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 Our creative passion and sexuality 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Our creative power is accessed in feeling. Our creative passion leads us to creative activities in life that give us the most passion and instill in us a passion for living and for live itself. It is the feeling we get in doing those activities that are most closely aligned with the intention for our life and will be in alignment with the flow of our creative life energy. Our creative passion is about creating life. In particular, to life the life incarnated to live.

It need to be realized and understood, life is conceived in passion. Before we come into physical Creation our body is conceived in passion. Most of us never think about it but the actions our parents took place to bring us into life was done in sexual passion. This passion creates a seed our of which all human life unfolds. We should not be surprised that passion is about creating any life including recreating the life we are currently living. When we feel an intense passion that gives rise to sexual feelings we may want to consider there is a desire for life and creating a new life or recreating an existing life passing through our being.

In this regard, creative passion may be sexual but sexual passion may do nothing for our creativity. Sex creates tremendous feelings within our being about individuals and situations we face in life. Sex is about accessing or creating passion and a flow of energy that will sustain us through our creative endeavor involved in creating life in some way or another. But creative passion at its essence is not a sexual passion and a pull to have sex. Rather, it is a passion to create life.

It is the passion that we feel in this alignment is what will supply the energy for us to create and manifest the intention for our life and the life we incarnated to have. In this regard, our creative passion is not only for our enjoyment, as such. Rather, it is necessary to supply the energy for the creation and it is vital and needed for that effort. This is an extremely important concept. We have incarnated to have a certain set of experiences and there needs to be creative tension in our life that pulls us into these experiences. More often than not, it is the sexuality aspects of life that create the tension.

To create within our creative passion there is also a strong desire to propagate the life that is us. When living in our creative passion, we want to create life at every level of our being. Physical life is only one of the levels at which we desire to create. Remember, we are infinitely dimensional and the energy flows across all dimensions. When we are in our creative passion we desire to create at all levels. Sexuality is only one way the energy of the universe seeking to propagate the life that generated, or allowed, the energy to flow into creation.

On this note, to feel sexual does not mean that we are fully in line with the energy that flows within our being. Nor are we aligned with it. It only means that we wish to propagate the life that they are currently living. However, if we are fully aligned with the energy that is flowing within our being, we will feel sexual and will want to create life at every level of our being. The two cases are not the same and are quite different. Unfortunately, it is something that can only be experienced and not adequately described. It is something that must be felt and then the two feelings - being in the flow and not in the flow - compared.

Now the problem is that in our creative activities if we deny the passion, its creativity, the expression of its creativity or the expression of the energy itself, we will deny the intention for our life, we will deny the Creator who created it, we will deny and scatter our creative life energy and rob the energy from the intention we desire to manifest. It must be remembered that we are not a physical being trying to become spiritual. We are an infinite being having localized its energy and consciousness in the human physical experience and we can’t very well have the full depth and breath of the physical experience if we are going to shut down or scatter the flow of our creative life energy because we judge an expression of the energy as somehow unacceptable to the physical experience. There are no accidents in life. If we are drawn to an individual or they are drawn to us, there is a reason for that pull. If we are able and willing to explore the origins of that pull, there will be an enlightenment we obtain about how we are creating our reality.

Remember the desire to reunite and the longing for the beloved is inherent to the separation of energy consciousness to form Creation. When we move to find that beloved, we are enthused throughout all of our being to create so that we end a separation within our being. In doing so, the energy will flow through all parts of our body and we will feel sexual for our sexual organs and sexuality are only a part of our body that is being enthused with the creative life energy. Sexuality and what we feel sexually is a part of, and inherent to, the creative life energy as it flows into creation. As we explore our longing and the reasons for that pull as it exist the way it does and opposed to any other way, it tells us how and why we are creating the experiences we have. It is here one needs learn to move past the sexuality and into the flow of the energy.

Whether we feel sexually or not depends on what we desire to create. In fact, desiring to create physical sexual intimacy may or may not create sexual feelings. We can create desires in the mind and we can have sex to satisfy those desires but the feelings in the body are quite different between the feelings that come from a desire of the heart. Here it needs to be added a biological sexual response is different than either the mind or the heart but the biological response is actually closer to the experience of the mind than that of the heart. It is as though the sexuality arises from a different part of our being for our creative passion is about the body and why we incarnated. When we are young there is a much greater sexual drive. But what we forget is we have many disappointments in life the rob our creative life energy and we are much freer than we can really imagine. As the reality of life accumulates disappointments our bodies are seen aging and shutting down. But we fail to pay attention to how much our attitudes changes and shift as we continue to lose our innocence about life and what it has to offer.

As we experiment with our creativity and allow ourselves to be totally free, what we will find is that what creates the sexual feeling is when the creative life energy needs to flow into sexuality to create what we desire and some times the sexual feeling arise around creative efforts that we never imagined could involve sexuality. What we should be able to observe is when we move closer to that creative passion of our heart the more our sexual feelings will return. There are a set of creative activities that will allow us to fill great passion and enthusiasm for life and for living. As we grow older we normally lose that innocence that allows us to live in that passion. No matter how old we are as we regain our unique creative passion that sexuality will return to us. It may never be as powerful as when we had a younger body but we will be astounded as to how much sexuality can return to us. It is a very real phenomenon. The greatest obstacle that stands in our way is our own inability to allow ourselves to freely enter that state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration.

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