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 Background on the seven chakra questionnaire on sexuality 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Working with individuals as part of the conscious journey into creativity to access their creativity revealed sexuality was found to be one of the most if not the most significant issue relative to individuals accessing their creative power and creative ability. The a result of the observed impacts of sexuality on our creative ability and creative power, prompted a deeper exploration of sexuality and creativity.

In this deeper exploration of sexuality, it was found Tantra was the only spiritual tradition that was found to suggest the conscious use of sexuality as a creative tool if only as a vehicle for spiritual enlightenment and little information was available on the creative aspects other than for procreating children. The result of this exploration was captured in the web site "Creative Sexuality - Sexuality and Creativity."

Initially, to help individuals address this issue, a questionnaire on sexuality and rituals was developed. The goal was to help begin the exploration of the deep beliefs and feelings an individual carried about sexuality when they attempt to engage in creative endeavors, in particular, creating rituals. However, what was discovered was most of the issues and beliefs around sexuality and their link to the individual’s creative power lied in the individual’s subconscious, if not the unconscious, and only revealed themselves in context. Hence a questionnaire was of limited value. Consequently, something like ameta-theater was more appropriate and powerful way to surface such beliefs. Nevertheless the questionnaire on sexuality is quite useful.

Nevertheless, it does provide a good starting point to become aware of what we think and believe about certain sexuality related issues. The follow background information and the information found in the topic, "Background for the Seven Chakra Questionnaire" contain the understanding that was used to develop the lines of inquiry in the questionnaire on sexuality.

Background for The Seven Chakra Questionnaire
On Sexuality

It can be said with few exceptions that life is sexually transmitted. Other than a few organism which reproduce without sex, without sex in some form there would be no life. The reverse is also true, that without life there is no sexuality. Although it may not be initially understood, to be fully alive in all ways implies to be fully comfortable and at home in our sexuality in all of its ways. If we are not fully comfortable and at home in our sexuality at all levels of our being they will not be fully creative and fully alive. Creativity is integrally linked to sexuality and sexuality is integrally linked to creativity. The limits and boundaries placed on either affects the other.

The reason for this is each is about creating life. As experienced as a human being, one is about creating and propagating physical life and the other is about creative the life, passion and energy within our being to at in the world. But the connection between sex and creativity is much deeper. It needs to as it related to our creativity but the two, physical sex and creative sexuality, are not one and the same. Sex, as most individuals know and understand it, is about procreating a physical form. That is, creating physical offspring. If sexuality wasn’t so enjoyable, most would probably pay little conscious attention to it other than being ruled solely by the biological urge to procreate. But, physical sex can be very enjoyable and the pleasure it provides masks a deeper phenomenon about sex.

Sexuality is actually about energy. It is about sustaining the exiting life within our being and at every level of being and/or creating and manifesting a new life at any level of being. Several things need to be understood. Creation, as life, requires movement and movement arises from a flow of energy. The desire of consciousness and the separation of energy consciousness into a conscious observer and observed Creation creates a creative tension which supplies the flow of energy. This separation gives rise to masculine and feminine aspect for any creation and a flow of energy which can be experienced as life. As a human being the masculine and feminine aspect for the creative process to maintain the human species becomes manifested in the male and female. Hence the male and female is related to the masculine and feminine aspect of Creation but note identical to the masculine and feminine in how they function.

Additionally, within each aspect of creation/Creation is an inner masculine and inner feminine aspect. As a result of how our inner world is reflected in the outer, our perception of the masculine and feminine aspects of Creation becomes reflected in how we respond externally to sexuality. Although our external actions in the world relative to how we perceive the masculine and feminine aspects of Creation are clouded and confused by the biological aspects of creating offspring and our enculturation, nevertheless, how we respond externally to sexuality can reveal our inner understanding of the creative aspects of the masculine and feminine. In this regard, it is very important to look carefully as to how we respond externally to sex, sex related issues, how we or don’t use our sexuality and the like.

