Deep feelings beyond sexuality


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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If we focus our attention and awareness into what we feel we can come to understand there is an awareness in what we feel and we can have insights that are otherwise unavailable. In understanding how to access and use the awareness which lies in feeling we can come to see there are profound insights and a deeper awareness as to the nature of Creation available in the deep feelings that lie beyond sexuality. The awareness and insights available have been the goal in spiritual practices based on sexuality such as Tantra. These insights are also why individual can come to profound realizations through sexuality.

The awareness which is available depends on how we have focused our attention and awareness. Most do not see anything for the sex experiences is the end point of their observation. That is, they engage in sex to have sex to enjoy the feelings of sex or to create a child. Rarely is it engaged is it to open oneself to feeling and to see beyond the physical into the unseen.

Some available insights

There are many types and kinds of insights available. Many of them are most useful in our creative endeavors where we need to step into the unknown. What we access depends on how we have focused our attention and awareness and the intentions we hold. The conscious and nonconscious composite intention we hold becomes very important for what we access. Because of their importance our life, two of the more routinely accessed insights are insights about the intention for our life and issue we carry over from previously lives into our current life.

Insights about the intention for our life: Because the intention for our life is what brought us into this world and what gives us life it is only natural since sexuality is about procreating life that sexuality provides a ready access to the intention for our life. However, the understanding about the intention for our life lies beyond the sexuality. Within the feeling there is a clarity about what we need to do in life or with our life which comes in a knowing. The knowing is only accessible through feeling - the deepest feeling to which we can go. These feelings arise and come through the body tending to enthuse the entire body. The feelings lie beyond the types and kinds of feelings which can arise in sex but are often similar for the feelings are about creating life. Consequently, because there can be sexual overtones when the whole body is enthused with the feeling of the business of our life or the intention for our life, most never see this knowing or use it for they get diverted by the sex.

The reason for this is when the feelings arise and enthuse our entire being and if we are open to what we feel, in feelings these feelings most individuals tends to move toward engaging in sex thinking the feeling are sexually based feelings when they are not. The feelings are about creating life but not about creating a physical or nonphysical offspring with another in sexuality although the energy can be used for such purposes and that may actually be a necessary part of what is unfolding. Rather the feelings are about creating life within oneself, the business of our life, to be brought forth into the world. Engaging in sex itself will not interfere with accessing the knowing. But as a result of the "baggage" around sex and what we think and believe about sex, the sex tends to divert the attention and awareness of the individual in a way that usually keeps the individual from accessing the awareness and the knowing in one way or another.

Previous experiences: It has been observed that in moving into the deep feelings beyond sex one can frequently access understandings about our past lives or past existence. This is especially true if our intention is to pursue the inner journey of exploration.

Here again, we should not be surprised that the feelings of sex will cause us to recall previous lives or a previous existence. Since sex is about creating life, it causes memories of the lives we have lived to surface especially if they were passionate or intense lives in some way. Intense loves or trauma that has influences on our current life routine can be awakened.

Need for another to access the deep feelings beyond sex

One of the more interesting aspects of accessing the deep feelings beyond sex is that we need another to take us there. Creation/creation is not done alone. We need another to give us the experiences we desire to have. This is most relevant when it comes to accessing the deep feeling which lie beyond sex. Certain aspects of sex can be done solo, if not most. However, there is the needs for another. Skin is a sense organ and it feels. The more contact on the skin, the greater the feeling. The presence of another allows for feelings that cannot be obtained without another. This is especially true if one is going to access the deep feelings beyond sexuality. Of course, this is also the greatest trap of sexuality and the cause of why so many get diverted by sexuality. To access the awareness in feeling and/or allow feelings to guide us, we will need to be able to step past and through the feelings of sexuality.

However, one cannot access through sexuality the awareness they need which only comes in deep feelings which lie beyond sexuality and the feeling of sexuality unless the partner with whom they are sexual desires them to access that awareness. It needs to be remembered sex is about exchanging and mixing of energy and this occurs at each and every level of being. One may have clarity and a clear intention as to what they desire to do and experience. However, a partner who is not clear or has other motives can cause us to become distracted if not confused. A clear joint intention is the best way to access and use the deep feeling beyond sex. Additionally, the partner needs to do what is needed for the individual to access the awareness, and are willing to do what is required so that the individual may live what the awareness directs. This may sound like a very minor point but it has huge implications and is a major stumbling block in several different ways. This causes many to miss what they are seeking and keep individuals from freeing what lies beyond sex.

Revisiting the Garden of Eden Story

An alternative way to look at what lies in the feeling beyond sex is to revisit the Garden of Eden Story found in text used by many of the world’s religions. In this story, humanity is banished from the Garden of Eden for violating the direction provided by God and eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge located in the center of the Garden. In banishing humanity from the Garden God is said to have place a angel with a fiery sword at the gate to keep humanity out. God is reported to have said humanity must be banished from the Garden or they will eat of the Tree of Life and live forever.

The tree of knowledge of good and evil causes death. Adam and Eve were kept away from the tree of life by an angel with a fiery sword. The tree of knowledge is the mind. The tree of life is the heart and what we feel. What we feel flows from the Source of Creation. It is what gives us life and sustains our life. But no one has every taught us about how to follow what we feel to create life. The only thing people know about in following a feeling to create life is about sex and nothing more - most never get past the sex. Yet what lies past the sex is the key to life and what gives life.

This awareness is not readily available nor is it easily found in any book or even from any teacher for it must be experienced and we must be willing to surrender to the experience. Yet the tree of life lies within our own heart and what we feel (and past the sex). It needs to be noted an angel with the fiery sword keep Adam and Eve out of the garden and away from the tree of life. In many ways sex is an angel with a fiery sword. It has the beauty of the most magnificent angel yet what it causes to arise in many individuals much like a fiery sword and keeps people way from the tree of life within their own being. That is, sex keeps people aware from the awareness which lies in feeling that creates life. Only in moving past the sex does one find the truth of life.

Moving past the sex

The topics "Moving past the sex" and "What moving past sexuality looks like" provides discussions that can help to move past the sex to access and use the deep feeling beyond sex. The easiest way to move past sex is the desire to set one’s partner free at each level of being and do what it takes to accomplish that end. This intention, and a serious intent to implement it, provides a way to move past the ego and the personal desires for sexual gratification. It seeks to put the other’s interest first. One needs to see themselves as a vehicle to open the other to feeling in every part of their body. They also need to set the intention to direct the energy of the other individual that is released in the feelings related to sexuality back into the intention of the individual.

Sexuality can be parasitic in that many use the other individual for their own pleasures and enjoyment. They tend to the other’s needs only sufficiently to keep them willing to minister to their needs. To move past the sex, we cannot take the energy for ourselves but must direct it back into the other individual. When this is done, the other individual finds a great freedom and they are free to feel the depth and breadth of what is felt. In that feeling there is an awareness.

Exactly what this looks like will be unique to the individual and their partner. But whatever is done one should try and move as much as possible with a beginner's mind to spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration to becoming open to feeling and what can be felt in and through the body and the deepest feelings possible. Here, one need to use their intuitive guidance to guide our actions and what needs to be done so as to stay out of the ego and its desires. The key is to seek to create the space, a safe and secure space for the free expression of the creative spirit and to feel the depth and breadth of what is possible. In that feeling the individual can access the infinity of our being and stumble into an experience of the Ultimate Accident.

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An awareness in the body
An awareness in what we feel
Using the awareness of the body beyond sexuality
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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