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Holding A Space For Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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For any creation to manifest, grow and unfold, there has to be a fertile space capable of holding and nurturing the creation. This is the equivalent of the womb of the female, the fertile ground of Mother Earth or simply the empty cup to be filled with the new creation. Since energy, and energy consciousness can neither be created or destroyed, only transformed there will be the need of a transformation. This does not mean we move things out of the way to make more room. Rather there is an actual transformation where what is in the space is returned to emptiness or the place of "no-thing-ness" and we create from that empty space or "no-thing-ness."

What is discussed here in this discussion is directed at any creation we desire to manifest. This includes something we desire to create for ourselves and creating and holding the space for another. Creating and holding the space for another is a creation as any other creation. As such, we will experience the whole creative process in creating and holding the space for another just as if it was a creation we are manifesting for ourselves. In this regard, there is both a sacrifice and chaos if to an anxiety, we will experience in creating and holding the space for another.

All of the creative life energy of the universe and that portion allotted to our being is currently fully occupied and engaged in creating the existing reality that we see and experience around us. As soon as we create the empty space, the surrounding environment will move to fill it. That is why we have to "hold the space" for a creation. We will continually have to hold back Creation Itself in one form or another from filling that space we are creating. It is much like the void discussed in the topic, "Origins of the desire of the warm and fuzzy feeling."

As with any creative endeavor there is an internal aspect and an external aspect to this space. If we wish to create something new, whether it be a new experience, a new reality or simply anew creation, we will need to create the space within our own being to provide the room for this new creation to grow and manifest. Internally, we must empty ourselves and create the space within our own being for their creation to grow. We cannot, and will not, get something from nothing. This means we must modify what we believe and how we believe.

We can look at our beliefs and how we believe as a very dense jungle or forest. It is much like clearing a field in which we are going to plant a new crop. We must clear away the old vegetation and that which is currently growing within our being or it will strangle and rob the nutrients from our new growth. Any new creation needs space . Unless we create the space that is needed nothing can or will grow. Unless we create a space that has access to the sunlight and rain, we will be unable to grow a new plant. All the existing vegetation and growth will prevent anything new from growing.

Internally as we change our beliefs and shift our thinking, doubts and internal challenges arise to fill the space we create. As we clear the space within our own being, our external world will transform to meet this new space and change according to our being. Externally the situation is very much the same. As we begin to believe and think differently because of what we are creating in our life, we will begin to act differently and require a different world to live in. Something of our old world will have to change to accommodate the new. Externally, the mundane world will always provide one or more distractions or demands on our time to hold us to the existing form.

However, creating the space is not about us going in internally or externally and knowing what to change. Many of the internal and external nuisances that we need to move out of which move in to fill the space we are creating are exactly some of the things we will not know exist before hand. Exactly what will arise internally and externally will not be known. We can consciously create the initial space for planting the seed of our creation by giving ourselves permission to hold an intention with unwavering faith and dealing with any obstacle we see that arises that would prevent that intention from manifesting. Unless we give ourselves permission and focus our attention and awareness, we will not clear a large enough space initially. That is, the minimum we need to do if we have any hope of manifest our desires. We need to set the intention to do it and then be determined to see it through to the end.

Similarly, we can begin to work on those things in the external would that we know will change as our intention manifests. Even if we don’t do the correct thing we will be developing the discipline to do what needs to be done. For example, to start a daily practice to manifest a desire may do nothing in itself to help the desire to manifest. But it will help to clear the space in our life (devoting time and effort) to do what needs to be done when we have to act in a particular way. However, exactly what we will need to change and what we will need to do will only be known when the time comes to do it. So we will always need to be mindful and aware of what is being asked. Also it need to be noted if we do develop a practice we can’t let the habit of the practice interfere with what we need to create. Here it needs to be noted that many start a practice that takes them quite far into their own creative power. But, they then don’t move beyond the practice because of the habit they develop. The practice ends up keeping them bound rather than giving them the freedom to move forward. Using meditation to become mindful and aware or to focus our attention and awareness is only of the more common things we do that ends us diverting us as from what needs to be done.

It needs to be remembered that we are creating something new, original and not seen before and we ourselves are an original and have never been seen before. So anything we create no matter how many have created something similar in the past, still requires a unique change in us. There is no way of knowing exactly what we need and what we need to rearrange internally or externally to make sufficient room. We may have some ideas and our intuitive guidance will lead us as appropriate but our mind will never know before hand. All we can do is surrender to the creation addressing what needs to be addressed as things are identified as obstructing the growth and unfoldment of our creation. In this sense, space is that final frontier. Creating and hold a space for a creation is the ultimate unknown we will face and we will need to face it for each creation independent of how much we think we know. We need to go into the unknown of our own being at any and all levels of our being and see what needs to be cleared to create the space that we need.

It must be remember that creation occurs at every level of our being and some physical manifestations require more non physical space than others. We may find ourselves doing extensive inner work with seemingly marginal external return. Then again, the reverse may be true. There is extensive external changes but little changes within. For example, to successfully perform a heart surgery, there are years of a tremendous number of persons-hours that have been spent over the centuries to create the understanding that allows such a surgery to be possible. Although the surgeon may go to school for several years to learn to do the surgery, it is built on untold physical and non physical experiences that have been accumulated into the collective consciousness of what it means to be human and the salient feature gleaned from this understanding to create a successful heart surgery. If the space was not created within the human collective to accumulate the understanding in the from that it is in, the surgery will not be possible. It took the sacrifice of many to create the space for that creation to unfold. So too with our own creation. The collective consciousness is really no different than our consciousness. We may need to create the space within our own being to collect several decades of experience and understanding before we can glean from that information what we need to manifest the creation that we desire.

There is no particular way a dream, thought, or a desire will manifest in the world for it will adapt itself to the time and place of its manifestation the best it can. Dreams are born in any environment, any time and any place. When the time and environmental conditions are correct, that is when our set of experiences is correct and our external world is accommodating in some way and we are aligned with our passion, our dream will manifest as with the thoughts and desires we hold. However, each dream, each thought, each desire we hold, is unique to us and requires a unique space in which to grow. Only we can create that unique space for it requires inner change and the courage to make the change in the outer world. This is where living our creative passion is most important for it gives one the courage and energy to do whatever needs to be done to create that space. However, the creative passion from the individual’s perspective is that it becomes a life or death issue in some way. That is, if we do not live our creative passion we know a part of ourselves will die.

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