In looking at how creation/Creation works, we can come to see sexuality is inherent to the creative process. We cannot escape its influence. In the creative process, energy consciousness separates itself into an observer and an observed, a creation and an experience of that creation out of the place of "no-thing-ness." Within the experience of this creation, there is a build up of energy within a desire based on the experience that is had in this existing creation. If all was felt satisfactory, the observer would just sit observing the existing creation. However, something, somewhere, in some way, is inadequate, insufficient or just no longer supports a feeling of contentment such that a desire arises.

If consciousness does not choose to act on that desire, the future gets recreated in the image of the past and creation remains un changed. In this case there really is no "future" for nothing changes and consciousness has nothing to compare to create a past or a future. If consciousness chooses to act on that desire it assumes a masculine identity or role and thrusts that desire into the fertile fabric of Creation. The energy of energy consciousness responds to that thrust by consciousness to become the feminine forming itself in response to the masculine thrust to nurture and sustain the desires creation. The thrust itself is orgasmic in its release and the energy released is representative of that which initially needs to be sacrifice to start the manifestation of the creation. The energy released in this thrust and subsequently merged reformed by the feminine to nurture and sustain the new creation is a new life, a new way of being in the world. Whether it grows and unfolds or simply is eaten by another to sustain the life of another creation doesn’t matter. It is a new live force unto itself capable of growing and unfolding as a unique creation if conditions are proper for its manifestation. Hence, sexuality and the masculine and feminine aspect of being exists in any and all created forms.

Within any creation such as the physical plane, consciousness can enter a vehicle to experience that creation from within the creation. Consciousness, as consciousness, is limited and unbounded unless it choose to limit and contain itself within a given form to have an experience of creation. The vehicle that consciousness chooses to experience creation can be masculine, feminine, androgynous having both masculine and feminine aspects, or neutral being neither masculine or feminine.

Consciousness itself is androgynous so when it enters a masculine or feminine physical (a male or female body) it can and will experience all its possible aspects depending one conditions. What needs to be understood is that the vehicle that is choose for a physical experience has a function or role within the creation itself independent of what we desire to experience in creation by choosing that vehicle. The vehicle will serve a masculine, feminine or neutral role in the creation. To deny its role denies the vehicle and choice of the vehicle. How we use the vehicle we select and what we use it for is a different issue.

Independent of the consciousness that inhabits the vehicle for a physical experience and although the vehicle serves a masculine, feminine or neutral role in the creation, each will have a masculine and feminine aspect within itself and that it can serve. Alternatively said, there are males and females and the are males who serve a masculine function and those who serve a feminine function. Similarly, there are females that serve a masculine function and those that serve a feminine function. In any of these cases, the identity of the vehicle as male or female cannot be denied and that vehicle will have its needs if it is to function properly. These masculine and feminine roles played by the male or female body are related but very different than the role they play in sex. The gender of our physical body does not necessarily correspond to the role that we are expected to play based on the intention for our life.

In any case, for an individual to become whole and complete, whether we are in a male body or a female body, we will have to fully develop both our masculine aspect of being and our feminine aspect of being on each and every level of our being including the physical level of being. What this means is that we each will need to learn to go after what we desire to see if it provides the inner satisfaction we seek. That is, to thrust out into the world to manifest our desire. Similarly, each will have to surrender to another to nurture and sustain a creation created with them. Then in the strength of knowing and having experienced each role, then dance between the two roles to create the reality and experiences for which one incarnated to have. Creation is predatory. We each will eat of another in some way and we each will need to give ourselves to another to be eaten.

In addition to a physical body, each individual has a spiritual, mental, emotional and physical presence or body that can be masculine, feminine, androgynous or neutral. Each of these can play a masculine role, a feminine role or both roles depending on what the individual is to accomplish in life or intends to do. A focus on sex as in physical sexual intercourse when the focus should be on masculine or feminine role we need to play within a given creative situation, can be very injurious to the individuals involved.

