Exploring our belief structure

Exploring the role of the feminine in the creative process
Feminine Creative Power - Topic 6 of 10
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic 

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Exploring our belief structure
Our belief structure
Our belief structure binds or frees our creative life energy
Observing the belief structure
Creating a fertile space within
Working with our belief structure
Exercises to begin to explore our belief structure

Exploring our mind within the creativity perspective for the purposes of access feminine creative power requires us to look at our belief structure. Our beliefs structure is not just what we believe. Rather it is about what we believe and how those beliefs integrate to enhance or rob our creative ability and creative power.

Our belief structure (Top)

Our belief structure is the composite and synthesis of all that we believe. It gives rise to how and why we think the way we do as opposed to any other way as a result of the past experience we have had..

Our belief structure is more than the sum total of our beliefs for it reflects how our beliefs do and don’t fit together. The composite of our memoirs and the habits our belief structure creates and/or causes us to form is also part of our belief structure. If we look carefully, we can see our memories either contain beliefs and/or somehow reinforce what we believe and how we believe. For example, many will say they believe in God. However, an individual who has the memory of some type and kind of experience of what they believe is God will have quite a different belief about God than if they did not have that experience and memory.

The issue with our belief structure is not so much what we believe but how we believe and what causes us to believe what we do the way we do. How those beliefs and memories come together to cause us to think as we do is what is important.

Beliefs are like atoms in which the same atoms can come together to create different structures. That is, all the building components are identically the same but they come together in a different way to make something different. In the same way nonhazardous atoms can come together to create toxic or explosive and dangerous structures and be used in a toxic or dangerous ways, so too our beliefs. Similarly, relatively plentiful and useful atoms or combination of atoms can become toxic under the correct conditions such oxygen and hydrogen forming water. Water is essential to our life but too much of it can cause us to drown. For example, believing in God can bring us great calm and peace. Yet, believing in God has also been know to cause one individual to kill another. The issue isn’t any one belief. The issue is how the beliefs we hold come together to form that composite.

Relative to our creativity and our creative ability and creative power, we only think we are limited. We only need to know how to consciously access and deal with what stands in the way of the free and unfettered unfoldment of our creativity. The answer to what stands in our way is, of course, our belief structure. Not necessarily the beliefs but, rather, how we believe.

Relative to accessing and using feminine creative power, we need to learn how to surrender to the creative process we ourselves put into motions through our conscious and nonconscious choices. However, most of us carry a belief that surrender will ultimately cause is to give up our freedom and either fall under the direct control of someone or something that will not serve us or be at the mercy of all the seen and unseen  forces of Creation.

In this regard, one of the first beliefs we will need to explore is what does surrender really mean to us. More importantly, we will need to explore whether or not we can trust the creative process to lead to our desired creation.

Our belief structure binds or frees our creative life energy (Top)

We say our mind is a switching station that can direct and/or channel our creative life energy. That in turn, caused us to have certain types and kinds of experiences. However, mind is really only a concept and description of a particular aspect and function of consciousness. What really controls the flow of our creative life energy is our belief structure.

Because our beliefs structure is what determines how we direct the flow of our creative life energy, it an be seen as storing and/or binding a tremendous amount of creative ability and creative power. Or, alternatively viewed, it can be seen as fragmenting and scattering our creative life energy or our creative power.

Analogously we can say our beliefs lock our creative life energy much the chemical bonds store or lock energy between arrangements of atoms. When the chemical bonds are broken, energy is released, when the bonds are formed energy becomes locked and unavailable. Here again, it isn’t so much the atoms themselves but how they are arranged the bind the energy.

So too our beliefs. Certain arrangements of beliefs cause is to rob ourselves of our creative ability and creative power. Other arrangements of those same beliefs can allow for an unfetter and free flow of our creative life energy. This is why pull the string on what we believe to understand why we believe what we do is so important. For example, to believe in God because we were enculturated to believe in God can bind the free flow of our creative life energy. However, if our personal life experiences cause us to believe in God and it is our truth, our creative life energy is not bound by such a belief. In fact, in many ways it can become amplified.

Observing the belief structure (Top)

If we can come to know how to change our belief structure and/or break the habits caused by our belief structure, we can release the creative energy that is entangled and bound in our beliefs. The question, of course, is, "How do we come to know what we believe and come to know the form of our belief structure?"

The answer is that we will probably never fully know or understand how our beliefs web together to give us our belief structure. Quite frankly, there are too many things to believe and too many ways any one belief can be come webbed and entangled with a myriad of other beliefs. We cannot readily see our belief structure. We can try and take inventory of what we believe, but that effort will not reveal how those beliefs go together such that we think the way we do. Inventorying our beliefs is like counting the oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and other atoms in the body. Additionally, knowing what we have does not allow us to know how they go together. But what we have, our beliefs, will determine what we can make or do with our life. All we can really do is observe ourselves to and see how our creative spirit causes us to responds to what is presented to our in life. However, we can pull the string on any one belief to see exact what we believe and why and then begin to explore how that one belief is biasing all that we do in our life.

Relative to access our creative power, and especially the feminine creative power of Creation, the recommendations is to simply hold our creativity sacred. Then explore whatever arises that does not allow us to hold our creativity sacred. Pull the string as to why we believe what we do relative to what is not allowing us to hold our creativity sacred. We need to look to see if what we believe arise from our truth or it is something imposed on us, given to us, or we accepted as truth without doing our own experiments to know its truth.

