pain we experienced in our life to access our unlimited creativity, many encounter what can be called the pain of the collective. We need to remember, our belief structure is layered. The human collective consciousness is a part of our belief structure and exists below our individual thinking. As we deal with the pain of our life to go to the depth of our being we will have to pass through the human collective and what the human collective thinks it means to be a human being in Physical Creation. It should be no surprise that the human collective think being a human being is painful. Passing through the human collective includes passing through the pain, or rather the beliefs about pain, depending on how our mind perceives what it means to be a human being.

Exactly how any given individual perceives the pain of he collective will be in part dependent on the individual. The description of the "Pain Female Archetype" discussed in the topic, "Female collective and the pain female archetype," is what one individual faced in their inner journey to access their unlimited creativity. Another individual only felt and powerful anger for which they had no idea as to where it came from. However the feeling of arose when a metatheatic situation was intentionally created to have her face what it meant to be female and to be sold at auction and as a commodity as one would buy a horse or cow.

If we do not face the pain of the collective we will be unable to move past the collective into the depth of our being. It is the pain of the collective that is of the major reasons we do not want to be totally aware of what we feel for we would feel the collective. In essence the pain of the collective is a barrier through which we must past to become free. Exactly how one personally deals with this pain is unique to each of us. Often it is expressed as anger.

The main essence of the pain is not being allowed to be true to who and what we are because we are a male or female. The role we are assigned in society as a male or a female are normally so restrictive on the free expression of our creative spirit and the inner masculine of both males and females is castrated, that most simply feel anger at what is done. Some have greatly detailed feelings as the lady how characterized the "Pain Female Archetype" as she did, but most simply feel an anger without any awareness of exactly form where it arises.

The recommendation is to realize as we take the inner journey we will feel a pain. But, it is not our personal pain. It is the pain of the collective. Yet, this pain is intimate to our being for we are integrally connected to the human collective. Some can even be lead to an addiction in an attempt to numb or avoid the pain. The key is to embrace the pain and to ask our intuitive guidance how we must face life to move through the pain, help free humanity from the pain, and get on the other side of the human collective. We then need to honoring the intuitive guidance we get and we should not expect the guidance to be anything what our mind thinks it should be.

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