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 The overall creation ritual process


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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We need to remember, reality molds itself to what we intend. There are no false starts. There are no mistakes. We only learn what works and doesn’t work to manifest what we intend. Hence as we experiment in ritual and see what works and doesn’t work, we will also be looking at those aspects of our being that are pretty well solidified and what we will have to change to manifest what we intend.

The objections which arise in ritual as to what we can or can’t do and what we feel, or don’t feel, correctly reflects what we will experience as we attempt to create what we desire in the world. However, when we finally find a whole sequence of actions which seems to feel correct, we may discover there would have been an easier way if we had only known certain things earlier. This is where the real power of the ritual enters. We can look at the ritual we did and its iterations to see what they represent in our life. We can then look at the ritual we would now do, knowing what we now know from what we learned in iteration process. In comparing the two, we may be able to see what overall changes we will have to make in our life and make our change at the most fundamental level we can, simplifying the whole process. However, it is recommended that we do a new ritual, one based on making the fundamental changes, and seeing how things flow and what the process now feels like. Many are able to create what they desire but find they really don’t want what they create. Here again, the ritual allows us to act it all out symbolically.

The first and most important aspect to create a creation ritual is to have a very clear intention for what it is that we wish to manifest. The key to any manifestation is clarity of intent. We can iterate our intention as much as we want, but we need to be sure we are getting more and more certain in what we intend.

We should write this intention out so that we can look carefully at the words and ensure the words accurately reflect what we intend. It is highly recommend we do not desire or intend to hurt another or cause intentional pain in any way. We can do so if we wish and we will create what we wish but we will also suffer the consequences. We need to remember, the world we see before we only mirrors what we intend inside ourselves. The reverse is also true. What is inside ourselves, we see before us in the world. What we see and experience in our exterior world is only a mirror of what is inside us. If we see war and violence in our external world, it reflects an aspect of our being that is being expressed. If we say this is untrue because "I desire peace" but there is still war in the world it is because we forget we are collectively part of humanity and to be human at this point in time is not to be at peace within itself.

The exact reasons why this is true and how it works can be found in the discussion "Origins of Creation," the "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality" and the "Environment and the unfoldment of a creation." Here, we only need to remember, what we intend inside is reflected externally to us and what we intend outside is reflected inside at each and every level of being. To intend harm to another external to ourselves, we are intending to harm ourselves and we do so.

Most will not fully understand this concept until we work with it for awhile. The recommendation here is that all our intentions be couched in creating a space of freedom for the other individuals in our life and those individuals who are not happy with we as we change, are gently lead to where they are safe and secure space. We in turn, will also be lead to where we are safe and secure but we cannot find safety unless we also long for it for the others in our world. In using this intention we create both a safe and secure space for those in our life and also for ourselves. That, in turn, helps create that safe and secure space so we may enter the creation process in a state of innocent childlike play.

The second thing is we need to decide if we are going to exert the will and determination to manifest what we intend. The will and determination will help supply the energy for any obstacles we face in the process. On this note, we also have to believe in ourselves to create what we desire. Not necessarily that we ourselves will do everything. Rather, the universe will supply all our needs and bring to us what it is we need that we ourselves cannot provide. Remembered also we will have to sacrifice something to manifest something new and the universe will decided what it is we will need to sacrifice. If we are unwilling to give up what is needed for the sacrifice, we will block our own creation by our attachment to what is. We must desire the manifestation of our intention more than we desire our existing world. We need to have the will and determination to let go of our current life, no matter what, to allow the new life to manifest. We must desire what we desire like a drowning person desires air.

Entering the process of utilizing the ritual is ideally done in a state of innocent childlike play exploring and discovering the nature of the universe and our own internal creation process. However, any state of play that we use will help manifest our ritual. The only advice here is we don’t make the ritual an obligation in any way and don’t make the play confrontational or a goal to be sought. Rather, we need to freely do the ritual in free and spontaneous play as much as possible. We can uses a written or prescribed ritual but be free to move within the from and be as spontaneous as we can with what we are feeling and experiencing.

