Looking to put it all together to create what we desire


Exploring the role of the feminine in the creative process
Feminine Creative Power - Topic 7 of 10
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic 

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Looking to put it all together to create what we desire
Masculine way
Choosing the masculine way to create
Feminine way
Choosing the feminine way
Key to creation - the dance between the masculine and feminine
An important note about the inner dance
An important note about the outer dance
An example of the masculine and feminine way to create

Just as there are two views to experience Creation, there are two ways to create. There is a masculine way and a feminine way.

Masculine way (Top)

The masculine way based on what we think we need to do. It is the way most of us have been taught to create. It is to go and do whatever mind thinks we need to do to get what we want. If we want something another has, we simply go and do what they did to get what they got. However, if we want something that is truly original and has never been experienced, our actions directed by the mind will be hit and miss for we do not know how to get what we have never experienced. Realizing this problem, most who use this approach become very systematic and methodical in what they do.

There are two main issues we face with the masculine way. One, already identified, is that mind does not know how to create what it has never experienced. Although we may become very systematic and methodical, we are nevertheless using a hit an miss approach and stumble into our desired solution as opposed to really finding it. The second issue is that following the actions of another to create something in our life which they created in their life works as long as what we are creating is not something that needs to be unique to us. As soon as we interject the need to meet our uniqueness in any way, what works for the other will not necessarily work for us. So, we can do what they did in every way and every detail and not get what we desire.

This second issue is most common for finding things like inner satisfaction, a individual whom we can enjoy life, an experience of God or the Creative Powers of Creation, and the like. Things that are very personal and unique to us will be obtained on a path that is unique to us. We cannot follow any other to find such things. We can use their advice, use the lessons learned from their approach, and even follow their path to a great degree. However, ultimately we must find our unique path to such things. Here the masculine way is totally hit and miss unless we can learn to dance to feel our way.

More on the masculine way to create if found in the topic, "Masculine way of creating."

Choosing the masculine way to create (Top)

Choosing the masculine way of creating is what we all typically do.

  • First we decide what we want or desire.

  • Once we know what we think we want, we simply go and do whatever needs to be done to get it.

  • Most of us will list the steps we need to take, or we think we need to take, to get what we desire and then go do them.

  • This approach seems to a fast approach because our mind is busing doing things

  • Feminine way (Top)

    The feminine way to create is based on working directly with the creative process of Creation and do what we feel we need to do. Here, we allow ourselves to be lead by what our body and being leads us to do through our body wisdom, our intuitive guidance and second knowing. The feminine way to create is to nurture and grow a creation into existence.

    It is to obtain a clear intention. Then set the intention and hold focus on that intention while surrendering to align with the flow of energy created by that intention and nurture our desired creation into existence. Energy follows the path of least resistance. By aligning with the flow of energy flowing to create what we desire to experience we are lead in the fastest and easiest way to experience what we desire. However, the fastest way is not necessarily the gentlest way but the path can be made gentle

    We align with the flow of by learning to look to the feeling we wish to create and use our internal compass and allow our intuitive guidance and body wisdom to guide us to what we desire to create. If we follow the flow of energy through feeling and use the assistance of our intuitive guidance, we will follow the path of least resistance.

    To use the feminine way to create, we work with the creative process of creation/Creation and we must learn to trust the process. Learning to trust the creative process and not allowing our mind and its fears to insert itself is probably the biggest issue we face. The creative process will take us into the sacrifice of creation and into the chaos of creation. It is quite difficult to remain focused on surrendering to what we feel to guide us through the sacrifice of creation and the chaos of creation. Mind will continually try and insert itself to take control thinking it knows better. However, nothing is father from the truth. Mind only knows the past and what it has experienced. It cannot lead us into and through the unknown as required by the creative process.

    More on the feminine way to create if found in the topic, "Feminine way of creating."

    Choosing the feminine way (Top)

    Feminine creative power is about wisely surrendering and giving oneself to a creative endeavor. In this regard the optimum creative power in our life is obtained by surrendering to the purpose or reason for our incarnation and to create the experiences you incarnated to have and/or creative activities that parallel or are in reasonable alignment with that intention.

