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 Probing the unconscious


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To take the inner journey or access beliefs deep within our being is to enter the realm of the subconscious and unconscious mind. It is to go where our conscious mind has not been before. Although it lies within our being it is unknown territory to our conscious. Here the recommendations is to explore the nonconscious mind much the way we move into the unknown for any creative endeavor. That is to allow feelings to be our guide.

It needs to be remembered as used here the subconscious refers to those aspects of mind relative easily retrievable but below the conscious mind. The unconscious refers more to aspects of mind that existed before our current mind became aware of itself. The reason for our incarnation and the reason why we have the body we do lies in our unconscious. As such, mind is of little value in accessing the unconscious and understanding what we access until we obtain the minimum set of experience to properly characterize and understand what we access. Until then we will have to rely our feeling to explore our nonconscious mind.

Accessing the unconscious is best discussed as an example where the example is to access the intention for our life. Looking to access the intention for our life complements our life for it accesses the source of our current life and the source of our creative power. Other explorations can take us into realms but they do not for us individually what the intention for our life can do for us.

To access the unconscious we need to direct the focus of our attention and awareness into what we feel about what we desire to know. The question we need to ask is to know what it feels like to access what is desired. We need to take that feeling and look at every decision in our life and ask if that decision is, or will, take us toward what we desire, away from it or it is it neutral. We need to make as many decisions as possible that move us toward creating that feeling trusting that even if we appeared to be mislead, we are doing what is necessary to gain that minimum set of experience for our mind to effectively characterize and manifest the understanding we desire and all that goes with it.

What lies within is what is symbolized in our heart and lies beyond what our current mind can represent and maybe even beyond what our current mind can ever understand. Even as we gain experiences about what we hold unconsciously, we may never consciously know. All we can do is feel our way to achieve that end. But to feel our way we have to become open to feeling, be aware of what we feel and have calibrated our internal compass to know which thoughts serve us, or do not serve us, and do or don’t lead us to what we desire.

As discussed in the topic "The Time Capsule - Second Mystical Experience of Memory," the author want to play the violin at age four. He did not know why he was drawn to that instrument. Based on how he seen that instrument played it seem to represent what he needed to create in and with his life. Although he never learned to play the violin, he came to understand it was not the violin that was important. It was about how it was played and what lied in the musician who played the violin in a way the author desired to hear the violin played. It was the musician’s passion that come forth in playing the violin. In time the author came to understand the violin was about accessing and having the passion which lied within our being and have an effective way for that passion to be expressed.

Similarly, we will have feelings about things. It may be a knowing. It may be about something we need to do in our life. It may be something that will happen in our life. However, mind will only do the best it can. If we focus on how mind characterizes what we feel, we will become diverted. However, if we stay focused on the feeling and allow our mind to refine it interpretation as we gain that minimum set of experience, we will find the feeling always lead true. We will find we can learn to read what we feel and under what circumstances we should trust the feeling more than our mind.

Telling our life story or the story of our life, drawing a life map and the like are effective ways to being to explore our subconscious and unconscious aspects of our mind. The story we tell and the life map lend themselves well to revealing many subconscious aspect of our life. However, to see the unconscious aspects, we will have to stand back and look at the whole pattern being reflected in the story we tell our life map. By retelling our story or drawing our life map in several different ways we can begin to see exactly what is being revealed in through our story or life map. We will also being to see what way of telling our story or drawing our life map feels most correct and in that feeling we will know how we need to live our life and what decisions we need to make in life.

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