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 Sex as a tool for procreation 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Procreation is slightly different that generative powers and reproductive powers. It is to originate and produce as to engender and beget offspring. The procreator is that which exits before the creation and is slightly differently than a creator in creation for is has a very unique aspect to it. Creation is about producing something new and original. Something that is significantly different that what proceeds it. Procreation is about possessing that of the creator. The creation of the procreator is an offspring of the procreator as opposed to only being a new creation such a some work or fruit of the creator. Procreation is about creating a co-creator as opposed to creating a new creation that will not necessarily have the ability to create a creation.

Procreation is about creating life and passing on an existing type of life. In understanding the creative process and how an existing creation is annihilated in the sacrifice of creation by how consciousness acts on its desire, we can see how a new life is created whenever a desire is fulfilled. Not just a new creation but a an offspring capable of becoming a life of its own.

What needs to be understood, is that being intimate with someone at any level of being is a shared joint intention and there is an energy release in each as a result of fulfilling a desire in each by the other. In any intimate relationship, a part of us will die and be annihilated especially in the intimacy of sexuality. The energy released in fulfillment of the desire of both individuals as they merge and create an offspring manifesting with the energy released in the interaction and sustained by the memory of the interaction. The part of us that dies will be joined with the part destroyed and annihilated in the other. The freed energy takes on a life of its own and it will unfold in our life changing our life. This happens every time. It is inevitable.

What we essentially do is create a child, as a minimum an energetic child, with each intimate encounter, the stronger the encounter the more powerful and demanding the child. That is why sexuality produces such powerful results. It is an extremely powerful and energetic experience and creates demanding and powerful offspring at any level of being. In the same way a physical child is created by the joining of a part of both parents, so too with non physical, energetic children. In sexuality, the child may be physical if that is possible, but nevertheless, a child is produced. The children of these encounters pull consciously and nonconsciously on our life and they are capable of leeching away our creative life energy.

We need to learn to start expecting such non-physical children to be in our life if we engage in intimate sexuality. Exactly how the energy merges depends on the intention and thoughts each individual holds, what desires within each individual which brought them together, and the environment in which the merging occurs. What needs to be understood whenever a masculine and feminine aspect of Creation merge is that, whether or not a physical child is produced, there will always be an offspring. There is a creation that results from a masculine and a feminine entity joining intimately at any level of being. That creation in turn will become a life of its own if conditions are correct to allow it to grow and unfold.

In a process analogous to the process that occurs when a thought is held by an individual, this joint intention is manifested in the calm consciousness of each individually both in their consciousness and their body. Additionally the passion of the intimate act whatever it is, a deep love or hate, is reinforced by memory of the action and ritualized by the act that each individual experienced.

What needs to be understood and emphasized is that whenever a masculine and feminine entity are joined in great passion, sexual or otherwise, or within a large tension, whether that passion be love or hate there is a child, an off spring, produced from the joining. If we have the correct view or perspective, we can literally and/or figuratively see the sparks of energy created by mutual organism. The sparks themselves, the energy being released are the Source of Creation, They are the Source of Life. They are the Divine manifesting. If we are consciously aware, we will feel spiritually and physically fused and find a completeness in the merging. In merging, each pours life into the other and each reached a kind of divinity for we are the creators of life itself. We create life at some level of being.

The aspect of sexual intimacy where a child is created by every sexual intimacy is difficult for most to believe but nevertheless exists because of the nature of energy consciousness. Because a non-physical child is not seen, we find it very difficult to believe an offspring is produce. We only need to look at how much our life is changed by sexuality to understand some form of new life has been created within the individuals at some level of their being. We only need to realize there is another offspring and that is the energy which the two individuals represent together.

By its very nature, Sex is for creating intimacy and for creating offspring. This is true at each and every level of being. If we don’t what the burden of a child, whatever form that child takes, don’t have sex and don’t become intimate with another for the child is inevitable. Even if we use birth control and think we can out guess nature, we are mistaken. There will still be a child that comes from any intimate relationship that lies as deep as sexuality. Sex is a tool for creating life and will always produce an offspring. The fact we don’t see it does not mean it does not exist. This is one of the major reasons why sexuality has be so controlled with the human social structure. Otherwise, there will be too many offspring and we would lose control and/or be overburden as to what the offspring would require of society.

Because of the power of sexuality as a creative tool both on the individual and joint level, the recommendation made here is that we make a commitment to the free unfoldment of the creative spirit of the individual with whom we engage. In doing so, become very clear on our motives and intentions for there will always be a child produced with which we will need to live. Additionally, since energy is released in every joining, when engaging in sexuality, we need to become very aware of: the thoughts we have during sexual intimacy; their intention and expectations of the intimacy; and how we choose to live with the offspring produced.

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