Some observations from nature about sex


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Some observations from nature about sex
The biological aspects
Spill over of the biological aspects of sex
Spin off from biological sexuality

If we explore out creativity, we will come to see that we are not our body but our body is a vehicle for the physical experience. As a physical vehicle it has the characteristic of biological organism and sexuality and its sex is part of that organism. Although there is an element of sexuality inherent in the creative process and an element of sexuality will be present with or without the biological organism, to understand sex and its relations to our creativity as a human being, it only makes sense to see what role sex play in biological organisms and influences our perception of the creative process.

The following items have been compiled over time. Unfortunately, since they were compiled only as interesting tidbits of information, no references were documented at the time they were being collected. As for their accuracy, when viewing documentaries or general reading on the biological aspect of sex none of the following were seen to be in error. But you as a read may desire to do your own research on these topics verify their truth.

What is provided here is by no means considered the definitive statement on the observations from nature about sex. They are a starting point to realize how our physical sexuality is related to and spills over into all aspects of our being. What needs to be understood is to look at nature to set criteria in any way for human sexuality is an attempt to simplify what sexuality relative to our creativity is really all about. What is presented here is more to consider what sexuality looks like as biological reproduction mechanism.

The biological aspects (Top)

Genetic variability to preserve life: From a physical and biological perspective the explanation offered by biologist for sexuality is that sex generates variability of offspring. It gives diversity to creation and protects a species against rapidly changing parasites that endangers life. The theory is when the environment changes too much, many die because they cannot be supported in the new environment. If there was not genetic change, one virus or one parasite could wipe out a whole population. However, with genetic variability each organism is now unique. This uniqueness greatly reduces the vulnerability of life itself. A virus or parasite of some type could only attack that which is common to what it was designed to attack. Those that are different would be immune from it. This is, of course, is true. It has been observed and proven. In this regard, sex lied at the heart of evolution.

It needs to be understood, Creation is a painting repainting itself by it preferences within a given environment. When the environment changes too much form the status quo, many die because they cannot be supported in the new environment and Creation repaints itself. The variability of offspring created by sexuality allows for both the continually changing Creation but also maintaining a animal population through those changes as dramatic as they may be.

The best genetic mix: We can smell a compatible mate. The compatible mate has a smell has and immune gene unlike one’s own. That increases the survivability of the offspring. The issues of smell in sex is seen to reside in the evolved brain not in the chemicals themselves. It is a biological preference and not inherent to the chemicals. That is, there is a smell to the biology and not a smell associated with the individual chemicals which make up the biology.

Sexuality causes us to feel intense feeling: The biological feelings of sex and the need to joint with another to have intercourse are extremely strong. Whether or not we have sex is not the issue. The feelings to have sex awakens feelings and the ability to feel within our being. Of course, it can be said we feel what we do because of the physical process and chemicals which stimulates the body that attract males and females. This is, of course, true. Nevertheless, sexuality causes to have feelings and they are some of the deepest feelings we can experience.

Creates the need to interact with others: Sexual variation pushes people find mates. Sexual variation and feelings of the need to join with another forces us to find a mate unless we exert a strong will do deny and suppress what we feel.. The sexual urge requires us to interact with others in some way to find that mate. Our interaction may be to pursue the opposite sex or it may be to fight a member of the same sex in some way to gain the attention of, or access to, a particular possible mate.

Male ornaments (secondary sex characteristics): Male ornaments of nature are to entice the females to select them. Males in nature are also seen to fight in competition over females for the right to mate. Given the fact the female gives so much in carrying and birthing the offspring it is believed that the male ornaments are a way for the female to help choose the best mate available.

There is also a seduction observed through sexual display and female choice. The feminine always gives more in the creative process than the masculine. The female chooses because of the effort expended in raising young. They want a good mate. Male competition is to get the female’s attention. Females are the ones who select the mate because of what they have to give to the creation that results. Females hold out for the best genes. Male traits then become bright exaggerated over time. Also behavioral traits can be as important a physical traits.

