The importance of the other - the need for the other

Or, from a creativity perspective - why love our enemy?

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In looking at the physics of the creation process as reflected in the topics, "Origins of Creation" and "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality" and how we create our experiences, we can come to see creation/Creation is not done alone. What this means is that we need another or others to give us the experiences we desire to have. Most do not realize we need the other in several different ways.

One way we need another is to give us the experiences we desire to have. If we want to experience flying, there needs to be an environment in which we can fly. If we want to experience loving someone or something, there needs to be someone or something to love. If we want to hate we need someone or something to hate. If we wish to fight someone we need someone to fight. No matter what we desire to experience we needs someone or something to give us that experience we desire to have. Our problem is that we call people and circumstances into our life all that time but we do it at a level of which we are not consciously aware.

A second way is we create in response to what we experience and it is those, and what is, before us who give us the experience which catalyzes us in some way to create. The third way is we need another or others to focus our attention and awareness to create. As an infinite creative being we need some focus to localize our energy and localize our awareness to have an experience of creation/Creation. Otherwise our energy remains ungrounded and our awareness non localized in the infinity of Creation.

Each individual is unique and what one creates from the essence of their being, no other can duplicate. That is what it means to be unique. If we look carefully, we can come to see each person in our life causes us to shift focus and create something unique to them. It is the pattern of our lives. We are a creator and we need another for the experience of creation/Creation. In essence we mold our infinite being around our understanding we have of the individual’s uniqueness or a given situation and blend our understandings with theirs to create something new.

In creating, we can hold no expectation as to what we create with an individual or in a situation for any expectation is of the mind and the past. Rather, we must allow the energy to flow that gives freedom to both. In doing this a new creation emerges otherwise we simply recreate the past in a new way. It is the uniqueness which is within the other which is vital to calling forth within us that which we have previously not experienced so as to not recreate the past.

Relative to anyone whom we see as our enemy the same is true. For some reason or another and in one way or another we call into our life all that we experience. We either created it or agreed to participate in the experience. This includes an experience of someone whom we would all our enemy. In this regard it is essential to accept if not love all that comes before us, including our enemy. They, as all before us, are only there giving us the experience we ourselves have choose to have and/or in which we agreed to participate at some level of our being. To deny what comes before us in any way denies the creator and ultimately ourselves. By denying what we experience we deny our own creative power and creative ability. Only we can go within and ask why we created the particular experience we have in the way we are experiencing it.

We need to understand that for any judgment of our mind of that which is good or evil, we have its opposite within our being in what some would call our "dark side." To say I am good and my enemy is evil, we can only recognize the difference because that difference is within us. The fact that we choose to express that which we claim is good does not deny that which we see as evil is not within us. It has to be in us for our mind to recognize it. If mind does not have the experience of something it will be unable to effectively characterize it. To know good we also know evil and it is a judgment of our mind as to which is which. To eliminate evil we must move beyond duality. We move beyond duality by recognizing the duality exists within us and we create it. It does not lie outside of us. What lies outside of us is only what we desire to experience.

In wholeness there is no duality. In wholeness one can see good does not exist without evil. Together there is no-thing, only a oneness.. Only in separation do we see good and evil as separate from each other although they are integrally linked and one cannot exist without the other.

What this means is for us to have whatever identity we choose, we need to thank and love or enemy for what they give us. Without them playing the role they play we cannot have the experience we desire and we cannot define ourselves as we have..

Becoming a conscious creator is about making the nonconscious aspects of our being which give rise to the duality and separation we experience conscious. It is making the nonconscious conscious such that we raise the nonconscious conditions that gives rise to our experiences into our conscious mind to be able to create something which better serves. Of course, if we like the life we have and it is a life worth living, we have no need to change it.

Related topics
Observer observed pair and the nature of duality

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