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 Sexuality as a tool to become unaware and going to sleep 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Sex can cause pain, disappointment, dissatisfaction, frustration, and a multitude of other not so pleasant feelings and states of being. It can destroy our life and steal our passion. All of these can cause an aspect of our being or a part of an aspect of our being and consciousness to go to sleep and become unaware. The more traumatic the experience the greater the portion which will go to sleep and become unaware. The pleasurable aspects of sexuality boarders on being used as an addiction or a way to numb, suppress or otherwise avoid what we feel. we suppress or numb the pain we feel in some activity or through some substance. The alternative is to simply put to sleep that aspect of consciousness which continually attempts to be expressed but is suppressed in some way. In putting our consciousness to sleep and becoming unaware, we in essence are "hardening our heart," or shutting down our heart. Additionally each of the doorways which sex can become a vehicle to serve us is can also become a doorway to cause us to become unaware and put an aspect of our being asleep.

Because sexuality can be such a powerful experience, if we seek only our own pleasure we will literally and figuratively put ourselves asleep and whom ever we use as a partner. That is, we will cause our sensitivity to ourselves and others to shut down both in ourselves and the other. In doing so, we will cause the diversion of our creative life energy and the creative life energy in the other scattering and fragmenting that energy. When we seek only our own pleasure we use the other person as a vehicle for our own gratification. The other person becomes an object, something to be used, much the way we would use a cigarette or a bottle of alcohol to find a moment of enjoyment. Sex and our sexual partner become simply a different package for our enjoyment. It doesn’t matter if we have a spouse and/or a significant other and remains in a monogamous relationship or we have multiple partners. The same is true in any case. The partner becomes only an object of our own pleasure. But it is sexuality that causes us to feel.

To have a relationship without becoming opening to what we feel in ourselves and the other, we have to further numb or deny what we feel and that only causes us to become unaware and essentially go to sleep. In the process we scatter and fragment our creative life energy for otherwise the focus of our creative life energy would cause us to feel too much. If we allow ourselves to feel, we would find we could not look at that partner as an object of personal gratification but we would be transformed to create the space for the partner to become totally free. To create that freedom would cause us to risk losing our partner and our own enjoyment so rather than becoming awake and aware of our feelings, we further numbs them and put them to sleep.

Additionally, when someone is used in sexuality as an object or we are unable to fully and willing participate in the sexuality but are somehow being influences or controlled by it, we will shut down what we feel and also fragment and scatter our creative life energy. In doing so, we will become a victim and seem to be under the control of all those around them with little ability to change anything in our life. What needs to be understood is we are not free to fully experience and flow with our creative life energy in sexuality we will shut a part of our being down. Over time, there is a greater and greater percentage of our creative ability is lost and the enthusiasm for life and living slowly departs. The only safe way to engage in sex and sexuality is to be fully open and free to go wherever the feeling lead. If we are not empowered and expanded in a sexual experience then at some level of our being we are not free and are further shutting down our creative abilities and diverting the flow of our creative life energy. In these cases it is best to avoid sexuality all together rather then continually lose our enthusiasm for life and for living.

We also need to be aware. Sex is literally and figuratively about creating life both within and without. There is always an offspring of any joining and can be spiritual, mental, emotional physical and/or any combination. But there is always an offspring. The flow of energy in the sexuality goes somewhere and will take on a life of its own. In that joining a part of each always goes into that offspring. The offspring is a creation, at whatever level of being it exists, and must be properly nourished. If that creation is not properly nourished, that part of us that has gone into that offspring also dies. As that part dies another part of becomes unaware and goes to sleep.

To freely engage in sexuality without awareness of the offspring will cause our creative life energy to be bound in ways that we do not understand. Parts of our being will go to sleep if not become dormant. To regain our creative ability and creative power it will take deep inner exploration to awaken the sleeping and dormant consciousness to free the energy. This is one reason why it is so important to pull the string on the intentions and desires we hold to get the root of the desire or intention. We bind our energy and put our consciousness asleep at the deepest levels as to where our intention originates. It we think sex is only about creating physical offspring and as long as we prevent the conception of an offspring there are no issue, we will be binding our creative life energy spiritually, mentally and emotionally in such a way we bind ourselves to being human and the human experience. We then become puzzled as to why we cannot access the depth and breadth of our creativity and experience Heaven, the Kingdom of God or Nirvana here an now. The key is to understand the energy behind our sexuality and what is really given rise to the energy flow which we feel in our bodies as sexual excitement.

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