Optimizing our creative life energy in a give task

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Optimizing the flow of creative life energy available to an individual in a given task for any task could be a book unto itself. One cannot hope to cover all the issues on this topic. However, there are a few basic principles that can be applied in our life that does allow us to optimize the energy we bring to any task. The key is learning to dance between heart and mind or rather the dance between the masculine and feminine aspects of the creative process. To do this dance we simply needs to understand the role of each and allow each to fulfill their role.

Any creative action, any task that we choose to undertake whether it be to think a thought, hold a memory, speak a word or perform a deed is the masculine aspect of creation. To manifest a thought, hold a memory, speak a word or perform a deed we must surrender to the flow of energy that allows that thought, memory, word or deed to unfold and be made manifest. Hence the dance between choosing and allowing the choice to manifest.

The feminine aspect of being has no desire to serve the masculine. It does desire to nurture its offspring. Hence to have an enthusiasm for whatever we desire to do, we must make the task we desire to do the offspring of the masculine and feminine such that the feminine aspect of being is willing to nurture and sustain the creation.

We create this offspring by allowing the feminine to lead and the feminine is characterized by feeling. If we look at the feeling for each thought, memory, word or deed we can tell if the thought, memory, word or deed serves or does not serve us. We then simply need step into the masculine aspect by choosing to act on the thoughts, memories, words and deeds that serve us and the offspring will be freely nurtured by the feminine aspect of our being. However when we choose otherwise, the feminine will nurture our actions but we will slowly erode its support and deplete our energy. We need an enthusiasm for the task at hand. If we are not enthusiastic then there is a trade off. Overtime, we will just not find the energy in one way or another to do what we choose to do. The enthusiasm for any task is obtained when it is supported by the feminine aspect of being.

Now it is obviously that we have created a world where most individuals are not free to choose only what serves them. There are many things we do in life that either neither harm or serves us and some things we need to do ultimately would harm us if we did them for long periods of time. The way around this issue is to be very aware of the dance between the true needs of the task and the true needs of our being.

To learn to do the dance we first need to be able to get out of mind and know what thoughts, memories, words and deeds serves them or doesn’t serve us. If this exercises into feeling has not been done, we will not be able to dance with the task at hand. We cannot be in mind and chose what mind wants and expect to serve the needs of our being. We must be able to feel the needs. It is essential that we give ourselves the experience of being totally absorbed in feelings to begin to discern what serves and doesn’t serve our true needs. Then in that awareness we can enter any task. If the task does not serve us we can continue in the task until we start to feel some indication of pain at some level of our being. We then need to be aware that we are approaching the limit of our ability to be in that task. To go further will either cause us to be in pain or we will have to find some way to numb the pain and risk an addiction of some type. Since most are unaware of what they feel to begin with, they continue in task that does not serve them and continue to numb the pain long after they have passed the point of causing damage.

It needs to be noted that when we are in a task that aligns with our being, we lose all sense of time and we feel no tiredness. If it were not for physical fatigue, we could continue the task indefinitely. When we are out of alignment with the flow of our creative life energy we have constant distractions and can’s seem to find focus. We just cannot settle down to do the task at hand. Everything keeps pushing us away.

However, if we are disciplined in the eyes of the world, we will put all our focus and effort on the task and do it no matter what the repercussion may be for what we feel. We endure the pain to get the job done, unless of course we have numbed the pain. Then we do the job without feeling. When we do a job without feeling we will find we can do things that harm others that we never though we could possibly do. It is not by accident the military tradition requires people to learn discipline to endure whatever task that needs to be done. Overtime, a level of pain is numbed and one can do horrific things and not give it a second thought.

In realizing we lose perception of time when in a task that aligns with the intention for our life, we must learn not to get confused with getting lost in constant distraction. It is quite common that we starts a task, any task, and the distractions become so great that we get lost in dealing with all the distractions and we forget the task. It goes back to the old proverbial statement, "It is hard to remember the task was to drain the swamp when we are up to our behind in alligators."

Getting lost in a task is not the same as losing focus. When one is lost in a task, no matter how great the distraction we continually come back to the task and we pick up exactly where we had left off as if no distraction existed. Getting lost in the distraction we lose all focus and continually never seem to accomplish anything other than the mundane. On this note, we often use the distraction of the mundane world to keep us from doing what needs to be done. When our life path takes us into areas that may cause fear to arise, any distraction becomes a welcome relief from facing the fear. Yet fears are only of the past and represent aspects of our being that have not fully been processed with understanding.

In any case, optimizing our creative life energy is about learning to dance between the choice of mind and surrendering to the choice that has been made. It is about learning to be open to feeling to know what serves and what doesn’t serve. It is to realize the gift of pain when we have chosen a task that does not serve our interests in the long run. It is to learn to sense the pain at its first indications before we move past the threshold for damage and injury to our being at any level of our being. We are fully equipped to deal with life and fully capable of optimizing the energy we put into any task. The challenge is to learn the tools that we have and apply them in the most useful way.

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