Role reversal: Role reversal happen in nature. It depends on which sex competes for mates and those that nurture the young. Females will take on male characteristics when males nurture the young.

Philandering: Individual have routinely look to nature to support or dispel the idea sexual relationships between men and women should be monogamous. The question that isn’t answered is, "Is the urge to philander based on the male attempting to ensure the survival of his seed or is simply and urge to copulate when it can?" The observations seem to suggest males of a species seem to give up philandering only if they believe that for whom they stay home and sacrifice is their offspring.

Survival and relationships: Ability to have food and survive makes a big difference in what type of society and male-female relationship develops. Feeding changes life styles. When food is continuously available separation is not required and there is little competition for the food that is available. If food is scare one can’t be in groups but need separation. In these cases females do not form bond with each other. When females do form bonds they dominate males.

Developed preferences: All beauty is a developed preference. It is a bias from within and not within the object itself. Relative to sexuality it may be based on a past need (like in the development of some particular secondary sex characteristics) but it affects our current behavior.

Evolved extravagance: Many have sex because it feels good. But rarely do we pay attention to why it feels good and how we choose our preferences because of it. In the same way species have evolved specific aspect of their biology to survive in their environment, the human brain in many ways has evolved as an extravagance much the way secondary male characteristics are an extravagance.

An evolved brain is essential to allow us to get what we want. The brain is bigger than necessary for the nervous system we need. Comparison with other mammals show that they don’t need the type and kind of brain developed by humans to survive rather well in the world. What resides in the human brain is the human capacity for decision making. The brain is what provides us with our decision making process. But what is important here is that it has been the human preferences that caused it to develop into its the decision making process that it is. What needs to be understood is that the same preference again and again over time causes us to evolve the ability for certain characteristics and that part of the brain develops to support those characteristics for which we have preference.

In some ways it can be said that the brain and its desire for pleasure is a secondary sex characteristic. Sex, in turn, is one of those pleasurable activities in which a human can engage. Since the brain has evolved for us to seek pleasure, we look for an enjoyable partner often forgetting that there is the offspring to consider. Genetic selection becomes less important in our selection.

What needs to be understood is that biologically, sex is extremely important to the human experience and it is not by accident that the importance exists. Quite simply, those early human who took pleasure in sex and parenting ensured survival of the offspring. Those who didn’t take pleasure died out. Those who didn’t take pleasure in parenting died out. Only those who took pleasure in both the sexuality and parenting survived. We have been bred to enjoy sex and enjoy parenting. It has been reported that the human is the only species that raises children who are not of their genes over a long period of time. Other species may nurture offspring that is not theirs for a short period of time but only human do it long term.

However we look at it, sexuality is vital to the survivability of the human species and the enjoyment it provides as a minimum ensures the survivability of the species and the aspect of Creation we call human. So, in many ways, to deny our sexuality we deny the essence of our being. Denying our sexuality denies humanity and Creation and its Creator.

Spill over of the biological aspects of sex (Top)

Spill over of the biological aspects of sex are those aspects of the nonbiological that parallel the physical sexuality. It needs to be realized, energy consciousness is the material of Creation. All arises from energy consciousness and is perceived as energy or as consciousness by how consciousness chooses to focus its attention and awareness. Physical Creation is just energy consciousness manifested as Physical Creation emphasizing particular aspects of the energy and/or consciousness. The creative process of Creation has an inherent sexuality and the physical biology and sexuality of the human body is one expression of this creative process. What we observe in Physical Creation is always reflective to one degree or another in other realms of Creation, including sexuality. What is provided here is a starting point to understand how some of the biological aspects of sex spill over into the nonbiological.

