Holographic view for forgetting and remembering 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There is another facet of the holographic concept that is import and it has to deal with the fragmentation and separation of our energy and how we forget we are the creator of our experiences and the creator of the reality we experience. In separating the hologram in pieces, each part retains the characteristics of the original Consciousness, but just a little less well defined. If we wish we can say that this process allows each of the parts to forget themselves and their origins since each part has a little less clarity because it is only a part. It can be said each part can give an image what is whole yet it has lost something in only being a part. The fact that each part is a little less clear is also a way one can view forgetting and how we forget what we create. Yet we never "forget" because the information is always present. But, we cannot get a big enough piece to get the clarity we need to see what it is. The complete and clear image of what is created is only contained in the whole unless we choose to observe the whole we can’t see clearly. But to see the whole, we need to reassemble the pieces into a wholeness.

Because of how we create by splitting the focus of our attention and awareness, we cause our consciousness to separate into thoughts and compartments. Each part gets more and more fuzzy. The become more fuzzy because we scatter and fragment our focus by our normal thinking and the way we compartment our life. In doing so, we never have a wholeness in a large enough piece of our own thinking that has the clarity to give is a correct image of our creation, the essence of our being and its purpose. To do so, we have to focus our attention and awareness to create a calmness that gives us a big enough piece of ourselves to understand how and why we created the body that we have.

Without a conscious focus of going within to create an great enough awareness, we will be incapable of seeing these bigger pictures that lie within. Unless we focus our attention and awareness on who and what we are to the depth of our being, we will not get a clear picture of our real nature unless we choose to "collect" a large enough piece of ourselves to see it consciously. On this note, we can see the whole with our nonconscious mind all the time. However, we will have to use our feelings and body wisdom and intuitive guidance to do so for the nonconscious does span of all Creation. We also need to realize we have within us the tools that we need to access even the Mind of Consciousness. Then again, because of the finite nature of our current mind, we may not believe and/or comprehend what is revealed to us. To see and experience the infinity of our being and the infinity of Creation, we do need to be out of mind and in the awareness which lies in feeling.

To understand how Consciousness can forget is quite easy. We just need to look at our own life as an example as to how easily we become diverted and distracted. Once Consciousness created so many parts and each little part of consciousness focused its attention on all the details of life and worried about all the little stuff and mundane aspects of life, before we know it, It forgot who It was. Sound familiar? We do it all that time. Plan a major project and see how quickly we loose focus and forget the big picture because we are so absorbed in the details. It is like that old saying, "It is easy to forget the original objective was to drain the swamp when we up to our waist in alligators." In the same way, it is hard for our consciousness to remember it incarnated in physical form to experience creation when we are up to our waist in mundane details rather than trying to create our creation by holding a single point focus.

It many ways the illusion of life is what consciousness creates is all smoke and mirrors, that is, creating the illusion of separation and then forgetting the separation. Remember, all is still interconnected because we cannot separate that which is whole. So at any time, Consciousness can communicate with any of its parts and any of its parts can communicate with the whole. But, all the parts are so wrapped up in the little details they forget to consciously do this. This is why so many spiritual traditions talk about meditation and calming the mind and learning to get control of mind’s attention on all the little details of life. It is in the quietness of the mind, one can reconnect and remember who and what we actually are - fragments and intentions of the All That Is.

In any case, the choice to have a human experience caused our energy to localize into the given physical form of choice, the blueprint of which is that of being human. But the form is ungrounded or unmanifested unless we make it physical, that is, "to make the word become flesh." To do so, we need to localize our energy into an actual physical creation or an experience, both of which are essentially the same for they go together. If we stopped the incarnation process only at the thought level with our holographic blueprint, without grounding, we would appear as a ghost or apparition of a human being with no physical body or worse yet, only a whiff of smoke or a cloudy vapor. We have the form but no substance to it. The issue is to be able to ground our energy to become physical.

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