The Miracle of Creation


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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There has always been, and always probably will be, an aspect of Creation that makes one stand in wonderment and Ah no matter what state of mind they may be in. Many look at Creation as mysterious. Other look at it as miraculous and as a miracle. Even the most dispassionate and intellectual scientist can stand back and marvel at the phenomenal puzzle it seems to be. There is always a deeper more subtle truth to be learned and uncovered in what appears to be a never ending process. We improve and expand our understanding yet there is always a new twist that seemingly forces us to reevaluate what we had thought.

There have been a variety of thoughts and opinions as to what is the real miracle of Creation and a variety of ways offered to explain those thoughts. Here we use the term miracle as an event that appears to be neither a part, nor result of, any known natural law or agency and is therefore attributed to a supernatural, divine as yet unknown or unknowable source. Some have said the Source of Creation is Divine and Supernatural and we will never be able to comprehend the Divine. Others have said the source is only unknowable and cannot be comprehended by the human mind for the human mind is too small to fathom the infinite. Still others have said the source is only unknown at this time and give a well focused effort we can uncover the Source of Creation itself.

Some have tried to explain the miracle of Creation more as a mystical body where each is a part of a greater whole much like a cell in the body is part of an organ or tissue which in turn is part of this larger mystical body. Yet the cell is not the body and has a life of its only totally different from the body itself yet totally dependent on the body.

More modern scholars have tried to use the hologram to describe Creation. As in a hologram, each part contains the whole image only the image gets fuzzier and list distinct the smaller the fragment. Yet, each contains the whole. So too with Creation,. Each part contains the whole of Creation within itself in some way but the smaller the fragment of Creation with which you work, the less distinct and the less clarity you have about exactly what Creation really is. Although this hologram model looks extremely good, it is still lacking in explaining the miracle of Creation. The increasing fuzziness as the fragments gets smaller seems to imply something is missing or being decreased in each part. If everything truly emanates from the same source and same material the essence cannot be degraded no matter how small the part.

Some say the miracle of Creation is that an independent consciousness or a creative spirit becomes incarnate in a physical body creating a being who stands between two worlds - the unseen and non manifested word usually referred to as the world of spirit and the manifested physical world. However, when viewed from the perspective of energy consciousness, there is no difference between the unmanifested, non localized energy of spirit and the localized energy of Physical Creation. They are one and the same thing. So there is no miracle here. Rather it is just energy consciousness choosing to change what it does much the way one can choose to watch a ball game or go out and play the game moving form the position of the observed into that which is observed, or the Creation.

Others would say the miracle of Creation is that we each create it all. Each of us and the experience we have are his or her own creation. We come from the Divine creating with the imaginative creative life energy of the Divine until we return to it, experience after experience of which physical life is only one such experience. Yet we know some how we don’t seem to have complete control over our creation. Physical Creation has a life unto itself in spite of what we do and no matter how much we do create what we experience.

Still others would say the miracle of Creation is that we each create it all but together as a shared creation or shared reality. When we exercise our free will, each of us create the experiences we have and all the others, including earth itself, play a role that we ourselves have asked them to play. The one and only constraint we have placed on ourselves is that you have chosen to have a physical experience as a human being and our body and the world we inhabit is the perfect manifestation of our being in human form.

In this understanding, if we had chosen to experience the physical plane as a tree, we would have become the type of tree that best fits who and what you are. We would not be any old tree but one the is the unique expression of who and what you are. Similarly if we chose to be an oak tree, we would not be any old oak tree. We would be a uniquely shaped oak tree that best expresses and matches our essence. It would be unlike any other oak tree in existence.

These last few statements is the essence of the miracle of Creation. Each manifestation or localization of its energy, an unmanifested energy, creative spirit, or individual point of consciousness chooses to have, whether it be a rock, a tree, an animal or a human, and whether it is manifested in Physical Creation or any other Creation, can and will contain the infinity of that consciousness. Since each individual point of consciousness has the potential to become the Playmate of the Original Creator, at one with that Creator, each manifested form contains the infinity of Creation. The manifested from will only look like and be the direct reflection of the consciousness that inhabits it, or rather manifested itself into that form.