Genetic variability to preserve life: Sex is at the heart of evolution to provide variability to ensure the survival of the species. Mixing the characteristics of in offspring provides variability at every level of being. There are the equivalent of viruses that can attack at each and every level of being. For example, the belief that the spiritual realm is separate from physical realm is one such virus that leads to aspects of our creative spirit to become disfunctional. Many creative spirits become imprisoned if not die in some way because of this belief.

The best genetic mix: Smell is an important sexual attraction for it will provided the best genetic mix. Yet, smell resides in the evolved brain not in the chemicals. It is a biological preference evolved over time for the survival of the species. Smell provides a compatible mate which has an immune gene unlike one’s own. That difference increases the survivability of the offspring. If human sexuality were really about only creating physical offspring then smell would still be the dominate method of selecting a mate. All our selection criteria for a mate other than smell are preferences. The only question becomes is it an evolved preference or a social preference.

Relative to the best mate being a genetic complement, the same is true for any aspect of our being. A complementary partner for anything we create would provide what we don’t have and increase whatever life created between us. However, our mental preferences tend to before that which we know. A complement provides that which we don’t have. Our mental judgments tend to take us towards what we know rather than what we don’t know. We have to be willing to step out of mind to explore what we don’t know.

If we access and surrender to the flow of energy within our being, it will lead us to the mate(s) that is (are) most complementary for what we need to accomplish in, and with our life, To the consternation of some, there may be more than one mate in a life time or even simultaneously. It all depends on what we incarnated to experience and create. In this regard, each of us are very unique and have very unique needs. No two roles are the same.

Sexuality causes us to feel intense feeling: If we are open to feeling, we will feel a deep longing within our being that arises from the original separation as discussed in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective. It is the ultimate pain we face. Similarly there is what can be a pain of separation we feel in the separation which arises from living a life other than what we incarnated to live. The biological feelings of sex and the need to join with another to have intercourse will never satisfy the feeling of joining with, and creating, with another that will alleviate either of these two pains. Sexual intercourse will never satisfy the longing for a beloved or the Beloved. It needs to be realized biological sex and the act of intercourse is focused on the physical dimension of our being. The deep longing for the beloved/Beloved or to joint with another to create the experiences we incarnated to live occurs at very level of our being. Unfortunately, unless we been there and done it both ways, we will probably not understand the significance of this statement.

What needs to be realized here is that relative to biological sexuality, we feel what we do because of the physical process and chemicals which stimulates the body that attract males and females. Nevertheless, the feeling which arise in sexuality causes us to have feelings which open the door to deeper levels of feeling and they are some of the deepest feelings we can experience. Although there are reasons why we feel what we do in sexuality that can be attributed to because of the physical process and chemicals which stimulates of the body, there are things that lie beyond the chemical process that have evolved in the body over time. It needs to be remembered we are not drawn to every female or every male as a purely mating requirement would suggest. Nor are we draw every moment. Nor is sexuality always the first thing that arises around a particular person and the sexuality arises only in time. What is important here is the feelings that do arise in sexuality especially in the awareness as to when they arise and what is occurring in our life in those moments are a door way to deeper understanding about ourselves and creation. The question then becomes, "Are we willing to move beyond the sexuality?"

Creates the need to interact with others: Sexual variation and feelings of the need to join and find a mate ensures we do not become isolated unto ourselves unless we exert a strong will to deny and suppress what we feel. Creation is not done alone and there are things we incarnated to experience that lie in the world and not in some cave or monastic life. Sexuality and the desire to mate and the creation of offspring push us to be in the world in a way we would otherwise not choose. Often the sexual attraction for another lies in the intention for our life to cause us to move onto or into a particular path in life. To deny our sexuality and what we feel can be diverting us from what we incarnated to do. Similarly, to address the mundane aspect of life and to deny our sexuality pushes us to be in life in such a way that we live with others who are willing to support our choice. This, in turn, creates a particular type and kind of life path. However, we look at it, whether we move to engage our sexuality or deny it, our sexuality pushes to particular ways of interacting with others.

