Becoming our truth
07 Becoming a creator - creation


Becoming Our Truth - Topic 7 of 7
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2007 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Becoming a Creator –Creation: Become true to who and what we are as we live in the world and become a light unto ourselves. Embracing the Creation and becoming the Creator, that God within, recreating the world in which we live true to who and what we are. It is to change the existing world not because the existing world is bad or good, rather it no longer serves who and what we are, It is being our truth, at One with All That Is.


Becoming a creator - creation is to understand we are the creator who becomes the creation. We conceive of what we desire to experience then move into life to live a life that creates the experience we desire to have.

At a shallow level, becoming the creator - creation is to live within the understanding that we have a free will and we do have choices. Those choices result in the experiences we have. It is to understand there are inner creative powers and out creative powers/Creative Powers. As we learn to understand how to use the inner and outer creative powers/Creative Powers, we can become more and more of a conscious creator. It is to realize we have to create certain conditions within ourselves before we are open to have the experiences we desire externally. We have to become the creator of the inner experience and then the creation of being the inner experience and have it translated out into the world.

At the deeper level it is to realize there is nothing we experience in life in which we either created and/or agreed to participate at some level of our being. It is to realize Creation brings to us the experiences we desire to have and we are willing to take responsibility for creating what we experience. It is to ask the question, “Why do we choose to have the experiences that we do?” and then pull the string on the answer we get as to “why this answer as opposed to another?” It is to realize we dance between the masculine and feminine aspects of Creation. Our mind and the masculine aspect of our being, chooses the creation we desire to experience and to thrust out into the world to get it. Then, given the nature of Creation to distract us, we then seem to forget we are the creator so that we can surrender to the feminine aspect of Creation as our lives evolve to unfold into the experience we desire to have.

Who and what we are is perfectly manifested in Physical Creation as our body and its environment in a one to one mapping to our mind and what we think and believe. Each and every aspect of our being is somehow reflected in the Creation we experience. For us to become the creator of a new world we wish to experience, we have to become both the creator and the creation. We have to choose what we wish to create and then become it. We cannot experience another world or reality unless we become that world and reality ourselves and within ourselves. To experience a different world, we must become different. To manifest any creation, we will need to ask ourselves “What do I have to become to create what I desire” and then we will need to detach ourselves from both the current identity we have and from the creation we desire to become a detached witness. Then, from that position of the detached witness we allow whatever that needs to change internally and externally to change to manifest what we desire.

In the end when all is said and done it doesn’t matter what we believe and how we choose to explain it. We, in some way, at some level of our being, consciously or nonconsciously, create the conditions we wish to experience. We then allow ourselves to be placed in ourselves in situations for the environment in which we find ourselves that allows us to have the experience. The most difficult aspect of this is to understand our creative ability and creative power goes much beyond that of which we are conscious. To truly change the world we have to experience we must go deep within our being and access the reason for creating what we now experience. Yet it is to know, in possessing free will and the ability to become consciously aware of our choices, we created a physical life and came into life for the purpose of having certain types and kinds of experiences. All we need to do to have those experience is to flow what gives us life, a passion for life an for living and a fulness of being.

In the equivalency of energy and consciousness, what consciousness consciously and nonconsciously creates is reflected in the form energy takes much like a paper cutout and whole in the paper of which it is cutout as seem in the figure “Creating a cutout.” The bridge point exists where the where the inner is reflected in the outer and we create the equivalent of a cutout. The bridge point lies at the root of all that we experience. Here our consciousness and inner creation is perfectly reflected in our bodies and the environment in which we find ourselves. To create something need, we need to allow a part of our inner world become annihilated with our outer world to free the energy for the new creation as seen in the figure entitled “Partial Annihilation” below.

Recommendations for becoming a creator - creation

Take responsibility: We need to take responsibility for all that we experience even when we do not understand why or how we could create such an experience. The easiest way to do this is to create a story about why we would create the experience we have and maybe even give a plausible way how we create the experience. It doesn’t matter if our story is correct or not. In creating the story we shift our perspective to be open to seen what we need to change in our life to create something different. In taking responsibility for what we have created, we open the door to look into the nonconscious mind to see and understand what is really influencing our life.

Consult our intuitive guidance: For anything we experience, we need to consult our intuitive guidance and ask questions like, “Why am I experiencing this particular experience as opposed to another” or “How did I create what I am experiencing?” Then be open to what arises as to the answer realizing what is provided by mind may not be totally correct. The reason the answer may not be totally correct is that our reason for creating the experience may exist before our current conscious mind became fully aware of itself and it may not have the minimum set of experience to properly characterize the reason. We can then pull the string on any answer we get to get at the root as to why we experience what we do.

The next step
The key to becoming the creator of our experiences and the reality we experience

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