Exploring the view of the heart

Exploring the role of the feminine in the creative process
Feminine Creative Power - Topic 3 of 10
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic 

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Discerning personal truth exercise

The first step in exploring the view from the heart is to be able to discern our personal truth and to know what our truth feels like. We can begin know to what our truth feels like by doing the discerning the personal truth exercise.

Do the exercise found in the topic, "Discerning personal truth."

Calibrating the internal compass

Calibrate the internal compass is probably the most important exercise we can do and key to manifesting our creative endeavors when we move into the unknown. Becoming aware of what we feel and whether or not we are being served by what we are experiencing should be a daily meditation. If this exercise has been done before, look at the original results and see if they still hold true. Or, because of the experience one has had since doing the exercise, our understanding and feelings may evolved, or are evolving, into something new.

Calibrate the internal compass.

Relative to any creative endeavor, it is important to know what feeling we desire to experience in life and be able to describe that feeling and be able to recognize it.

Awareness of what we feel in the moment

It is very important to be able to be aware of what we feel in the moment to know if what is occurring is serving us and what we desire to create. To become aware of what we feel in the moment, we need to do the "Most basic and fundamental feeling exercise."

Do the "Most basic and fundamental feeling exercise."

The comparison of the moment

Compare what you felt in the basic feeling exercise and the past experiences which gave you a feeling of the fullness of being and the feeling of what pulls you into life. In doing this comparison, look for two things. One is how much what you are currently experiencing is related to the feeling of the fullness of being and/or what pulls you into life. The more the feelings correspond, the more what you are doing is what serves you.

The second thing is look to see if you can see a calmness and contentment within your being in the fullness of being and what pulls you into life. Usually this calmness and contentment is not readily seen for we are not paying attention to it. However when we are doing what really serves us, there is calmness and contentment in what we do in life that goes as deeper, if not deeper, than any calm state we can create in meditation. One does not need to meditate or do any exercise or activity to calm themselves and/or find contentment in life. They simply need to be doing what gives them a fullness of being and a passion for life and for living.

Expanding our awareness

In becoming aware of what we feel and see in the moment, we can expand our awareness to access any aspect of creation. The "Expanding our awareness exercise" provides a way to access this ability. With this ability we can begin to see our human lives are not what we think they are. We can being to see, experience and even understand many of the deep undercurrents giving rise to Creation if not access some of them. Overlaying this ability with compassion provide a powerful way to resolve in our own life many of the issues we face as to why we experience what we do. Here we can begin to truly understand and see for ourselves that creation/Creation is not done alone and we cannot give what we do not have. We can being to see we are truly like the honey bee unaware of what it is really doing when it seeks only do what it was created to do.

Returning to the honey bee

In understanding our lives are truly like that of the honey bee, we can begin to see how we impact things in our life and things impact us of which our mind is not aware. One aspect of Creation which we impact which our mind is unaware is our own creative spirit. To access the feminine creative power we need to become aware of our creative spirit and what it desires to create. What our creative spirit desires to create is best described as the intention for our life. The intention for our life is the source of our life and the source of our creative power in life. It is an aspect of our being which consciously need to be accessed and experienced. In learning to nourish the unfoldment of our creative spirit and live our truth we will learn how to nourish any creation we desire to manifest.

However, it is our feelings that will give us the information about our creative spirit, not what mind thinks, believes and thinks it knows. There is an awareness in what we feel and the awareness is beyond mind and what we think and believe. We will need to be able to discern our truth and use our internal compass to follow the feelings that give us a fullness of being and calmness about life that arise from the intention for our life.

If we do not allow ourselves to face where our creative life energy needs to flow we will never accomplish what we came to do and have the experiences to pieces our life together. Contrary to how successful we think we are with our life or we are told about our success, we only find true fulfillment in accomplishing what we incarnated to do. In learning to flow with our creative life energy to have the experiences we incarnated to have we will come to know and understand the feminine creative power in the fastest and easiest way. The reason for this is that it is the feminine aspect of Creation that is nurturing and sustaining our life. In learning to how to nurture the life we incarnated to experience, we will come to know and understand the feminine creative power of Creation. .

On this note, there is another important point. If we think we know what we are here to do and we identify with a role or perspective we have about ourselves and not rely on our own feelings, we will totally miss what we need to do. We cannot follow any other. We must learn to follow our own truth. An identification with an external role in the world more likely than not will take us away from our path. Any external identity we assumed will have to change because of the nature of the flow of energy through the environment in which we find ourselves to live the intention for our life.

How this all works

Discussions as to how and why what is described here works the way it does is provided in a variety of Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity topics. Creativity Physics and how we create our experiences and the creative/creation process are topics on which you can use to begin your journey of understanding. However, having such an understanding is not necessary to access feminine creative power. What is provided in each of the steps provided here is adequate.

The next step
Exploring the view of the mind

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