Male ornaments (secondary sex characteristics): It is a known fact that species evolve secondary sexual characteristics to enhance their ability to a attract mate. Secondary male sex characteristics have developed to emphasize the best that the female needs in the male for its given environment. The female on the other hand wants the best male for their offspring since she will devote so much of herself to nurturing the offspring. We forget these physical manifestations of secondary sexual characteristics arise from the deeper levels of creation and which provide an overall survivability to the species. If left to nature, each individual, male or female will be draw to another based on what they need to complement themselves and what is best for their offspring.

However, within humans, we have move past just leaving things to nature. We have our preferences. Our mind steps in and we do whatever we think appropriate to entice a member of the opposite sex. Our biggest issue is rather than just being who and what we are and allow the unfoldment of our truth to bring to us the appropriate mate, we modify ourselves in some way and are puzzled by we do not attract someone who truly meets our needs. We would see the truth of this deeper process if we can transcend the desire for sex and look at the flow of energy giving rise to the sexuality we feel and what it desires to create and manifest in the world. The energy itself leads to the best mate for us to have the experiences we incarnated to have. However, what we incarnated to do is often not what our mind has come to believe what is best for us or what our mind wants for us. .

Role reversal: What is most interesting is that role reversal happen in nature and females take on male characteristics when males nurture the young. This is quite profound when viewed form the maturation of our inner masculine and inner feminine. Biologically, there is a male and female function. Socially there is an expected role for both the males and females. Generically speaking, the female is expected to attend to the needs of any offspring and the male is expected to create the space for that female to nurture the offspring.

All societies have their variation of this process but it is more or less generically true. However, relative to the inner masculine and inner feminine, most social structures, if they do not castrate the inner masculine, provide the male a better chance to develop the inner masculine than the inner feminine. Developing the inner masculine is reflected in the ability of the individual to freely speak and live their truth. Similarly, most social structures provide a better change for the female to develop her inner feminine. The inner feminine is developed through the female nurturing role. Unfortunately, often this is done to the point of destroying the female rather than developing the female.

In any case, for us to become whole within ourselves, we need to allow both the inner masculine and inner feminine both to become mature. The mature inner masculine and mature inner feminine then need to create an inner offspring with which manifest our charisma, externally. To become whole, we need to allow our inner masculine to live our truth and have our truth reflected externally in what we thinks, say and do in and with our life. Similarly, our inner feminine needs to learn to nurture the our inner truth such that it is reflected externally in nurturing our truth in the world The two of these together become our truth in the world and is reflected in our charisma.

To develop the inner masculine both males and females will need to learn to speak and live their truth in the world. This is of course difficult for males and females and usually harder for females than males. In general speaking and living our truth often requires us to live the left hand path. The left hand path is not about living opposed to society or necessarily contrary to society. Rather is it about living differently and often into the unknown where our society has yet gone.

To develop the inner feminine, we will have nurture an offspring through gestation, birth and maturity. For females, this role is provided naturally in the female bearing the offspring of a relationship. Additionally, energetically, most societies also create a way of being where the female is expected to nurture the family structure or the relationship whether or not there are physical children. Development of the inner feminine of the male is much more difficult than the female. In essence the male must become impregnated with the desire to nurture the offspring of a relationship that is outside of their ego or they pursue a creation for which they obtain little to no ego gratification. Nurturing the offspring of a relationship is where the male would create the space and give whatever is needed for a female to birth and express her truth in the world in whatever form it takes. Or, it would be for a male to pursue an creation totally outside their training and ego for another with little return for themselves.

Philandering: Philandering by human males and philandering by human females have been viewed quite differently throughout human history. Similarly, social norms in most societies are quite different and seem to be more in favor of the male than the female. The question that can be asked is, "Why is there a different view about male and female philandering?" The issue of human philandering is not something that can begin to be addressed by the biological needs. Here we need to look at the root issue of whether the philandering is only about finding sexual gratification or is it about searching for something that seems to lie within sexuality. That root issue can only be addressed in looking at the uniqueness of the individual and what the intention that lies behind what they do.