On the topic of free and spontaneous play and structure, it needs to be noted the ritual itself can be very structured and organized much that a classroom lecture can be organized and focused on key points. However, the ritual should create freedom and spontaneity. That is, one allows the intuitive guidance and spontaneity to form the flow of the ritual between key points much the way a classroom lecture can be free to discuss and digress issues as appropriate but not lose focus of the lecture.

As much of the ritual as possible should be done without thinking, analyzing and judging but rather allowing the feelings to lead from point to point. Before we attempt to manifest any creation, we may want to intend and then manifest the ability to be in an innocent childlike play. For many, creating a state of innocent childlike play may be the most difficult creation we face. Yet, childlike play is the one that is most essential to our creative ability and creative power. The deeper we can go into childlike play, the easier it will be to manifest whatever we desire. In fact, we may want to make this intention the first intention that we use to practice the creation ritual technique. We may want to sign the create a consent form to help create this state of play within our being and we may wish to use the Form as part of the ritual. Additionally, we may need to redo a consent form for each new intention we manifest for each intention may tap into a part of our being that we have not previously given permission to be free to play.

Remember that any action done in accordance with information provided from the heart and our body wisdom when we are outside of mind is much more powerful than one’s mind can imagine. Here we need to start two efforts running them together. The first is to analyze what we believe and why we believe what we do especially about how creation works. The second is to follow our intuitive guidance with unwavering faith and allow our mind to question itself in response to analyzing why we believe what we do. What is being proposed here is we allow ourselves to become split. Act on our intuitive guidance and rather than letting the mind judge, analyze and critique how we are acting, but direct it to question why we are wanting to judge analyze and critique what the intuitive guidance is providing.

To start this process, simply ask ourselves such questions as, "Based on manifesting my intention, what does the ritual I do look like?", "How should I do it?" "Who is involved with me in doing the ritual", "Where do I do it?", "When should I do it?", "How do I feel about this guidance?" and other who, what, when and where such questions. It is highly recommend we stay away from "Why?" questions and other similar interrogatives that take we into our analytical, thinking and judging mind. In listening to the responses to these questions, we need to be out of mind as much as possible. We need to keep our opinions, judgments and expectations out of the process. We need to act because it is correct to act trusting fully we are doing the correct thing no matter what the consequences look like to our or the external world. However, we do have to be prepared to live the consequences.

In listening to our intuitive guidance, we only engage our mind to figure out exactly how we will do the ritual as literally as possible based on the images, thoughts feelings and sensations that we have to guide us. If literal action would cause harm to us or another, we can create a theatrical performance, a metatheater, to act out the literal as one would act in a stage play or create a symbolic action for each aspect we cannot do literally.

In listening to our intuitive guidance, we need to trust the thought, images, feelings and body sensations as much as we possible can. We need to trust that the information is literally correct no matter how bizarre the information appears. We need to trust that our nonconscious mind has characterized the energy we need to experience to manifest our creation has been accurately transcribed and relayed to us. As we act and move in the direction of acting on the images literally, we will either find the literal interpretation is correct or we will get additional information as to why our initial information is inaccurate and new information will arise to guide us. Our thoughts, images, feelings and sensations are never wrong. They are correct for our understanding at that moment in time. If we trust what is as it is, it will lead us to where we need to go.

If we wish to look at it, the Biblical story of Abraham and Isaac is an example of this. As told in the story, Abraham was asked by God to sacrifice his only son. So Abraham prepared to follow God’s direction and only at the last minute did an angel appear to stop Abraham from killing his son. So too in the way we need to learn to follow our intuitive guidance. We must follow it as we understand it doing all that it requires. If, for some reason it is incorrect, we need to trust that we will be stopped or given other direction before someone is unnecessarily harmed. However, to ensure the safety of the individuals involved, because our mind can be a biased filter as to the energy it experiences and may even block or misinterpret new direction, it is suggested one act out the dangerous parts in a slightly different way than as told in the story of Abraham. Rather, then preparing to literally harm another as in the Abraham story, play out the actions symbolically in ritual or perform a metatheater as we would a theatrical play.