The main distinction between sexuality, the masculine or feminine role we need to play, and sex as directed towards sexual physical intercourse can be seen as a spectrum where sexuality and the role we play involves, and is, interweaved between the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of an individual’s being. It is a spectrum of how these planes interact across our being where as sex is usually only focused on the physical aspects at the neglect, if not outright denial, of the spiritual, mental and emotional elements and the physical aspects like physical intimacy of the body. At one end of the spectrum is physical sexual intercourse. At the other end of the spectrum is a masculine or feminine role we play weaving across all aspects of our being and that of the other. On this point it needs to be noted and emphasized, a male can play a feminine role nurturing the female as she thrusts out in the masculinity. The role we play relative to creative sexuality is not about whether we are male or female.

Sexuality is about manifesting and procreating life or generating the energy to give life, at each of these levels of being where as sex as most people experience it is driven by manifesting life in the physical and/or taking physical pleasure. Of course, any particular individual will be somewhere between these two extremes. Additionally, when two individuals become involved in any way around sexuality, there is a mixing of each other’s energy between these two individuals across our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical dimensions. Each does have the potential to become inter-twined with the other.

In the same, way there is the potential for the egg and sperm to join forming a new physical creation by uniting our DNA, there is the possibility of the spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of the two individuals to join forming a new creation on the spiritual, emotional and mental levels. In these cases the two individual’s spiritual, emotional and/or mental aspects of our being inter-twine and unite as two DNA strands and the new creation is literally a melding of the two individuals. The more intimate the contact, the deeper and more inter-twined the connection can become. It only depends on how open the individuals are. Each individual can be open or closed nonconsciously and many are very open without realizing it.

In this light, the most damaging types of relationships are where one individual is psychically closed and at one end of the spectrum the other is psychically open. The one who is closes is solely occupied with the physical pleasures and/or elements of sexual control satisfying the ego gratification, denying the spiritual, mental, emotional elements and the accompanying physical intimacy. In being this way, often this individual also carries some type of harmful belief about interpersonal relationships (such as other person must be controlled or the relations ship exists to only serve them). On the other hand, the other individual is psychically open at the other extreme, open on all levels. But unless the have done the necessary inner work, they will not understand or have the capacity for unconditional love to accept the first individual for who and what they are. The result of such a union is simply disastrous and becomes more disastrous the more intimate the relationship. Only when we can fully accept another for who and what they are no matter what that is can we engage safely with someone who is not comparable to our level of openness. The concept of a soul mate arises from two individuals so matched or approximately matched in their level of openness to each other at every level of our being.

Sexuality, is the greatest creative tool in existence on the physical plane. Human sexuality in particular, is the single greatest creative force in existence because of the inter-twining that can occur simultaneously on the four different levels of being. Human sexuality has the capability to simultaneously transcend the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical planes of existence and provides for the second most creative state of being. Much of what occurs during sexuality is unseen and should not be casually dismissed. The limits and barriers that we construct around our sexuality for whatever reason also imposes limits and barriers on our creativity and our creative abilities.

Since so much of the sexuality is unseen, the seemingly innocent limits and barriers constructed on the physical plane around sex and sexuality can have tremendous implications as to how they impact our creativity and in ways never imagined. This by the way no way endorses promiscuity and/or "free" love. It refers to the free expression of our sexuality in the way it needs to be expressed. More often than not it is about what can be done with one person and what we are free and not free to do with them. It needs to be understood each individual is a unique creation and the needs of each will be different. Then again, it is not the goal of everyone to be, or to have, unlimited creativity existing in our lives so there will be no need for many for a free express of our sexuality. This is a decision each individual will need to make for themselves. We only need to become aware as to how the limits and barriers we impose on ourselves and others affect our life and our creativity at all levels. Sometimes we only know the effects after the fact so we may need to do our own experiment. This in itself is a risk many may choose not to take.

