Is Creativity Physics Really Physics


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Is Creativity Physics Really Physics
What is physics?
The issue of life
The issue of precise measurements
The issue of mathematics
The true nature of physics
A conclusion

One question that can be asked is, “Is what is discussed here really physics especially when one of the starting assumptions is that energy and consciousness are different aspects of the same material of Creation?”

What is physics? (Top)

If we look at the definition of physics and what is discussed under the topic of Creativity Physics the answer is most probably yes and no. The typical definition given for physics is that it is the science that treats of the laws governing motion, matter and energy under conditions susceptible to precise observation. Generally it is considered distinct from chemistry and the sciences dealing with life. In looking at this definition and what is discussed under the topic of Creativity Physics and within the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material we will find there is a physics of creativity if we allow ourselves to do a few personal experiments.

What is discussed in Creativity Physics are the laws, principles and concepts, governing motion, matter and energy and the creative process we use to create our experience. There are two significant issue that can be argued as to why Creativity Physics is not physics. One can argue what is discussed and how it is applied is not susceptible to precise observation. The other is that physics does not deal with life.

The issue of life (Top)

One strong argument that can be made that Creativity Physics is not physics  is that what is discussed in addition to energy as normally discussed in physics is the discussion of a creative life energy. According to the definition of physics, physics does not deal with life. This of course is a significant issue.

However, it does need to be noted that if we look carefully, physics has always recognized the energy of life the equivalence of life energy with energy. The definition of horse power comes from equating mechanical energy/power with life energy of a horse. The original definition of horsepower was related to the amount of power a horse could generate and the work it was capable of doing. We could similarly equate mechanical energy with human energy and could have created such a term. Of course, there is the word "manpower" but it has not been calibrated to a given amount of work as in the term horsepower. Rather, Physics has stayed away from the issue of human life energy. Probably one reason is it is so unpredictable and seemingly inconsistent. 

Yet, our life energy is a energy capable of doing work or causing and effect completely in line with the physics definition of energy. More importantly our creative power arises from the creative life energy within our being. That is, the energy which sustains our life and allows us to live in the world. Creativity Physics helps to understand how to access that energy and use it  creatively internally and externally to create what we desire. The point here is physics and the study of the laws of motion and energy relative to life is still physics. Physics is not separate from life or chemistry - or really from anything else that involved energy in any form.

Also, if one considers the typical definition for physics given here and the advances quantum mechanics and molecular orbital theory, one would have to say that physics is no longer really distinct from chemistry in the classical sense. Similarly if one considers the improvements in biophysics, replacement body parts, diagnostic tools and the like including things link nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, the use of radioactive traces to study metabolism, and radiocarbon dating, physics is very much involved in the study of life and life processes.

So it is probably very safe to say that physics is the science that treats the laws governing motion, matter and energy under conditions of precise observation. In particular, it doesn’t matter where they are studied whether in chemistry, in the body or in the far reaches of space or inner space. But then, if we consider the equivalence of mass and energy, the definition of physics reduces to “the science that treats the laws governing motion and energy under conditions of precise observation.”

Now if we consider the discussion entitled “Energy - the Invariant in the Creative Perspective” or the “Interdisciplinary Aspects of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology” we will find it is stated energy and consciousness are equivalent forms of the same “stuff” of Creation. The reason for such a statement is provided in these discussion. Here is one place we may need to do our own experiments and see if, in fact, consciousness does meet the definition of energy. Does consciousness provide the ability to cause an effect and see for ourselves is consciousness does create an effect. Related to this issue is that physics states that energy exists as a wave or particle. Depending on how
we choose to observe determines whether we see the wave or particle nature of energy. But then do we not have to be conscious to choose to observe and is not determining energy appearing as a wave or a particle creating an effect?

It is the premise of the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding that energy and consciousness are equivalent but only perceived differently. They exist much like the wave - particle nature of energy. It all depends on how
we choose to observe as to whether we experience the wave nature or the particle nature of energy. So too energy consciousness. Depending on how we choose to observe, we observe energy or consciousness. In this regard, can be said that there is a physics that underlies and governs all that is discussed in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity Technology

The issue of precise measurements (Top)

According to definition of physics, one must be able to “create conditions of precise observation.” This of course is the issue. Precise observation means is that you, me or anyone else can establish the identical conditions any where in the Universe and get the same results. What is measured and what is observed does not depend on who the observe is or where the observation is made for the same conditions. What is done is not subjective. It is here at this point, it is recommended we must change our thinking.

Because we are all unique in what we think and believe we have different perceptions, physics as a science, works tremendously hard to remove the biases that may exist in any observation that is a result of the perception of the observer. There if course nothing wrong to do this and is it is this demand on what is observe that has given the power to physics to tap into many of the creative principles that govern the Universe.

What is proposed here is that, just as there are a set of laws and principles that govern motion and energy externally, there are a similar set of laws that govern motion and energy internally. In fact, they are the same law and principles just perceive through consciousness. The reason why it is hard to reconciles this view is that consciousness is just a flow of energy that has awakened to itself and identifies itself based on what it has remembered from its past, if anything.  So consciousness, whether it realizes it or not, is in fact a creative living process continually redefining itself based on the experiences it has. What remains fixes is the awareness which observes. But the awareness perceive through or in consciousness which is biased by the how consciousness has defined itself.

