What to look for in another or in any "teacher"


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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If we explore the true depth and breadth of our creativity, we can come understand is there is a creative spirit within each heart that needs to be free to express itself in the way it needs to expressed. What is in each heart is the equivalent of Rumi, Christ, Buddha, Mohammed, and any other greater artist, teacher, scientist or whomever to which individuals point as representing the finest humanity has to offer.

What the creative spirit in our heart desires to express and how the creative spirit comes out is unique to each individual. Each has to learn their own truth and allow that truth to come into the world. We each are here for different purposes and reasons and we cannot follow another. As such, what we need to look for as the "proof" or truth of any teacher, no matter what the credentials of that teacher may be and/or their position in any society, is to see if they direct the individual into their own heart and both teach them how to follow their own heart and give them the space to do so. All else is irrelevant. An individual must learn to use what is effective in their life to live and be their truth, not the truth or understanding of any other.

All that really needs to be done to being out the business of our life is two things. One is for the individual to know the feeling that allows them to feel a fullness of being, a fullness for life, a passion for life, a passion to live life, an inner satisfaction, a feeling of expansion of one’s being, and/or an inner bliss or joy and then allow that feeling to guide them into and through life. Accessing and knowing this feeling is called calibrating our internal compass.

The second thing is to be held accountable by ourselves and/or another to follow that feeling and have the safe and secure space and help to create a life where we can follow that feeling. This is, of course, easier said that done. There are many wounds we feel and carry with us when the free expression of our creative spirit is thwarted or was thwarted. The easiest way to get past and heal these wounds is to learn to return to a state of spontaneous and innocence childlike play in discovering and exploring ourselves and our world facing whatever we need to face. Childlike play will heal all wounds for the free flow of our creative life energy within our creative spirit is a healing energy and it can heal any aspect of our being if we allow it to freely flow. The topic "A way to return to childlike play and become open to feeling without addressing the issue of sexuality" provides one approach that can be used to return to a state of creative play.

Within a creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred, any "teacher" who does not hold getting an individual into a conscious awareness of their own truth to be about the business of their life as their primary focus in what they tell people and do for people does not know the truth of what is. It is simply the acknowledgment that what is in any other is the Source of Creation as wise and as powerful found in anyone including ourselves. It is our responsibility to give both ourselves and any other the space to reveal that Source and what is has to offer to the world.

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