Becoming our truth
01 Initial realization - avoiding the pain of life


Becoming Our Truth - Topic 1 of 7
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Initial Realization - Avoiding the pain of life - We learn to deny our truth and not live true to the essence of our being one way or another to one degree or another. Need to tell our story to look beyond the story we tell.


Form a creativity perspective, our true starting condition is we come into the world in a playful state of being of childlike play. Play is what lies in our true nature and at the Source of Creation for all is consciousness at play with itself. When we are born, we are free to spontaneously and innocently explore our selves and the world we experience. Being in this state of play is both Heaven, the Kingdom of God, here on earth and the mystical state of Nirvana.

To truly play is to be unattached and not take what is done seriously. It is to experience true freedom. It is to experience each experience we have like the wind, coming with nothing (no attachments) and leaving with nothing (no attachments). However the nature of mind is to become attached in one way or another to what we experience. As a minimum we remember each experience we have. The root of attachment is we remember what we experience. We may consciously forget or not recall what we experience, but we nevertheless remember each experience.

Creative play and the desire to creatively play is the truth of our being and is what lies at the source/Source of our being. Loss of this creative state of play as a result of the experiences of life and the memories we hold is very profound. It has given rise to what has been called original sin in some spiritual and religious traditions. It is a perspective that the human experience is somehow or in some way less that a Divine experience.

The human experience tends to be seen as something that needs to be transcended and we must leave it in order to regain Heaven and/or Nirvana. But nothing is farther from the truth. We can regain it here and now if we become our truth and be able to freely express our truth in the world in which we live.

When our spontaneous and innocent childlike play is thwarted we suffer some degree of pain. How much we suffer depends on what happens. The pain we experience can lie on a spectrum of a mild disappointment to an intense pain and/or trauma that causes us to literally lose a part of our spirit.

To protect ourselves from our pain, we develop response patterns to life. Initially, the response patterns are directed to protect against specific types and kinds of pain. However, in time we lose the spontaneity and innocence to discover and explore ourselves and our world in one or more areas of our life if not the majority of our life. Most will have a few areas of where the are still free to creative play. Still, others have retained no freedom. Many who are seen to be creative are creative only in a few aspects of their life where they have developed response patters to life that allow those areas to remain open. There are of course a few individual who seem to be creative in any area of life - at least what they present to the outside world.

The major issue is that our response patterns to life are directed at avoiding pain. Consequently we never really explore the pain we have to understand its true source. There is a gift in pain but we need to follow it to its source. Rather our response is to move away from the pain, suppress it or somehow otherwise remove it from our life. Consequently, there are layers of protective response patterns to life that overlay the pain of the past. That pain of the past, in turn, overlays the free expression of our creative spirit, the depth and breadth of our creative power and creative ability, and the true nature of our being.

To free our creative spirit, we need to (1) find where we have protective response patters, (2) address the pain that gave rise to the response pattern, and (3) explore the free expression of that aspect of our being that has been held prisoner in the cage of our own making. Additionally, we need to do this to each aspect of our life until we being to see the pattern of our life and our creativity to make the jump past mind to true freedom and the free expression of our truth.

Pain is a gift and is only a warning that some limit or threshold is exceeded or will be exceeded. The question is, does moving past the limit or threshold serve us and/ or what we desire to create or does it in some way harm us. We can only know if we know the truth of our being.

Recommendations to being to regain our creative play and becoming our truth

A note on recommendations: The recommendations made are actions that have been found helpful for individual who elect to become their truth and regain a young childlike playful state of being. In acting on any of these recommendations, it needs to be noted that being physical is about having a physical experience. From a creativity perspective and holding our creativity sacred it has been found that whatever we do mentally and intellectually relative to changed in our life and/or the way we think and believe should be accompanied by some physical action to make the knowing experiential. The reason for the physical action is that physical experience provide a stronger imprint in our memory to catalyze the change we desire to create. The easiest way to make a mental or intellectual understanding experiential is to perform some type of playful physical act such as a ritual, ceremony, metatheater, story telling, drawing, model creation, toy enactment and the like.

Giving ourselves permission: Our creative spirit is extremely vulnerable. Mind seeks to protect our creative spirit from is creative play from being thwarted. We need to give ourselves permission to explore our past and address the pain of the past. Currently the “door” is locked. We are protecting what we hold sacred. We must give the guard at the door (our mind) permission to open the door. Create a consent form or us a example to sign and document permission is granted to explore the past and what we may find. Consider doing a “not doing” exercise to demonstrate we are willing to step out of our controlling mind to do what we need to do.

Exploration of the past - telling our story: Use a life map or some similar method to guide the exploration of our life. Iterate the map and the story we tell as necessary to go as deep as necessary. The experience is often experience like pealing the layers of an onion - it seem endless but each layer goes deeper. It is also experienced as a spiraling around. We seem to go over the same experiences again and again but at deeper and deeper levels. Eventually, as with the onion, when all the layers are pealed, nothing remains.

Seeing beyond the story we tell: We need to learn to see our lives like the honey bee. If we ask the honey bee what it does, it will say it collects pollen to make honey in the hive. But what is not seen by the honey bee is that it fertilizes the plant so they can bear fruit. So too each experience we have in life. We have to look to being to see the bigger picture and the larger process of which we are a part.

Explore creativity to find where we can still creatively play: Most of us shut down the freedom to spontaneous and innocent explore ourselves and our world. However, there are usually a few areas that we still give ourselves permission to be relatively free. The can act as a starting point. We need to explore to see where those areas lie and focus on the creativity they provide. By doing what we are free to creatively explore, we open the door to a deeper communication with the creator/Creator of our lives and our experiences. In our creativity, we can talk creator to the creator/Creator as a creator to creation/Creator. It is in these conversations we can find guidance to create the Heaven on earth and experience Nirvana here and now.

The next step
Becoming our truth - 02 Mask of the heart

Related topics
Loss of creative play
Journey of reconstitution

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