What is not understood is that each consciousness uses the exact same principles. However, because each perceives it self in a unique way, each uses the same principles in a different way. Within this understanding , most will come to see there is a physics that goes with creativity.

It is here we each need to do our own experiments to see if this is true. It is also here that we can have a repeatable experiment for any person. It is here we find the conditions of precise observation. However, to do this experiment, and have its preciseness, we first have to become aware of the awareness. That is we must become aware of the awareness that lies behind or within consciousness. To do this is not as hard as it sounds. It is simply to learn how to become a detached witness.

Simply, look or observe as a detached witness. The detached witness knows they can rewrite the script of whatever they observe. In playing with the script and rewriting and looking at the results, one an being to see there is a discernable process which occurs. Namely there is a creative process that holds for any creation that is experienced.

In becoming that detached witness, one can also begin to see that they are in process. They can come to see that who and what they normally think they are is really a creative living process unfolding within a given environment or under a particular set of conditions. One can begin to see that there is an invariant flow of energy that arises from the Source of Creation. Since that flow is invariant, it also provides a calmness and contentment when aligned with that flow and is reproducible.

Within this understanding, the creativity perspective, the beliefs we hold that cause us to think and perceive differently are just switches that turn on or off our observation. That in turn, turns on or off the flow of energy that would give rise to an experience of that belief. How this works is described in a variety of Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussions. In pursuing this understanding it is recommended you follow the path of your choice. There is the story path that you access in the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective or the physics perspective that you can pursue through the Creativity Physics web site, and in particular, A Structured Approach to Creativity Physics.

The issue of mathematics (Top)

One issue which can be raised against Creativity Physics being seen as physics is there is little or no mathematics to support the conclusions and which can be used to predict outcomes. Creativity Physics tends to be solely conceptual. But then we must ask the question "Is physics a form of mathematics or is mathematics a tool which physics has found useful to go beyond the normal limited perceptions of mind much the way we use a calibrated instrument to detect unseen radiation- or alternatively asked, does physics exist without the mathematics we use to understand and/or explain what we observe?" Then, of course, we could as the question, "Is physics real or simply a concept of the human mind which we use to explain the Creation and reality we experience?"

Having been trained as a physicist, at one time, I would have said the mathematics was essential to physics. However, after having to teach individuals with only an understand of algebra the essential principles of physics and engineering to operate nuclear reactors, I would now say that mathematics is only a tool. Unless we can create conceptual understanding of what is occurring without the mathematics, we do not truly understand and the mathematics itself could be misleading us.

Again and again in physics, there were models and mathematics which seem to explain what was observed at a particular point in time. Then as new phenomena revealed themselves both the models and the mathematics needed to change to explain what we observed. So the question is, what is real? How does Creation really work? What is it about Creation that we seeming continue to peal a layer of understanding as we would peal the layers of an onion. Maybe the issue is our mind is simply the product of what we are trying to explain.

The true nature of physics (Top)

The true nature of physics is to find a model or way of viewing Creation such that we can use the model to predict the outcome of any situation we face with a reasonable degree of accuracy. We look for effectiveness to be our measure of true. The more we can use our model and perception to predict outcomes the greater our belief in the model and the greater the beliefs we believe we understand how Creation works. Throughout the history of physics we have simply replace one model or way of understanding Creation with another that seemed to be more effective. We then use that more effective model until it no longer can support what is being revealed and we look for another model. So, in the end, physics, no matter how powerful it becomes is simply a model we use that is effective for what we wish to do.

In this regard, there is a Creativity Physics for the model and way of understanding how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience as present in Creativity Physics is effect. The recommendation is until you can find a better way to explain what Creativity Physics can explains, use it. Then, when you find something more effect, use what is more effective.

A conclusion (Top)

Regardless of what is state here, for the physics purest, what is presented here will probably never provide the rigor, mathematics and objective experiments desired by physics type publications and the physics community. Some will say the application of the physics concepts here are more metaphoric than literal. In many ways this is true. However, such criticism is not seen as negative. Rather, from a creativity perspective, it doesn’t matter. Seeing the application of these physical concepts only as metaphors will still expand our creative ability and what is possible to create. In fact, given the nature of the models used in science, it is encouraged that what is discussed here be use metaphorically and not believed as the ultimate fact since physics models and theories also change. There is more creative power in their metaphoric application than taking them literally. (More on.... models and metaphors)

Whatever our view, embracing these concepts creatively serve to change what we believe about nature and creativity. They will assists us in learning how to hold our creativity sacred as discussed and recommended in the creativity perspective to create what we desire. What is important is that there is a direct relationship between energy and consciousness. Using that relationship, we can see there are many phenomena that occur in the physical world that can provide many insight into how our consciousness creates its experience
s. Creativity Physics is focused at providing those insights.

What is provided here in Creativity Physics and the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding and material is effective for both the individual to release their creative spirit from within and for use by someone like a rainmaker or creative shape shifter to create the space to help birth that creative spirit of another and for the released creative spirit to be free to grow and unfold true to itself.

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