Survival and relationships: Within nature, the ability to have food and survive makes a big difference in what type of society and male-female relationship develops. Similarly, how readily food can be obtained with a given society and whether or not a female can raise her young with our without the assistance of a mate will make a difference in the type and kind of relationships which form.

Evolved extravagance: As discussed above, comparison with other mammals show that they don’t need the type and kind of brain developed by humans to survive rather well in the world. What resides in the human brain is the human capacity for decision making. But what is important here is that it has been the human preferences that caused it to develop into its the decision making process that it is. What needs to be understood is that the same preference again and again over time causes us to evolve the ability for certain characteristics and that part of the brain develops to support those characteristics for which we have preference. One significant preference the human has is to find pleasure and comfort. Humans tend to seek a life that is more pleasurable than work. Many of our human inventions are about making life easier and more pleasurable. So, it is not surprising there is more and more emphasis on the pleasurable aspects of sexuality and what we find appeasing.

Although what we find appeasing and pleasurable has common characteristics, much of it is unique to the individual. What needs to be understood is that all beauty, no matter what it is and what it is for or about, is a developed preference. It is a bias which arises from within ourselves for or against something or someone. Relative to sexuality it may be based on past needs individually or socially that may have made sense at one time but now that bias only affects our current behavior to hold us captive in the past. However if one can step out of ego and the preferences we have whether biological or enculturated, sex becomes a very powerful creative tool for merging energies and creating new life within ourselves, another and/or within the world itself. We will also find our desire for sex may not be as much biological based as it is to meet the intention for our life in some way.

Our brain gives us the tool to make our thought manifested. It translates our thought into biological actions to get what we desire at any level of our being. In fact, humanity is only coming to understand there is a mind body connection between our thoughts and what we feel in and create in our body. By what we and society hold sacred, we force a selection of human attributes towards that ability. Culture displays of sexuality actually are a tool and mechanism used by and within society to attract a sexual partner and create a selection process. The question with which we all face is, "What is really driving our feelings of sexuality - it is biology, social, individual preferences, our creative endeavors or the intention for our life?"

Spin off from biological sexuality (Top)

Spin offs from biological sexuality are conditions or aspects that arise as a result of being in a vehicle for a physical experience which employs sexuality.

Believing we are our bodies: Sex creates very strong and powerful feelings about the need to procreate life. However, the intention for our life also generates strong and powerful feelings to creative life that lie beyond sexuality. Namely, the life our creative spirit incarnated to have. Our mind cannot explain the passion we feel that arises from the intention for our life because our mind arose from the life the intention for our life is creating. As such, mind will interpret the passion it feels to create life which arises from the intention for our life as the biological sexual urge to procreate. This in turn, ensures we deny the intention for our life and the passion it creates by directing those feelings into our biological sexuality. Because males can procreate into very old age, they never lose the coupling between the passion to create life which arises from the intention for their life and the biological urge to procreate. However, females are different. When they pass through menopause, the energy and awareness shifts. When the desire to create life remains and the biological function is no longer operations, the female can being to see and discern there is something about creating life that lies beyond the sex. This, of course, assumes the female has become discerning enough of what they feel to see the difference between the two urges.

Summary (Top)

How ever, we look at it, sexuality is vital to the survivability of the human species. The enjoyment it provides as a minimum ensures the survivability of the species and the aspect of Creation we call human. So, in many ways, to deny one’s sexuality one denies the essence of our being. Denying our sexuality denies humanity and Creation and its Creator. Here again, that wouldn’t seem to make any difference if one wanted to transcend being human except that we incarnated for the human experience and that we deny the Creator and it wisdom that created Creation as it is. The question is, "What is really driving the sexuality we feel and how should we act or not act on it so as to not rob ourselves of our creative ability and creative power?". In any case, sexuality will reinforce the belief we are human and are a physical creation.

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