A way to return to a state of childlike play and becoming opening to feeling without addressing the issue of our sexuality


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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What is provided here is an overview of an approach to return to childlike play and becoming open to feeling without addressing the issue of sexuality, both of which are extremely helpful to creating a gentle phoenix for any creative endeavor. To date, it has been observed sexuality only needs to be faced under one of six creative conditions. These conditions are discussed in the topic "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications." Dealing with sexuality if it arises in a creative endeavor is discussed in the topic, "Sexuality and Creativity - Creative Sexuality."


Creating play is essential to our creativity. One of the more important things we can do to access our unlimited creativity and/or create a gentle phoenix is to be able to return to a state of childlike play at each and every level of our being to discovery and explore ourselves and our world. Similarly, being open to feeling is also essential to our creativity. We need to be able to discern the subtle differences in feelings in order to feel the flow of energy giving rise to the creation we desire to experiences as a result of the intention we hold and use our internal compass to guide our actions.

It has been observed, it is extremely difficult for most to either to return to a state of creative play and/or become open to feeling as a result of one or more of four things which arise that either obstructs our way and/or diverts our attention and awareness.

One is the pain which we all suffered to one degree or another in childlike play as a child when our play was thwarted. We will have to face that pain.

The second is the fear that arises around the pain we experienced. We will have to explore each fear and address two things. One is that we must address the true hazard to make our journey safe. The other is to find some way to address the ghost of the fear that keeps haunting us so as to not be diverted from what we desire to experience.

The third is we create response patterns to life to protect ourselves from the pain we experienced and the fears which arose in response to that pain. In doing so, we unknowingly placed our creativity in a unique cage of our own making. This cage keeps our creativity (our creative spirit/creative life energy) bound and captive rather than it being free to express the depth and breadth of the creative ability and creative power available to us.

The fourth issue is that because we lost our ability to be in childlike play as a child in a child’s body. We did not have a mature adult body when we were last in a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play. Hence, we never experiences such play in an adult body. As a result, the issue of sexuality arises as probably the most significant issue to be faced and addressed in attempting to return to a state of childlike play. However, as stated above, to date, it has been observed sexuality only needs to be faced under one of six creative conditions. These conditions are discussed in the topic "Avoiding the conditions requiring us to face our sexuality relative to our creativity and its implications." Dealing with sexuality if it arises in a creative endeavor is discussed in the topic, "Sexuality and Creativity - Creative Sexuality."

How we address these four things are very unique to who and what we think and believe we are and the experiences we have had. All that can be provided here is a generic approach.

The solution: Realizing it is extremely difficult to return to childlike play in an adult body, we look to the next best thing. That is, create the pieces that are characteristic of the most creative state of being to the extent possible and assemble as many of them together or in sequence as possible to create a seed condition that will planted and unfold in our life. Doing so, will get us close to what it is we need to experience. If we have to go deeper, what we gain in these steps will go along way to helping us to go as deep as we need to go.

The six key pieces are:

Piece 1 Inserting a thought in calmness

Piece 2: Being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think

Piece 3 Clarity of thought

Piece 4: Surrender to feeling without getting lost (internal compass)

Piece 5 Exploring the cage of our own making

Piece 6 The intention for our life

Create a seed condition - putting the pieces together

Playing with the pieces

The following overviews the six pieces and the final assembly identified above. The six pieces can be explored in whatever way one desires. However each should be explored go some extent before they are assembled to create the seed condition. The brief overview of each of the six pieces and the final assembly are hyperlink to individual files that provides some guidance, exercises and/or methods used to address the particular topic. What is provided here and the hyperlinked files are a starting point and are not expected to be all inclusive for what any particular individual will face.

Piece 1: Inserting a thought in calmness: This piece is about creating fertile conditions for creation to occur. It is to create a calmness within our being such as using the sheet of calming exercise and insert the thought we wish to pursue. In this particular case, the thought is about pursuing the return to a state of childlike play and/or opening ourselves to feeling. (More on ...inserting a thought into calmness)

Piece 2: being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think: We need to become very aware of the thoughts we have, what we feel and where we feel it, what we say, what we do and the memories we have. We need to be willing to explore the origins of our thoughts, the origins of our feelings and the origins of our memories. We need to pull the string as to why these thoughts, feeling and memories, as opposed to any other. (More on.... being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think)

Piece 3 - clarity of thought: Inserting a thought into calmness requires clear intention and clarity of thought and the awareness of what is being inserted. That is, clarity of thought extend into understanding there are consequences to all that we do and we need to become aware of how our life may be impacted by what we do. Here we need to explore our intention and pull the string on why we desire to create what we do. We need to become very clear about what we want and why and what we desire to create in and with our life. Usually we really desire a particular feeling and the thought we have about what we desire is only mind’s best characterization of what we think we want to feel.