    Feminine creative power is knowing how to nurture a creation: Any intention we hold will create a flow of energy that moves toward manifesting what we desire or intent. The question is whether or not we will allow that energy to totally unfold into the creation. Are we willing to become what the creation requires us to become or are we going to do what you think need to be done. To access the feminine creative power in our creative effort, we need to step into our intuitive guidance and/or body wisdom and allow what we feel to lead.

    To use the feminine creative power, there needs to be more work done to obtain clarity of intention.

  • First we will need to obtain clarity of feeling for feeling is what will drive our creative effort. To obtain clarity of feeling we need to be able to discern what we feel.

  • Second we will need to explore if what we intent is something our creative spirit, the flow of energy that sustains our being really desires and wants to create. That is, does what we desire to create align with the intention for our life. If it doesn’t, we may create a feeling of separation within our being that can even be painful. This second part is about understanding if the feminine aspect of our being is willing to give of herself to create what is desired. If she is truly excited to create what our mind intends she will be willing to nurture the creation. However, if it is not something which she feel serves us there will be a feeling of discomfort, separation if not pain.

  • Stepping into the feminine way: All we need to do is focus on what we desire to create and see what intuitive guidance surfaces as to what we need to do to create what we desire and then follow what arises. However, because of all the competing demands in our life and the multiple intentions we usually carry, we will need to specifically ask or request our intuitive guidance what we need to do. That is, we need to be focused in the direction we wish to create. Asking our intuitive guidance what we need to do bring the focus of our attention and awareness into our intention.

    We need to remember, our body is like an antenna. It sends energy out and it received energy. Our body will sense the flow of energy that is created in response to the intention we hold. However we need to focus our attention and awareness to access that feeling. We need to learn to discern what we feel to be able to pick out the feelings that go with the particular intention we hold. It is for this reason why the feel of our intention and/or the feeling we wish to create is so important. They become the focus of our internal compass.

    Additionally, if we so choose, we can "jump" start our intuitive insights though the use of a guided meditation. We can do a guided meditation to explore the issues we face and how to better align with the flow of energy giving rise to manifesting the intention we hold. We can do a guided meditation to explore the feeling we really wish to experience based on the intention we have. That is, we can explore what our intention feels like and looks like to help better keep us focus and the mundane of life enters our life to distract us from holding focus.

    Key to creation - the dance between the masculine and feminine (Top)

    The key to creation and to any creative endeavor is to learn to dance between the masculine way and feminine way to create. We need to realize it is not about one necessarily being better than the other. Rather it is about finding the appropriate balance for what we wish to create. In essence it is to learn to navigate from the heart.

    We need to realize what we desire to create lies on a spectrum and the masculine way and feminine way lie at either ends of the spectrum. At one of the spectrum is where we recreate the past based on what mind thinks and what mind has come to learn to believe about Creation. At the other end of the spectrum is to step into the unknown and truly create. That is, to bring into existence something not previously seen and experienced. Rarely do we truly create. Rather we normally create a variation of the past and expand and evolve the past into something completely new and different. In actually to step into a truly creative endeavor can be terrifying to our mind. To enter a truly creative endeavor we have to give up all that we think and know to return to a true beginner's mind. That is, a mind free of any perception about what is going to happen and how it will happen.

    We only need to realize is that if we want the past, we need to rely on mind. If we want something we have not experienced, the we must relay on our internal compass and our intuitive guidance and body wisdom. Most of what we really seek is will require us to create in one way or another and that means stepping out of mind and entering the unknown. If we were pleased with things as they are, we would be happy to continually repeat the past - over and over and over again. Unless, of course, we are one of those individuals who gets bored repeating something over and over again.

    An important note about the inner dance (Top)

    When we enter any creative endeavor and desire to dance between the masculine way and feminine way, we need to understanding our inner dance between our inner masculine and inner feminine will play a role. How big a role they play will be determined by how mature each of them are and how well they have learned to dance with each other.