The miracle of Creation is that any form that we choose to take will become a vessel fully capable of expressing the infinity of our being and the infinity of Creation.. Said another way, each created form is infinity in a box - a seeming finite container containing the infinite. It and its environment is infinity itself. In this regard, our physical body is the temple, the housing, of our unique awareness and is directly reflective of our consciousness. Our body and our environment represents the expression of the infinity of Creation. All of Creation, the infinite of creation stands before us in the form of our body and its environment. What we have created is the best way our unique consciousness can communicate exactly who and what we currently perceive ourselves to be, or how who and what we are looks like as manifested in the physical form as a human. As we change who and what we think we are, our environment will correspondingly change. Eventually, we will even outgrow being a human in Physical Creation.

This last paragraph is true for any realm that we enter. If we died and go to heaven or hell we will experience a heaven or hell with a "body" or vehicle that best represents us in the environment that best represents our image of heaven or hell. However, we will not call what we experience as heaven or hell unless we hold some standard of reference to which we compare where we are to where we would like or not like to be. We will only be having an experience in a form that best represents us in the reality in which we have gone to.

This process is endless. We will always find ourselves in a form and environment that best represents who and what we currently are in the reality in which we find ourselves. And, on this not, the reality in which we find ourselves best represents who and what we think you are. As we change our perception of who and what we think we are, we will change the reality we experience. Sometimes the form, our body or vehicle and the world in which we find yourself seems to remain unchanged, but we experience them both entirely differently.

Anything on which we place our attention to know will reveal itself whether it is information about a person or about reality. We can access everything we need to know or would want to know. We just need to know how to look at it, or look for it, by how you focus our attention and awareness. Each individual part is a reflection of the total infinity of the universe and we can access in of it or all of it from exactly where you are now.

Out of all the concepts we can some to understand, this in the one concept that is probably the most difficult to understand and experience. In fact, it is the one that every other concept supports. Every other concept only provides a piece of understanding to comprehend and experience the truth of the miracle of Creation. That is, our body and our environment is the infinity of Creation. Each concept we obtain only provides a piece to understand how this is possible and how we can have a personal experience of this truth.

Until we have a set of experiences and a set of beliefs that support an intellectual understanding of this concept and a second set of experiences and second set of beliefs that support an experience of this truth, you will not be able to fully understand and consciously comprehend this principle either intellectually or through any experience we may have. What needs to be realized is we are already experiencing and using this principle every moment only we do so nonconsciously. The fact that we do not recognize this principle is that we have just not yet assembled all the pieces for us to see the puzzle of reality for what it really is. The key to both understanding and consciously experiencing this principle is intention. If we set the intention to see and/or experience this principles we will do so. It may take time to move through all the obstructions that our mind has placed in the way but as long as we hold the intention we will find what we seek.

Once we have set the intention and hold it, there are a variety of ways to access the awareness within this miracle of Creation about our body and the creation we experience. One way is we can grow into this awareness following the path identified by our internal guidance. We only need to follow our intuitive guidance and body wisdom where they may lead. A second way is the traditional path of "enlightenment" where we follow the teachings of someone who has obtained the understanding about enlightenment. A third way is to literally challenge the Universe to reveal itself and how it does what it does. Here we must desire understanding as the proverbial drowning man grasps for air. If one chooses this third approach, they must be fully willing to accept the magnitude of the change that will come with its revelation. If they are not prepared, what is achieved will fade over time much the Persephone was captured and taken to the Underworld in the Greek myths.

A fourth way is that it can be instantaneous either through the proverbial "Ultimate Accident" or "grace experience." In the Ultimate Accident one has spontaneous realization about the nature of the Universe. In the "grace experience" another individual, whom we call a rainmaker in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material, creates the space for us to have a realization which is traditionally been called "shaktiput" in the Easter mystical literature. In having such an experience we come to realize the truth of our being and the infinity of our being. In having these experiences in awareness, we come to also understand the raw material of Creation is our desire.

In unawareness as to the truth of our being, as discussed in the topic "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind," our mind defines such an experience based on our past. To have mind instantaneous have such an experience with out a set of experience that can properly interpret the experience and without awareness, we cannot sustain the experience. In this case, the experience will only appears as a random bizarre experience unexplainable. Also if mind inaccurately interprets such a experience, again, the experiences will fade over time as Persephone being carried off into the Underworld. The key is to have a perception about who we are such that in having such an experience, we can recognize the experience when it occurs and keep the experience of the infinity of our being alive within us and what it has to offer. What has to offer is access to the depth and breadth of our unlimited creativity.

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