The spectrum in organizational thinking

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The spectrum in organizational thinking is really the contrast between what Transforming the Organization and Transforming the Heart of the Organization are all about. Each lies at opposites ends of a spectrum. Both approaches are slightly different than traditional approach to organizational design and organizational dynamics for the both recognize and acknowledge the existence of the creative spirit. However, Transforming the Organization does not seek to get the individual in touch with their creative spirit and does not seek to actively nurture the creative spirit. Transforming the Heart of the Organization on the other hand seeks to have individuals access their creative spirit and look to nurture the creative spirit within the bounds of the organization and the mission and function of the organization.

In many ways Transforming the Organization and Transforming the Heart of the Organization are the equivalent of the mind and heart respectively. In the same way the key to any creative endeavor is a dance between the heart and mind any organizational transformation is a dance between Transforming the Organization and Transforming the Heart of the Organization. It is not one or the other but somewhere in between.

The following table contrasts these two perspectives

Transforming the Organization

Transforming the Heart of the Organization

The approach is aware of the existence of the creative spirit and its impacts but does not seek to directly address creating the space for its unfoldment

The approach is aware of the existence of the creative spirit and seeks to nurture the creative spirit and align its desires with the organization mission and function.

Little interest to call forth or nurture the creative spirit in the work place Looks to create the safe and secure space to call forth our creative spirit
More like traditional management approaches More in line with Orchestrating the Organization conceptual thinking
Masculine thrusting approach Feminine nurturing approach
Look to make things happen Look to create the fertile space for things to grow and unfold

Create an organizational arrangement which effectively achieves the desired mission or goal

Create an organizational arrangement which effectively achieves the desired mission or goal and creates a life worth living

People are the organization's most valuable asset

The creative spirit within each individual is the organization's most valuable asset

Looks to do what mind thinks needs to be done

Looks to nurture the true needs of the organization and its members

Look to implement new processes or response patterns

Look to shift the organizational culture

People are interchangeable and can readily be replaced

Each individual is a unique contribution to the organization

Look to train and qualify individuals to perform a given task

Trains and qualifies people but looks to align the individual passion with the task

Accepts individuals who don't truly fit the organization as long as they follow all the rules

Look to have individuals whose creative spirit is nurtured by the mission and function of the organization. For those who are not suited for the organization for whatever reason the organization looks to place them where their creative spirit is nourished outside the organization

Linear approach to organizational change and transformation reflective of the mind

Nonlinear approach to organizations and working with the heart

Motivation through the desires and interest of the mind. The organizational mission and goals are embraced by the mind

Motivation through the passion and desires of the heart. The organizational mission and goals are embraced by the heart

Sees individual more in the workplace for a paycheck

Sees individuals in the workplace fulfilling their creative passion, intention for their life and/or create a life worth living

More about getting the employees to "make do" with what is available

Looks to create the space for the employees to get the job required

Assigns individuals to role and responsibilities

Looks to orchestrates the individuals into a harmonized whole to meet the organizational mission efficiently in a quality and safe fashion

Tends to take a reactive posture

Looks to take a proactive posture

Fixes what is broke

Looks for accident precursors and repair before broke

More about telling people what to do and expecting the employee to get the job done.

More about creating the space for the employees to be successful

Normally little to no attention is paid to those who obstruct an organization change and looks to move aside those who obstruct the transformation or uses some form of coercion to get them to comply.

Looks to understand why one obstructs the transformation. Deals directly with those who obstruct an organization change to understand why and appropriately place the individual into task more suitable.

Looks to see how effectively the organization structure orchestrates the individuals into a harmonized whole to meet the organizational mission efficiently in a quality and safe fashion. Looks to see how well the organization looks to see if the individual is able to perform their assigned part and role in the larger organizational orchestration. This is not about looking to see if an individual is competent to perform a given task. Although it an be checked, most individuals are usually adequately qualified and/or the organization has ways to measure and check job performance. It is to look to see whether or not the organization has set up parts of their organization, or individuals, for failure. It is about looking for precursor to failure whether it is the failure of an individual, the organizational system, or a component of the organization
Looks to see where responsibility is seen to lie Looks to see how the group as a whole and how many individually are willing to embrace talking responsibility for what they experience at each and every level of their being or are open to exploring this possibility.
No question as to the possible existence of the problem one faces as existing in ones’ thinking Understands the mind that created the problem is not the mind that will solve the problem. To find the solution we seek we need to change our current mind in some way.
Looks to work within existing thinking and tends to see the problem as "being out there." Looks to create a shift in mind with a subsequent shift in perspective. It is to shift from seeing the problem as caused by someone or something "out there" to seeing how our own thoughts, words and actions create the problems we experience. It is a new way we perceive ourselves and the world.
Looks to get the job done Looks to optimize the energy that each individual brings into the work place and organize that energy into a productive and desired output. Looks to instill the qualities characteristic of individuals in an improvisational organization
Little or no attention is given to the fact that organizational learning and creativity only occurs in individuals who learn and are willing to enter the unknown and become different. It is not forgotten that organizational learning and creativity only occurs in individuals who learn and are willing to enter the unknown and become different. It realizes our individual creativity which is the key to the outcome of how we both perceive our world and the experiences we have in that world.
Individuals are seen as performing an assigned task for which they are trained with little to no need for creativity. The effort is to create a space where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually discovering how to create together.
Looks to create leaders Looks to create visionary leaders

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