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  The use of sex in creativity is about creating a seed condition and/or a flow of energy 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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It need to be realized and understood, life is conceived in passion and what is conceived is a seed condition. Before we come into Physical Creation our body is conceived in passion. Most of us never think about it but the actions our parents took place to bring us into life was done in sexual passion. This passion creates a seed our of which all human life unfolds. We should not be surprised that passion is about creating any life including recreating the life we are currently living. When we feel an intense passion that gives rise to sexual feelings we may want to consider there is a desire for life and creating a new life or recreating an existing life passing through our being. However, more importantly is that this passion and sexuality creates a seed condition on whatever level of our being the life is conceived. Sexuality is about creating a seed condition to create life.

Although most see and experience sex as creating the conditions for procreation of physical offspring or for its pleasure, there are other aspects to sex beyond procreation and pleasure. They exist any time one engaged in sex. In actuality, sex is about creating and experiencing a seed condition which grows and unfolds to bear fruit and/or to generate and experience a flow of energy, a creative passion, to manifest some desired creation. One only needs to look at how our life and/or what we think of life after an sexual encounter to see these other aspects.

When one engages in a sexual experience, the first level is purely energetic and will always be present. In any intimate sexual engagement, the first level is the purely energetic coupling of the masculine and feminine aspects of the creative process. It needs to be realized that there may never be a physical coupling of the male and female. Nevertheless, there is still an energetic coupling. This is what sexual attraction is all about.

In looking at the creative/creation process purely energetically, the masculine seeks the feminine that can supply the energy to manifest the desired creation. The masculine seeks that greatest potential difference between the two poles that will ensure that supply the energy. Experienced consciously, the masculine seeks what is most exciting and stimulating. The feminine on the others energetically looks for the most stable and reliable space in which to nurture her creation. She needs to be safe and secure to freely give all that she needs to give to the creation. In essence, she wants to ensure the survival of her creation. She will look to find the masculine that will ensure the survival of her creation. When these two objectives are reasonably met, there is the generation of energy. How much energy depends on the masculine and feminine continuing to interact. It can be a one time burst of energy or a continually generation of energy.

In looking at the creative/creation process purely with a consciousness perspective opposed to the energy aspects, what is experienced all depends on what consciousness thinks and believes and how it perceive itself and that conceptually ideal mate. Here lies an important understanding. Energetically, the masculine and feminine coupling is about generating a flow of energy based on the existing set of conditions which will unfold as a new creation and/or a life. However, it is consciousness which determines what is created and will grow and unfold.

If we surrender to what we feel, consciousness awakens allowing for the for energy of the situation to control the joining. In doing so, we allow the energy which give rise to the masculine and feminine attraction to flow to dissipation. Or, consciousness can choose what it thinks and it can completely change the flow of energy that is unfolding. It is here consciousness becomes the creator of its experience and becomes the cause in the cause effect relationship.

What needs to be understood, males and females do not just mate and there is much more to the interaction at many different levels. There are preliminaries that occur in the mind of each individual even in cases where one, or the other, or both, are forced. These preliminaries are already disturbing the flow which brought the two individuals together. The mental thoughts we hold and the energy going into acting on what we think all get rolled into the creation that occurs as a seed condition to unfold. Here our intentions at each and every level of being become very important. We are multidimensional beings. We can and will create on each and every level of our being. How the masculine and feminine come together at each and every level of our being is just as important, if not more important, than the coming together of the male and female. That is, any coupling the a masculine and feminine aspect will give rise to an offspring, a flow of energy, as a result of that coupling. Regardless of whether or not a physical offspring is produced, it is in essence a seed. It is a seed that will grow and unfold as a life of it own. The question here is, "How and were do we direct that energy?

It is recommended we become aware that any intimate coupling will create an energetic child and we need to become aware of what we desire to create at each and every level of our being. It is also recommended to eat and digest what is provided in the topic on Creative Sexuality about creativity and sexuality. Then obtain clarity as to what we wish to create and pull the string as to why we desire what we desire as opposed to something else. Look to see what is really motivating our actions in which we wish to use sex and sexuality. Then consult our intuitive guidance and see what it advises us to do.

As to specifically seeing the seed nature of sex and sexuality, the recommendation is to set the intention to see it and then allow yourself to be lead to the situations or individuals who consciously or nonconsciously employed sexuality in some way in what they were creating. Then wait to see the fruit of what unfolded in their lives much the way one would watch a seed grow. What one can come to see is that one does not have to physically engage in sex and sexuality to use it in what they create or influence their creative ability as to what they can create.

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