Overlaying an understanding of energy consciousness into the organization

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There are several understandings that result from the view that all emanates out of the fabric of Creation that can best be described as energy consciousness that impacts the organization. Many aspects of energy consciousness have been already been discussed to one degree or another in the Organizational Creativity discussions and or discussion on Orchestrating the Organization and the existence of the creative spirit and need to harness the creative spirit within the individual. The principles that come from the creativity perspective and an understanding of energy consciousness are listed here because it is these principles which make Organizational Creativity and Orchestrating the Organization approach organizations differently than most other approaches.

Organizations tap into a life energy: First and foremost, and probably the most important, is that any organization taps into the same creative life energy the individual uses to live their life. In essence the organization is taking and using the life of the individual. One’s first impression in reading this statement is probably, "Well, that is only to be expected." But one needs to carefully reflect on what it means to take someone’s life and to use someone’s life. As long as the individual feels they are willingly giving their energy the true impact of this fact is missed. However, if the individual begins to feel used or manipulated in any way, they will feel an anger and/or have a feeling of being used although they don’t know exactly why.

If we truly value a person’s life, we would never knowingly put them in an unsafe situation and one would become aware of what really harms an individual and may at some level be unsafe. We assume the pay an individual gets compensates for the life they give the organization, but does it? Any amount of pay never really compensates for the life that is taken. Probably one of the greatest fallacies of our world today is that money can compensate for the life we take from someone by what we pay or give them.

For example, to have an individual work a week preparing a report and then have the manager say we don’t need that and file it in the trash can have a tremendous impact on one’s emotions. Similarly, sales personal routinely deal with rejection as part of their job but there is a loss and the cost becomes very high when someone is not doing what they want to do. One may say these things have been know for years . But the issue and question here is does one understanding the impact on the flow the individual’s creative life energy and what is the long term cost of repeated emotional loses of this type. One thing become very obvious. It is the way we lose our feeling and the subsequent desire to numb what we feel rather than experience the pain of the lost and seemingly waste of our creative life energy.

A creative energy is what gives life: A second item is that the energy one taps into is a creative life energy. It is hard for many of us to think that energy is creative but it is the flow of energy that gives rise to all the created forms we experience in Creation. The only question one faces is how conscious is the energy of what it is capable of doing when it awakes to its own existence as it has done in the human body. What is important to note and understand is the consciousness of an individual will create consciousness or nonconsciously. If the individual’s life doesn’t allow them to be consciously creative in some way such that there is a feeling life is worth living the individual will create through their nonconscious and create circumstances and situations that will challenge the individual. This fact can have profound repercussions for the work place.

We all experience problems in life but we never consider that our own creative life energy/creative spirit is creating the problems because we are not sufficiently challenged creatively in a way that is allowing us get the experiences we came to have. From a creativity perspective, when we are sufficiently challenged in the right way, we can be satisfied with what is and life has a certain level of excitement and enjoyment. However, when we are unchallenged in the way we need to be challenged our nonconscious orchestrates events to spark our creativity. If we don’t want to create problems for ourselves, then we need to ensure life is sufficiently challenging our creativity in the way it needs to be challenged to keep us engaged in life or we need to consciously create in a way that challenges our creativity. If an individual is creativity challenged in the right way by the job they have, and they are receiving an immense pleasure from it then, unless they are not following intention for their life, they would only be facing problems in which they agreed to play a role. They would not be creating problems nonconsciously to challenge their own creativity. From an organizational perspective, it may be wise to create a way to allow individuals in boring or unsatisfying jobs to feel more creative so that they don’t create problems nonconscioulsy within the organization to challenge themselves.

Conscious and nonconscious creations: A third item related to the second above is that if the individual is not challenged, their awareness will simply go to sleep. More often than not, we see ourselves as simply creating habits because of the routine we face but what we fail to realize that habits cause our awareness to go to sleep. This phenomenon coupled with forgetting knowledge that we don’t routinely used has causes many industries and professions to give and/or require refresher or re-certification or re-qualification training. In high hazard industries individuals are periodically challenged beyond the routine to keep their awareness fresh. An alternative approach may be to break the routine workday into parts and rather than have a traditional eight hour shift with breaks. It may be wise to go to maybe a nine hour workday and have two three hour periods at one activity and then a three hour rotation to a different activity that is significantly different that the other activity. Or, the approach could be to simply rotate individuals in and out of boring jobs on a periodic basis such that one never feels their life is one routine day after another. Although some will argue they like the routine, life itself is not routine. Rather life is always changing and each day is different. As a minimum the daylight each day is a little longer or shorter than the previous. We are made to be an ever changing environment. Unless we somehow create that ever changing environment in our life, we will in fact be out of phase with life itself and our nonconscious will take over and create what it chooses to create to challenge us.

An undercurrent to our life: The fourth item is that contrary to what we may think and believe and what we may have been taught, is there is a reason for each of us to be here in Physical Creation. That reason, as a minimum, is to have a physical experience as a human being but for most of us, it is much greater than that. Unless we access the source of our being and work with this intention, it will influence our life nonconsciously as an  undercurrent and will impact our life in unexpected ways. Or at least unexpected as perceived by our current mind. The easiest way to work with this intention is to become aware of what we feel and allow the fullness of being within ourselves to guide us to that intention. We may never consciously know the intention for our life in a way that will satisfy our mind but we can always feel the direction in which it is taking us. But to allow our feelings to guide us, we will need to become very aware of what we feel.

Finding inner satisfaction: The fifth item is that when we don’t align with this life purpose in some way, we will never have satisfaction in what we do. There will always be something missing in one’s life. There will that heart’s desire or a longing within one’s being for that beloved that will never be satisfied for it lies within the individual to simply have the experiences they incarnated to have. So in many ways each individual will always be seeking what makes them feel satisfied with life. If one does not realize that feeling of satisfaction is not dependent on any particular thing externally, they will continually try and manipulate their external world to get what they desire in their heart whether they realize it or not. This is particularly troublesome for the organization if an individual is using the organization is try and satisfy something within themselves that the organization cannot give. They will use the organization, its resources and its people in a fruitless journey possible damaging and even destroying the organization.

Response patterns carried from childhood: A sixth issue is because of how we have lost our ability to be in the state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration in childhood, we will respond to life with the response patterns that we developed to defend ourselves as a child. These patterns tend to be defensive and protective for there is usually some type and kind of pain that accompanies our loss of play. These response patterns do not serve us in the long run but put our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. Rather than being free to respond to the situation at hand, we will respond based on these early response patterns.

Often these response patterns do not reveal themselves until particular types and kinds of situations arise. Usually they go unnoticed to oneself and others. However, often disagreements arise not because of what is occurring and the actual situation at hand but how we have conditioned ourselves to respond based on the defense mechanism we have developed. We assume we have grown up and have learned how to effectively respond to life. But more often than not, we simply copied patterns of our early care givers and learned to protect ourselves. We are not free to express the our truth and the truth of who and what we are and we are not free to respond to the situation at hand in a way that serves our best interests unless we are very mindful and aware of how we are choosing to respond to life. More often that not we wear a mask and even forget who and what we are that we don’t even recognize the truth of our being when given the opportunity to experience our truth. Unless we have the opportunity to freely express the truth of who and what we are and know what it feels like, we will never see how we are biasing ourselves from seeing the truth of what is and respond to that truth in a way that serves all.

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