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 Dreaming reality into creation/Creation 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The basic understanding of how we dream reality into creation is that reality will mold itself to create an experience of how we have focused our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe. Anything we hold with strong emotion creates an experience within the environment in which we find ourselves in the way the environment can support it.

Dreaming reality into creation/Creation is about understanding that any thought we hold with great passion will spring forth and manifest in an experience of some type when the environment provides the correct conditions to manifest. Or we can consciously recreate our environment to create the fertile conditions for that thought to grow. Within this understanding we can understand how we dream reality into creation. A dream is only a cherished idea, concept, or vision of something, or some situation, that for the individual, is of seemingly unreal beauty and charm. In many ways a dream is only a thought one has about a different way of existing that is energized by the feelings one has about it. Dreams by there very nature have a passion and will spring forth when conditions are correct.

The issue is we carry many dreams within our nonconscious mind independent of those which our current mind may create. The question we need to ask ourselves and explore is what holds passion in our life and what gives us passion. What excites us about life and does what excites us come from our truth or the programming we have received. Only in exploring our passion will we begin to see we dream reality into creation and adjust our dreams so as to become a conscious creator of our experiences and creator of the reality we experience.

To manifest any thought, we must be willing to choose to hold the thought and then hold that thought until it manifests in the world. The same is true for dreams, especially dreams that carry a great passion. We have to choose at some level of our being to manifest that dream and want that dream manifested. We have to desire consciously or nonconsciously. In this regard, desire is essential to creation. To be without desire or hold no desire is only to live in the dream of those who have gone before us. That is, to live the dreams of our ancestors.

To consciously experience the dream process and work with this process, we begins with the realization that there is a dream within our being, as opposed to an idea or a though, and a decision or desire to manifest that dream. It needs to be remembered, a dream as used in this context is a cherished idea, concept, or vision of something, or some situation, that for the individual, is of seemingly unreal beauty and charm that we passionately desire to express in the world. Although the actual words we use to express a dream or an idea/thought may be the same, the impact and essence of a dream as opposed to an idea/thought is quite different.

We can have the thought or idea reflected in the words, " I would like to have a car." But if there is no strong desire or emotional energy, consciously or nonconsciously, within our being that attempts or intends to get a car, not much happens. Where as, if we think "I would like to have a car" coupled with a desire and the emotional energy to manifest a car, then that thought or idea becomes a dream to be fulfilled and we can say that we dream of having a car. But there is one added feature that most forget about relative to a dream. To have a car, whether we ultimately own it or just somehow have use of it, involves a different life style and way of being when we have a car as opposed to not having a car. If we get what we desire, our life will be different. The question is whether or not we are prepared to make then necessary changes in our life because we get what we desire. Most don’t want to change so their refusal to change compromises their ability to manifest their dreams. They end up living the dream with which they were impregnated.

Dream process

After the realization there are dreams that we hold, there is a choice either consciously or nonconscious, that we want what we dream. That is, we choose at some level of our being to energize or put emotional energy into that dream. The choice to want what we dream starts a process which flows through relative well defined steps that blend into each other and through each other. On the comment of nonconsciously choosing to manifest a dream, we will continually place ourselves in a set of experiences that will cause the dream to manifest yet there is no conscious realization as to why we keep exposing ourselves to that particular set of life experiences. The continual attraction an individual has for a muse is one such manifestation of a nonconscious choice to manifest a dream.

Initially there is the recognition of the dream and gestation of the dream followed by it birth. In many ways dreams can act as a seed in that a seed can lie dormant until conditions are correct for its germination. We can hold a dream, savoring everything about it knowing that the time is not right for the dream to manifest. Dreams can be held for centuries and passed on to others. Then at some moment, we know the dream is fully possible and chose to make it happen. However, to manifest any dream, we must first recognize we have the seed and then it must be placed in an environment in which it can grow.

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