Each person will have to decide for themselves what is acceptable and not acceptable and each will have to accept the responsibility for the consequences of our actions and our decisions on ourselves and others. There is no judgment by the universe on what you choose for we do have a free will. However, every action we take will have, and does have, a result. Every action we take will ultimately have to be balanced. If our actions are less than honorable we can expect to experience a less than honorable life in return. If we use sexuality to harm or control another, we in turn will be harmed and controlled. This is not a judgment about sexuality or morality but a causal law of the universe - an intention in motion stays in motion until it is changed and for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. It is we, ourselves, who determines the life that we will have by how we choose to live our life and the choice that we make in life.

It needs to be clearly understood, and emphasized, that because human sexuality is so powerful, the intention we carry with us into any sexual act, no matter how big or how small the act, or how seemingly insignificant we feel the intention is, will reveal itself and impact our life in some way. Because of amounts of energy involved in sex, and sexuality being the second most creative state of being, we can look at the sexuality as being an amplifier of our actions and our intention. Each thought we have can be seen as a seed that is planted in our life that unfolds, grows and bears fruit. Because of the power of sexuality and the amplification provided, the thoughts, intentions and acts in and during sexuality are like seeds planted in very fertile ground, extremely well nourished and watered with exquisite climatic conditions and sunlight. However, the fruits of these thoughts, intentions and acts are poorly understood in our life. Because the impact of the sexuality are simultaneously on the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical plane of existence in different degrees and in different proportions. Most individuals have decoupled the fruits of an action or intention from the action or intention and the decoupling becomes very pronounced when the coupling is across different planes of existence. It is difficult to see the spiritual impact of an action performed on the physical plane, but it real none the less.

When it come to creating, there is something that is called sexual magic and it is real. It is seen as magical only because it seems to be so powerful yet so poorly understood. There is nothing magical about the sexuality. It is life and the creative process that sustains life that is magical. The issue is sexuality is the most powerful vehicle and tool for creativity in existence. When we use a powerful tool that we really don’t understand, its effects can only be described as magical and it can added that its effects may be seemingly uncontrollable. The simplest way to state the power of sexuality is that the thoughts that we have, the intention that we carry and the acts that we perform in, around and during sexuality are amplified by the sexuality. How that amplification occurs is unique to each individual depending on the way the individual has attached themselves to sexuality and the physical plane and the activities in which they are engaged that involves sexuality. Hence the need to look at sexuality and the way we intend to apply it to attempt to understand how and in what fashion we individually have attached to any aspect involved. The Seven Chakra Questionnaire on Sexuality was designed to assist in this process.

It does need to be noted and emphasized that the intention we carry that underlies our actions is the single most powerful aspect that will determine what we bring into our life as result of the action in which we engage. In this light, it is extremely important for us to look at the intention behind how and why we plan to engage in sexuality. Our intention for engaging in sexuality may be as simple and straight forward as "it feels good and I want it." However, the simplicity of that intention itself has tremendous repercussion for embedded in that statement is an approach and view about life that gets planted within our being, is amplified, grows and bears abundant fruit around that approach and view of life.

In using sexuality associated with any ritual we do, as with any ritual, each is performed relative to some particular intention(s) we wish to manifest to provide a strong emotional experience to the body and psyche to energize the intention. Any sexual act itself can be viewed as rituals that manifest the intention we are holding when we engage in a sex act or a sex act can be used in rituals to further "charge" or amplify the ritual. As such, no matter how we intend to use sexuality, the intention behind the effort needs to be clearly understood. The thrust of the Seven Chakra Questionnaire on Sexuality assumes that we will be either using sexuality in conjunction with manifesting a particular intention for our life or you will be working to free creative power associated with our sexuality to allow ourselves the freedom to express ourselves in the way we need to be expressed. Or, we plan to use sexuality to manifest a particular intention where the sexuality provides an additional amplification to our focused psyche. To use sexuality to manifest an intention we need to become aware that the intention we hold during sexuality will be amplified and we just need to ensure the intention that we hold does not result in negative or limiting impacts on our life.

Related topics
Seven Chakra Questionnaire on Sexuality
Creative Sexuality - Sexuality and Creativity
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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