Fear of the greatest common good 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Fear of the greatest common good is one of the more interesting fears that is not obvious and many are, in fact, embarrassed to admit it. Whenever one makes a request to the Divine, God, the unseen, or whatever we may wish to call it, it has been frequently advised by many traditions to offer the request in, and for, the greatest common good. In some way, this implies that for which we asked for ourselves is not in the greatest common good and that the greatest common good is not what we would want. In this regard, something for the greatest common good will mean a sacrifice from our perspective because we have to give of ourselves or what we desire to the common good. As such fear arises in that we become a "clog in the wheel" and we are ultimately at the mercy of society.

To think that for which we ask for ourselves is not in the interest of the greatest common good and we have to sacrifice for the greatest common good are both very far from truth. The first thing that needs to be understood is whether we are acting out of our heart or our enculturated mind we are part of the all that exists and are the perfect expression of our beliefs as they are expressed on the physical plane as is everything around us. So to start with, everything is, has been and will be in the greatest common good for everything is interconnected. In this regard, all ideas are, in fact, shared and understood at some level of being although we do not share at a conscious level.

All is already good and in the greatest common good. The fact that people are experiencing pain and suffering is just the universe taking the individual’s where they need to go to get where they are going. It is nothing more than that. There is a gift in pain if we learn how to use the gift. The universe punishes no one. We have a free will and we are free to choose as we wish. People are getting fruits for the path they have charted by the beliefs they choose to hold and the direction they have set for their life.

We have the opportunity at any time to awaken to our path and choose to live consistently with our beliefs. The truth that is in our heart if we choose to access it and listen to that truth. Rather than have the pain and suffering resulting from living other than what serves us and our truth, we can let go of what we believe and that on which we hold that must pass from our life. The fact that something is painful or not painful has no bearing, and is no indicator, if it is for the greatest common good for all. All is already just as it needs to be, which includes for the greatest common good. It is the greatest common good as it is is what is giving rise to our thoughts. We and our environment are integrally connected.

We are all part of the greatest common good when we make the request and are therefore making the request from a position of the greatest common good. In oneness, there is no other way. We are exactly how and where we need to be and our request is exactly how it needs to be, no matter how we or any one else may judge our request. What we think is the greatest common good is not necessarily what the greatest common good looks like. We tend to draw conclusions and expectations from the enculturated mind and what we think and not from the truth that is. All we need to do is to learn to act, be and do without concern for the individual enculturated ego to become that detached witness. In doing so we shall see everything the way it needs to be and that we are acting in the greatest common good all the time. However, if we stay in the enculturated ego, we will just not be performing as efficiently as we could perform, but that has no bearing on if it is for the greatest common good. It already is for the greatest common good as the greatest common good perceives itself to be. .It is here we step into the collective, the power of the collective, and what the collective and interconnectedness really means.

Related to this is the concept or feeling that something for the greatest common good will mean self sacrifice because we have to give of ourselves or what we desire to the common good. Again, this is a gross misunderstanding. We are part of the common good, so our interests are just as important as the interests of everyone else. If what we desire is judged as selfish, we are nevertheless playing a role in the collective. We can never separate ourselves from the oneness. We and our needs are part of the greatest common good. We, as everyone else, will get and do get exactly that which is for the greatest common good. What we desire may seem to go against society but we may be called to lead society in a different direction or push our society to solidify its thinking in a given area.

We are free to ask, do and live whatever we want and feel lead to do or think that we want to do. All that is recommended is that we do it in consciousness and the realization that there are consequences to our action. In acting in consciousness all that we will be doing is accelerating the process of which we are a part. Simply by living we will awaken our consciousness sufficiently that we will learn responsibility and become a co-creator of the universe. We can do it now or later. It doesn’t really matter. There is no time in the Universe. Time is only a Creation of our mind. Time is not of the physical plane for Physical Creation is part of the Creation with no time.

We can play out our desires and have attempt to experience we desire. In dong so, one of two things will happen. If we are doing, acting, and living our from the heart, there will be incredible and unsurpassed magic in our world. If we live totally out of our enculturated mind, we will quickly get ourselves into so much pain that we will either give up and learn to live from the heart or we will destroy our physical vehicle and have to come back and try again. Most sufficiently and naturally dance between heart and mind such that they can survive in the world. But living should not about surviving. It should be about creating a life worth living.

But we are free to take as long as we want before we have this realization. However, we need to realize we are the perfect expression on the physical plane of the beliefs that we hold. If we wish to experiencing something different, we need to think and believe in a different way. Everything already is, was and shall be for the greatest common good. We only need to release our judgment about what we think is, and is not, for the greatest common good. In dong so we can come to see how and why all is already good. But you need not take the authors’ word for this. Set the intention to know the truth of what is and do your own experiments and see where you are lead.

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