A practical question

Do I have to engage in sex to use it creatively?


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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We don’t have to physically have sex to use sex and sexuality creatively. However, engaging in sex opens the door for all the creative aspects of sexuality to come into play. The only question is whether or not any or all the creative aspects of sexuality are needed in our life.

First and foremost, if what we seek appears to lie in sexuality, and we engage in sex to find what we seek and stay on the journey, including a spiritual journey as in Tantra, we will find that whatever we seek. But what we thought was in sex isn’t there. We will find what we seek lies deeper and beyond sex. It needs to be understood, unless what we seek is to create life, engaging in sex will not give us what we seek. What we will find is what we sought could be reached in other ways. But probably sexuality was the fastest way to get there.

But it needs to be emphasized, some of us have incarnated for certain types and kinds of experiences and those experiences are of the deepest sensate type of experience including sexuality. We will need to discern our own truth as to whether or not it is something for us. The proverb statement "there is no one size fits all" is applicable. We each have a unique path.

If we avoid sex out of fear of any type no matter how small, we will thwart the free expression of our creative spirit. We will find that we will be unable to create what we desire and/or feel something is missing in our life. It is not the sex that will be missing but how we denied our creative spirit that arose around the issue of sex. Often sex is a door way which must be entered. The issue isn’t the need for the sex as such but directly facing the hazards within the fear and dealing with it. Ultimately, our fears must be faced and we must walk through them.

This is actually one issue that gives rise to the concept of past lives. We are infinitely creative being that never die and we do carry things from one life into another. The cage we create that keeps our creative spirit captive goes with us from life to life, experience to experience. When conditions are correct, fears of the past can surface to cripple our actions. How we need to face any fear which arises is best address by consulting our intuitive guidance and honor the guidance we get.

It does need to be noted that if we choose to engage in sex, we need to do so with a clear intention and having pull the string as to why we desire to engage in sex. Without a clear intention to find our truth and/or be our truth, we will become lost. Actually to engage in sex in the honest of our own heart to say, "I simply want to experience the pleasures of sex and the body," and not become attached to what we find there will be little impact on our journey and it will probably do more to aid us that anything else we can do for we will be opening ourselves to feel at very deep levels.

The issue ultimately is not sex. The issue is what holds our creative spirit captive from being free to express itself in the way it needs to be expressed. There is a game that mind plays. It seeks to remain in control and it will use whatever it can. The ideal way to be sexuality is in pure spontaneous and innocent childlike play in the discovery and exploration of oneself and another. Anything that stands in the way of such play is the real issue. In this regard, it does need to be remembered that sex should be with someone with whom we would desire to share life for there is the energetic life that is created whether or not a physical child is conceived.

Whether or not we have to engage in sex all depends on us and what we desire to create with our current mind and the intention for our life. The topic "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications" addresses much of this question. As discussed in the topic, relative to accessing our creative ability and creative power, individuals will have to face their sexuality and move past sexuality in a freeing way for one of the six reasons.

Related topics
Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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