    We need to understand, the natural process is for the masculine to thrust out to both excite and impregnate the feminine for the feminine is what will to nurture the creation. The masculine must make it safe and create the space to for the feminine to become excited to want to become fertilized.

    The feminine must, of course, be open and fertile for that masculine thrust and she must be excited about nurturing what is conceived. If she is not open and/or not excited, the creation will not be conceived or, if conceived, it will not be properly and adequately nurture to grow and bear fruit.

    Relative to our inner masculine and inner feminine, our masculine mind must some how cause a passion and excitement within our being. For any creation to occur there needs to be a flow of energy. If we are not excited and passionate about what we desire to create, we will not have the energy to act. It is becoming excited that our inner feminine becomes fertile and will be willing to nourish the desired creation. That is, our inner feminine will be willing to supply the energy that allows us to act and sustain our actions in the world until we manifest our desired creation.

    The inner feminine is reflected in how the flow of energy within our being evolves to excite the masculine to act. It is to cause our mind to become excited about what we desire to create to come alive and be willing to find a way to thrust out into the world to act. It is not about seek an answer externally. It is about acting on what we know internally what we need to do in the world. When the inner feminine is excited she causes the mind to have intuitive insights and/or perceive the feelings in the body and to have the awareness to act on those feelings and give mind the courage and energy to act on those insights.

    We need to remember the feminine is what actually brings life into the world and gives life. It is the feminine which nourishes any desire the masculine holds. The masculine must become excited by the feminine. It is the feminine which calls forth the life in the masculine and excites the masculine to move forward into life to manifest the desire. Ultimately, the masculine is responsible for what is created. However, the feminine is responsible for that creation coming into existence and being sustained in existence. The feminine is responsible for nurturing the creation and that creation manifesting.

    What is important about this inner dance is that if the inner masculine cannot properly excite the inner feminine or the inner feminine cannot properly excite the inner masculine, we will look externally for what is not being fulfilled internally. However, when that occurs, we rob ourselves of our ability to create. That is, we are looking externally for what we ourselves must provide internally and will never find externally what we seek.

    Most never properly develop the inner masculine and inner feminine. The end up looking externally for what seems to be missing and then become puzzled as to why they cannot create what they desire. The issue is quite simply they are looking in the wrong direction.

    An important note about the outer dance (Top)

    Relative to a creative endeavor, we need to understand our inner world is reflected in the outer. We create what we desire to experience in our inner world and then reflect it externally in our outer world. To know how effectively our inner dance between our inner masculine and inner feminine is working, we only need to look externally.

    Ideally we find wholeness within our being and our external relationships reflect that wholeness. We do not seek another externally for what ourselves must supply within. This becomes very important in our relationship whether they are with a male or female.

    We need to remember both males and females have a masculine and feminine aspect. Whether we are a male or a female, we can look to either a male or female to supply what our inner masculine is failing to supply or we can look to a male or female to supply what our inner feminine is failing to supply. It is possible for a male to become more feminine than a female to nurture parts of her inner world she cannot nurture herself. Similarly, a female can become more masculine to give to a male what his own inner masculine cannot provide. When our external relationships also include physical sexuality, the issues become much more masked and complicated by the issue of sex. In these cases most have to find a way to get past the sex to see what they are really seeking in another.

    In any case, we only need to look at the types and kinds of external relationships we have and what we are seeking in any one relationship to know whether we are seeking something or sharing the wholeness within our being. Ideally, we should be desiring to share life with another an not have them supplying we cannot give ourselves. We need to understand, without the balanced inner dance, you will not find that balance in the outer dance we do. The key to the out dance is for our mind to become excite by our heart based on the beauty of the inner offspring we offer to the world as opposed to an outer offspring, physical or otherwise we may create with another.

    An example of the masculine and feminine way to create (Top)

    An example of the masculine way and feminine way to create is provided in the "Looking at the masculine and feminine ways to create exercise."

    It is recommended this exercise be performed before moving on to the next step. The results of this exercise will be useful in the next step.

    The next step
    The single greatest obstacle that stands in the way

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