It does need to be noted that inserting the thought into calmness that we wish to return to a state of childlike play or opening ourselves to feeling before we pursue clarity of thought as to why opens a door. It opens the door rather quickly to understand if we really want to purse returning to childlike play or opening ourselves to feeling. Or, did we have something else in mind that we have failed to face. Our mind is extremely good at masking its desire to remain in control. When we consciously set an intention we should not be surprised as all the reason why we can’t create what we desire surface and/or one or more significant issues arise to frighten us off from what we desire to pursue. Only in the clarity of knowing why we do what we do will we not be frighten off by what we may have to face. (More on ....clarity of thought)

Piece 4: surrender to feeling without getting lost (internal compass): Playfulness is about being free to be out of mind open to feeling, and surrendering to what we feel. Here we need to calibrate the internal compass and us it guide our actions.

Surrendering is about learning to navigate from the heart. That is, to have the feeling we wish to experience to be the bases of the thoughts, actions, words and memories we choose to have and have our mind act to make those thoughts, actions, words and memories appropriately manifested. We need to become mindful to explore the origin of our thought so as to create more thoughts that are in alignment with what we desire to create. We also need to choose actions and speak words that take us toward the feeling we wish to create. We need to explore our memories and release the energy bound in those memories that do not support what we desire to experience. In particular it is about facing pain and fears of the past that keep us from doing what we need to do. (More on ..... surrendering to feelings without getting lost)

Piece 5 - Exploring the cage of our own making: The question here is where do creative ability and creative power really lie? Exploring were creative ability and creative power lie will require us to do our own experiments to see how much power we as a human being really have. We need to look and see what boundaries and limitations we have placed on our creativity. We do so by how and what we think and believe and the response patterns we have adopted to protect and keep ourselves safe as a result of the experiences we have had.

As we explore our thoughts, we will eventually be faced with the though of where does creative power lie. How much creative power do we really have? This causes us to explore our beliefs as to how much creative power lies inside of us and how much lies outside of us. This will cause is to face both our concept of God and our concepts of who and what we really are reflected in our belief structure. We will need to explore if we really have a free will or are we victims and puppets on a string who only think we have control of our lives. If we explore the inner and the outer creative ability and creative power, we will find the answer is it is a dance. It is a dance between the inner and the outer but we need to be able to be a detached witness in mindfulness and awareness to see the balance point of what we are responsible for doing and what Creation/God is responsible for doing. (More on .... exploring a cage of our own making)

Piece 6: The intention for our life: If we create with our thoughts, then there is a thought that created us - there is an intention for our life. It is the source of our life and the source of our creative power in our life. It is the source of our creative passion and passion to engage life and to be in life for it is what brought us into life. It is what limits our creative ability and creative power, not God., nor anyone else. It limits our power for there are things we incarnated to experience and the intention for our life directs us into those experiences.

If we do not face intention for our life directly, in will always be an  undercurrent in our life. Not facing it leads to a feeling of separation as opposed to wholeness. Not facing it will create a feeling: there is something more to life; a deep inner longing; a feeling of anxiety and/or discomfort; and a variety of other ways if not accident illness, disease, and pain. However the intention for our life is not something that can be clearly known by our mind for the intention for our life existed before our current mind came into existence. Until it has the minimum set of experience to understand the intention for our life, the intention for our life will always be a mystery to our mind. However, we can feel the intention for our life and it is the feeling that gives a fullness of being, an inner satisfaction the never runs dry and a passion for life and for living. It is one of the deepest feelings we can and will feel and it will enthuse life into our entire being. (More on .... the intention for our life)

Create a seed condition: Creating a seed condition is to put all of these pieces together and act on what we have come to know and understand to create something in Physical Creation. Creating something like a ritual, ceremony, metatheater or some similar way to act on what we know is an excellent way to do our own experiments with what we know but not do anything that commits us to irrevocable actions. Such rituals and the like will create both a deep feeling and a memory that will catalyze our actions that guide us through life which will unfold in the life we desire to experience. It will unfold more like a seed germinating and growing into a tree while pulling the nutrients it needs from the unseen world below ground. We simply need to keep focused on the feeling we wish to manifest as a result of the experience we created in the rituals or metatheater. (More on ....creating a seed condition)

How long will it take to return to a state of childlike play and be open to feeling

The topic "How long will it take" talks directly to this issue. But what needs to be emphasized here is the natural state of consciousness at the Source of Creation is creative childlike play and we are always feeling through the nonlocalized aspect of our being. All that keeps us from being in this state of creative play and open to feeling at the deepest levels of being is our own mind and how we have chosen to focus our attention and awareness.

In this regard, we can return to a state of childlike play and/or be open to feeling in an instant or we can keep ourselves out of it for eternity. The choice is our. The recommendation here is to hold your creativity sacred and navigate from the heart using the feeling of: the fullness of being, inner expansion, inner satisfaction, the passion for life and for living; and/or the passion to engage life as our focus in all that we do. Then allows effectiveness to be the measure of truth. Do and use what allows us to remain in that feeling in all that we do.

Related topics
Piece 1: Inserting a thought in calmness
Piece 2: being mindful and aware of what we feel and what we think
Piece 3 - clarity of thought
Piece 4: surrender to feeling without getting lost (internal compass)
Piece 5 - Exploring the cage of our own making
Piece 6: The intention for our life
Create a seed condition - putting the pieces together

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