We need to understand that as a result of how we believe, rather than being free to consciously create, we do most of our creation nonconsciously and as a response, or in response, to the world in which we find ourselves. Few of us become truly proactive in our creative efforts. Most of us are pushed by pain, fear and the like. Similarly, few ever consciously access the depth and breadth of our inherent creativity because of how our creative spirit becomes bound by the past when we lost the freedom to creatively play. In this regard, whatever creativity we think we posses, we can be assured we can each access orders of magnitude greater ability. In fact, our creativity is truly unlimited in what it can do for us.

Creating a fertile space within  (Top)

The issue we face with our belief structure is to create a fertile space within that allows our creativity to grow and unfold and expand into the infinity of our being and claim our birthright. The issue is to have a belief structure, a way of thinking and believing - a perspective, that allows us to hold what we desire at a conscious or nonconscious level in such a way that it will unfold when conditions are correct. Or, a belief structure that allows us to create the conditions for what we desire to unfold.

The issue here is whether or not our belief structure is capable of giving us conscious or nonconscious permission to catalyze ourselves to access the energy to act to do what needs to be done with or without the cooperation of the external world. We need to be able to trust that by creating the appropriate belief structure we will create a way of thinking such that we will create that fertilized space within to create whatever we desire.

In many ways it is to see what lies in our mind as a forest covered field in which we wish to grow a certain crop. To grow the crop we desire we need to first clear the field of all that will not allow the sunlight to shine through to ground. We then need to plow the ground to get rid of all the unwanted vegetation that may still be growing in the field. Then we need to plant the seeds we desire and pull up the weed being careful not to pull up the growing seedlings so the weeds do not overtake the crops we desire to harvest. To turn the forest covered field into a fertile field to grow our desired crop will take time. But it is the only way we can grow the crops we desire.

Creating that space within all starts with what you do or do not believe. We being to create that space within by simply asking ourselves what do I believe and why? Then pull the string as to why we believe what we do to see if arises from our truth or something we have been taught to believe or just accepted with out looking to see if it is our truth.

Working with our belief structure (Top)

Our belief structure and the ego which arises from it, are transmutable and capable of constantly changing and they do change with every experience we have. Each is very plastic and can be soft and malleable under the correct conditions. Each is also very brittle and hard under other conditions. Some look at this hardness as stubbornness but it is a much deeper phenomenon than to which stubbornness refers. In any case, most of the changes we make are small for we tend to hold our beliefs fixed even though they capable of rapid transformation immediately.

Our problem in dealing with our belief structure and the habit it creates is that often the same response patterns that hold our creative spirit bound are what is robbing us of the ability to change our belief structure. That is, we lost the ability to creatively play with what we believe. These habits and the beliefs we hold were formed before mind became conscious of itself. In this regard, we cannot go back and deal with a conscious experience.

In understanding the power for the early beliefs we hold and with which we ere enculturated, we only need to look at a simply fact. One day of experience in the first year of life is 1/365 of the total experiences we have. One day in the life of a 50 year old is 1/(365x50) or 1/18250. It is rather obvious a traumatic experience in the early few years of life imprints itself in all that we believe to a much greater extent than one later in life. If most of our early life is unpleasant, it colors our whole life in a way the same experiences of life do not (although they may).

As we grow older, more and more of our mind is fixed. Any new experience is a smaller and smaller percentage of the total. Unless what we experiences is extremely profound, little change will occur. To change the way we think and believe later in life, often we are forced to go back and deal with the feeling that gave rise to the protective response pattern. When we are very young, to our young mind, many experiences are very frightening for it doesn’t really understand what it is facing. It continually requires stepping into the unknown and we begin to see the unknown as frightening.

Additionally, we will need to face deprogramming ourselves for almost any creative endeavor we undertake and much of it goes back to the early years of our life. This is not to disparage the programming we received in life by our early care givers and teachers. Rather it is just to realize any creative endeavor takes us into the unknown. We need to be willing to step out of mind and try and have a beginner's mind as much as possible. That means stepping past all that we think and believe about what we are creating, including the programming we have received on the topics and our own experiences around the topic.. Quite simply, the mind that created the problem we wish to solve is not the mind that will solve the problem.

Here again, all we can do explore our beliefs and the resulting belief structure to see how it does or does not hold our creativity sacred.

The following exercises can be used to start the exploration of our beliefs and our belief structure. The recommendation is to do the exercises and then pull the string to how and why you have the beliefs you do. Look to see if you can figure out their origin to see if they are your beliefs or those of another that you have adopted for one reason or another.

However, in doing these exercises, what needs to be clearly understood is what we think about some is not necessarily how we will respond if we are faced with that something in our life. As a result, any exercise we do where we can sit and intellectualize our answer probably does not reflected what we really think about a topic and how we will response when faced with a situation were we are called to act upon what we really believe. In this regard, something like a "not doing" exercise and/or a metatheater is much better at surfacing what we really believe about something.

Exercises to begin to explore our belief structure (Top)

Perform the following exercises

Exploring and living our deepest beliefs exercise

What do I believe about life exercise

Although designed for another purpose the following two questionnaires are also useful to explore our beliefs and belief structure, especially if we pull the string on our responses.

Seven Chakra Questionnaire for Rituals

Seven Chakra Questionnaire on Sexuality

The next step
Looking to put it all together to create what we desire

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