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 The final frontier 

Creating the space for a creation and exploring and experiencing the unknown

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Emptying oneself to create the space for a creation and to explore the unknown to manifest that creation is the final frontier we all will face. In fact, it is the ultimate frontier for mind will never fully know what to expect and what will be found in a true creative endeavor. For centuries humanity has gone off to explore the unknown. Now is the time for humanity to consciously go off and explore our unknown inner world and the unknown of creativity and the creative process.

There is only one thing that can really be said about the unknown and that is, we cannot know the unknown. There is no real way that we can anticipate the unknown and know what we will face for that is what it means to be unknown. All we think we can do is project the past into the unknown and work from that vantage point. However, that poses a serious flaw in how we are experiencing reality. To project the past and experiences of the past into the unknown when reality will mold itself to what we intend means that we are nonconsciously and consciously constantly trying to create the future in the image of the past. That action causes us to be attached or bound to a way of thinking and being that does not allow us to flow in the moment. It is these attachments by their very nature of being an attachment sow the seeds of pain for pain arises from holding onto that which needs to be released..

Creativity, by definition requires one to enter the realm of the unknown. To be creative means to bring an original into existence. If something is original it has not existed before. If we fear the unknown or continually project the past into the unknown expecting it to be like yesterday, then we cannot be truly creative in every aspect of our being. We can only be creative in those aspects where we are not bound to the past. If we fear the unknown we will fear our own unlimited creativity.

This bring us an interesting question about the past. We all know the sun will have a very high probability of rising tomorrow. Scientist figure it may take a few billion years before the sun begins to act in a way that will not support life on earth. Yet, to expect the sun to rise is living in the past. So "How can one live not expecting the sun to rise tomorrow?" The answer of course is simple. If we die today, the sun will not rise tomorrow. Hence it appears the only way we cannot project the past into the future is if we die. However, to die is not true for us, The consciousness inhabiting our body cannot die.

As a human being having a physical experience, we can be seen as being made of two parts. One part is a body that will flow according to the rules of the Physical Creation until it ceases to function. The other part is a consciousness that never dies and will continue on after the body dies. Whether we believe this or not is immaterial. That is what is. The proof is simple. We only need to decouple our consciousness from our body and we will see that it is true.

You may ask, "How do we go about decoupling ourselves from our body?" Exactly how we may the experiments which allow us to decouple ourselves from our body is beyond the scope of this discussion. It is beyond this discussion for the way you should do it is unique to your own being and such advice cannot be given in a discussion written for more than one person. It is a personal journey and a personal process. But it can be done.

If anyone tells us there is a is general way available to us that works for most people, they are in grave error. There is only one way that will work for us as a unique creation and exactly what that is only we can determine and we will find it in our heart. We can be advised as to how we may find such a method but only our heart our intuitive guidance and the awareness which lies in feeling can lead us safely into the experience. Proof of that statement is beyond the scope of this discussion but is reflected in the origins of this material. If one can experience the fundamental principles discussed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material and step into one’s own unique creativity, one will come to see that it is true for others have done it.

In any case, the issue is not physical death and physical death is not the answer. The answer lies in our consciousness and our willingness to die to who we think we are. We do this by stepping out of mind and allowing our heart to lead. The heart is the instrument within our own being that will allow us to successfully navigate the unknown where ever the unknown will take us. Each individual must learn to discern their heart and allow their heart to lead and feel their way if they want to experience the unknown and their unlimited creativity and/or explore the unknown.

The question then becomes, "How does one step out of mind?" Mind becomes empty when it experiences something that it cannot control and/or cannot understand when it is forced to move past itself (such as in ritual or shocking experience or accident). However, soon or later, mind takes control again and starts functioning. This is the basis and error behind the use of mid altering experiences - whether it be with drugs or something else. They are used only to take one out of mind into the unknown. But these materials and approaches cannot sustain the ability to be out of mind. Nor do they teach on how to follow the heart when one achieves this out of mind state to navigate that unknown.

To experience the unknown and navigate it safely, one must learn to discern the voice of their heart from all the other information and energy impinging on one’s consciousness. Then they must learn to follow their heart with mind completely and fully engaged in the process. They have to willing and knowingly choose to follow the heart.

This process can be learned and done quite effectively by experimenting with the use of clear intentionality and setting the intention to follow our heart. To an outside individual, it looks like becomes very selfish and self centered and narcissistic. However, it is only mind allowing itself to learn to love itself, the body our consciousness inhabits, and the power of its our own inherent creativity. We must learn to love and properly nurture every level of our being for we cannot give what we do not have. Until we learn to love ourselves as we are at every level of our being including our body and its needs, we cannot give a love that truly serves another person. If we cannot truly serve and love ourselves, how can we give love?

Although mind is still in control and although it will play its game and mask the truth of the heart from time to time, it will never the less begin to learn and understand how the heart functions and what the heart is capable of doing. There will come a point when mind and ego are sufficient strong and trusting of the heart that mind will allow itself to step aside and let the heart lead. It may have to be pushed a little to move aside such as an initiation or some other type of shocking event either planned or unplanned, but mind will come to a point that it will be willing to move aside.

In many ways, mind is like the fruit of a tree. It will play the ego game for a very long time but then it will come to a point and ask, "Is there not something more than this?" When it is ripe, it will fall just as a ripe fruit falls from the tree. However, one can accelerate the process if they choose to do so and set a very clear intention as to what they want to achieve.

But , in dong so, one needs to be forewarned. We cannot set the intention for our mind to ripen with an intention of ego behind the intention. For example, to set the intention to have our mind ripen with the desire to become enlightened underlying our intention, we have essentially set the intention to retain our ego for the desire itself is ego based.

To set the intention to have our mind ripen and fall naturally, our intention has to be pure. That is, we also have to be willing to set the intention to surrender and to fully become the embodiment of the reason for our incarnation no matter what it looks or feels like. In doing so we need to fully expect our entire life at every level of our being to be destroyed and rebuilt for that may be what it will take. We have to allow the flow of energy of the intention to lead our life thought the entire dismantlement and reconstruction process. We allow the flow of energy to lead through feeling and not through what mind thinks about what we feel.

What is not understood about the mind ripening is that the intention for our life lead to a natural ripening of our mind. When we are achieving what we incarnated to do, there is a inner satisfaction, inner calmness and detachment from life such that our inner world is not disturbed by what is happening in our external world. In that inner satisfaction, mind had no need to hold on to anything and there is a natural falling away. In essence, in following the intention for our life, we do decouple ourselves from the body much the way we can decouples ourselves from the car we drive. Our body is seen, nourished, cherished and loved for the vehicle that it is but not at the expense of our the freedom of our being. But we can only achieve this through feeling and becoming very mindful and aware of what we feel and discerning the feeling which allows us to feel the expansion and fullness of our own being.

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