Creating Rituals

Chakra anointing


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The Seven Chakra System provides a way to view how our creative life energy flows into manifestation into our body. As discussed in the topic, "Creativity overview of the Seven Chakra Conceptual Areas," the chakras can also be viewed as representing seven areas of our belief structure and how and what we think we believe. Because our creative life energy flows through the chakras, what occurs in the beliefs representing what the seven chakra conceptual areas represent influences all our life experiences.

Addressing each of the seven chakra is some way can be used to review all in which the body can engage in life and bring the focus of our attention and awareness as to what is occurring in or with that aspect of our life. The traditional method of address a part of the body is to recite some type and kind of prayer accompanied by touching or laying of the hands over the are followed by anointing with some type and kind of oil. The fragrance and consistency of the oil may or may not be important to the individual and/or the condition the individual is facing. The fragrances and consistency of the old do heighten the sensory experience of the body.

The recommendations is to create a ritual or metatheater to address each of the seven chakra areas. The intent of this ritual can be a healing but should focus on freeing any and all bound creative life energy that is not serving us to create what we desire to experience.

A chakra prayer: To do the ritual, some type and kind of a prayer unique to the our personal understanding and addressing each of the seven chakras should be written. The prayer can be structured based on the sample below but we should become creative and have what we use include something unique to our situation. In doing so, we make the prayer our own rather than just copying another.

Anointing oil: The anointing oil can be one or several different oils. The consistency and fragrance can be chosen for added sensory experience. Content can be chosen based on what the oil extract contains and what healing properties the extract is believe to possess.

Laying of hands: Laying of the hands or touching the chakra area while the prayer is recited can be used to both increase the sensory experience and bring the focus of our attention and awareness to the issue that lie around that chakra.

General considerations: In performing this ritual, become aware of any pains that may arise where they arise. Additionally there may be memories, feelings or thoughts as each of the chakras are addressed. Become aware of what is being communicated in those pains, thoughts, feelings and memories and whether or not there is bound energy which needs to be released in some way in some follow up action. Be willing to pull the string on what arises as deep as we need to go to release any bound energy. Remember, a big part of this ritual is about focus our attention and awareness into the particular areas of the body and in doing so we will be awakening mental or body memories. Be free to express any thoughts or feelings which may arise.

Sample prayers

The following are sample prayers which can be used to create something appropriate to situation at hand. Phrasing, using "I" or "you," of course depends of if we personally recite the prayer or another recites the prayer while they lay hands or anoint the chakra.

General statement: In and through the interconnectedness of all things, as you heal, the earth and all those connected with you heal and are set free.

Seventh chakra - crown Anointing: May you see and understand the lessons in each and every situation in life and live in the mind of the creator/Creator, at one with the mind of the creator/Creator. May all your ego filters be removed and may your step "out of mind" to see with clarity form the mind of the creator/Creator. May you be granted wisdom and understanding and become enlightened and a light in the world brightly glowing.

Sixth chakra - third eye/brow anointing: May you release and heal all judgments of the mind and heal all wound and scars of duality and separateness. May you transcend duality. May you live in and on the edge in perfect balance and contentment standing between two worlds - the world of spirit and the of the physical. May you be fully present for each individual as they need for the greatest common good.

Fifth chakra - throat anointing: May you speak your truth and walk your talk in all ways. May all your intentions, thoughts, words and deeds all be in complete alignment. May you be fully congruent in all ways at all levels spiritual, mental, emotional and physical.

Fourth chakra - heart anointing: May your heart be healed in all ways to be fully present for your self and others and to love and be with as deeply as required in always. May you be one in love with the universe. May you be free to live your heart in all ways.

Third chakra - solar plexus anointing: May you obtain your self esteem from within your being and your Divine connection with the All That Is. May you rely on no external source for understanding who and what you are.

Second chakra - spleen anointing: May you be free from seeking to control to but to set your self free and let all others live the life of their choice.

First chakra - root anointing: May you release all your attachments to the physical plane. May you enjoy each and everything and every one within the plane but be in a non-attached and seek to possess no one or no thing.

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Generic symbolism for action in rituals and metatheater

Sequence of action in creating rituals

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