Creating a fertile space exercise 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The most creative state of being

The most creative state of being - that is, the best or most powerful state of being in which the seeds and foundation for creating our experiences are laid - is characterized by free spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration of ourselves and our world coupled with a calmness and relaxation within our being and a thought, idea or the like is injected in that calmness to take root. That thought, idea or the like inserted along with the feeling of the freedom of the play grows like a seed guiding our action to pull from the unseen  the experiences we desire have to have and unfold a life based on that thought/idea.

The deeper the calmness and relaxation, the greater the thought takes root. The greater the breadth of calmness and relaxation cutting across our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical being, the greater the thought takes root. The greater the depth and breadth of playfulness the greater the thought takes root. The greater the feeling generated the more energy and passion present so as to both not lose focus and act to do what is necessary.

If we are in a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play at each and every level of our being, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, and couple that childlike play in a relaxed and calm state of being spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, then interject an idea or thought, one’s whole world will shift to manifest that thought. In essence a seed is planted to recreate one’s life.

This is why childhood and childlike play is so important from a creativity perspective and activities like meditation, hypnosis and the like are such powerful creative tools. If we think about what many hypnotist do is to create a safe and secure space where one is free to experiment. They then relax the individual as deep as possible and then insert a thought. That thought then takes root and unfolds when one returns to consciousness and the mundane world.

Approximating and moving toward the most creative state

We can do something similar when we use the "Pool of water insertion exercise," modify the guided meditation approach to insert some particular thought in a playful state or create a state of play as in a ritual or metatheater to set the intention as in planting a seed or drawing a proverbial line in the sand over which we step never to return. The approach here is to use the technique of inserting a thought into calmness coupled with feeling to start our journey to return to a state of play or opening ourselves to feeling.

To get started, we create a transcript of what we desire to explore and/or accomplish. The transcript can recorded on a tape play and played back when we have reached a calm state or it can be read to us by another.

The transcript can address whatever we feel appropriate to our situation. Some items recommended for consideration on the transcript are as follows and phrased as if you are telling them to yourself. If the transcript is read to you make the appropriate word changes.

The pool of water calming mediation can be used to calm and relax ourselves. Either play the recorded transcript back or have it read after having entered this calm state. Stay focused on keeping the pool calm until the transcript is completed. Allow the words to enter your being and permeate all aspects of your being.

The exercise

The follow is a sample for creating a fertile space used to open the door for learning how to create what we desire to manifest. It keeps faith with the old proverb, "Give an individual a fish, they eat for a day. Teach them how to fish, they eat for life time." This transcript direct the individual towards teaching the individual how to create. That is, to create the ability to create whatever ability you need to manifest what you desire.

Focus on your breathing..... Feel your chest rising and falling with each breadth...... Imagine an agitated pool of water full of ripples...... As you breath in and out, see the rippled dissipating and the pool becoming calm......see the pool of water become like a sheet of glass......While looking at the surface of this very calm pool and feeling your chest rise and fall as you breath, image an experience real or imaginary where you have a great feeling of pleasure in life...... you feel a fullness of life within you.... you feel a passion for life and for living within....... you feel a passion to feel to live life and to engage in life.....If you have difficulty finding a experience where you feel a passion for life.... imagine yourself as a small child complete free to spontaneously and innocently discover and explore this little child in the freedom of play......Allow yourself to remain in this playful state and feel the freedom of play as you hear and contemplate the follow..... You may even wish to repeat the world in your own mind as you here them without leaving this playful state.....

  • I am in control of all that I experience - I see myself in control. I allow myself to become open to what is inside me and open to what I feel.

  • I allow myself to become creatively aware and awake to the cause-event relationship between what I experience in life and my thinking.

  • I allow myself to become mindful and aware of my thought, words, actions and memories. I am especially aware of how my thoughts, words, actions and memories influence and affect what I experience in life.

  • I am in a safe and secure space and free to express whatever needs to be expressed in a safe way.

  • I honor and respect both what I share and what any other may share

  • I am free to go as deep as necessary to bring forth my own truth and face the root issues that are standing in the way of accessing the creative ability and creative power I seek

  • I look to find the fastest, easiest and gentlest way of dealing with whatever arises and give myself permission to create the seed condition of awareness and feeling to create a gentle phoenix in my life for any transformation I desire to undertake.

  • I open myself to be see what it is I need to do, or to become, to find an inner satisfaction that never runs dry and to create a life worth living. That is, my life is so full and rich I could spend eternity experiencing it and never become dissatisfied.

  • I am free to ask and pursue any questions I may have.

  • I allow myself to feel the freedom of my creative spirit and I will remember this feeling of freedom so I can recognize it and use it in my life and be able to release from the cage of our own making.

  • I am free to return to a state of innocently and spontaneously discovering and exploring whatever needs to be addressed.

  • I recognize within me is a wonderful, powerful, wise but yet vulnerable creative spirit that desires to come out and freely express itself and its creativity.

  • I provide whatever protection my creative spirit needs in a way that holds my creativity sacred. I do not use the response patterns to life I used as a child to protect it. I develop new response patterns to life that are both sufficient to protect my creative spirit yet do not put it in a cage of my own making.

  • As I access and live my truth and allow my creative spirit to be free, those who see me different a gently lead to where they are safe and secure.

  • Now, allow your awareness to come back into the room. In returning to the awareness to the room note any feelings or observations made during or after this process

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