While we are engaged in following out our intuitive guidance, we need to allow our mind to question why we believe what we do in the way we do, including the actions in the ritual. We need to especially question why we have the judgments, criticisms and opinions we do. However, what ever we do, we need to allow our intuitive guidance to lead and allow it to show us how we have been inaccurately characterizing the energy we experience.

When we are in this process, when we act with our body or do anything with our body, we are utilizing and manifesting the creative life energy that flows through our being. When we act literally or figuratively on our beliefs, we are becoming a creator and the more we are acting in full alignment with those beliefs the more power there is behind our actions. Those actions will transform our life.

When our beliefs and actions are consistent with each other, we will consolidate our creative power. When our actions run counter to our beliefs, we are also becoming a creator but we are  fragmenting and scattering our power. It will seem we are losing our ability to control our life. Whenever our actions, literally or figuratively, are in full alignment with our beliefs, attitudes, and emotions that constitute our relationship with the creative powers/Creative Powers and principles that create and sustain the universe, we will be optimizing our creative abilities and what we are capable of manifesting. The more we direct and focus our attention and awareness on the concepts that we hold, the greater the possibility we will manifest those concepts. The more our beliefs, attitudes and emotions related to the powers and principles of that create and sustain Creation are in alignment with each other and consistent with each other, the more creative ability and creative power we will have to create the reality and experiences of our choice.

The paradox here is that as we surrender and allow our intuitive guidance to lead, which is only our nonconscious mind’s understanding of the flow of the Source of Creation within our being, the more we will gain control over our external world and what we experience from that world. The more we move into mind and way from our intuitive guidance, the less control we actually gain. It is an illusion to believe our mind as we know it is more powerful than the flow of life within our being. As we allow our mind to question why we believe the way we do, we will come to see much of what we believe is not based on our experience or reality. Rather, it is based on some interpretation we have come to believe about reality that may or may not be true.

The power of the ritual relative to our creative ability is to act in full accordance and alignment with the beliefs, attitudes and emotions we have that relate to the powers and principles of creation. Or, in other words, when our actions, literally or symbolically, are in alignment.

We will find as we allow our intuitive guidance to develop our ritual many of the rituals found within the powerful ancient spiritual and religious traditions are not as powerful as they once were. This is because the beliefs, attitudes and emotions that individuals have, especially ours, relative to the powers and principles of Creation are no longer in alignment and consistent with these ancient teachings. In the past, individuals looked to their spiritual and religions traditions to learn how they should interact and manipulate the external world. Now they look to science and engineering. Similarly, many individuals are looking to the biochemistry of drugs and psychology to learn how to manipulate their internal world. Hence, how can an ancient ritual that is performed to bring abundance into one’s life be effective when the individual performing or attending the ritual is split among three different worlds - the unseen world of spirit, the internal world of psychology and biochemistry, and the external world of science and engineering? Until each individual finds a way within their own being to make all their beliefs about the powers and principles of how creation works consistent any action we take, ritual or otherwise, will only be as powerful as the our beliefs, attitudes and emotions are consistent and in alignment with each other.

We need to remember President Lincoln’s words, "A house divided cannot stand." The only reason why the United States can stand today in the diversity of its culture is because the freedom of choice and self expression is the foundation of the country itself. Our foundational beliefs must be deep enough and broad enough to create a vessel to fully contain the creation we desire to manifest. If they don’t, we will shatter our being at some level. If we shatter it spiritually, we will become an atheist and/or deny the unseen realms. If we shatter it mentally, we will become crazy. If we shatter it emotionally, we will become lifeless and without form. If we shatter it physically, health will elude us unless of course, we die. If we integrated our spirituality, we will become the mystic. If we integrated it mentally, we will become a genius. If we integrated it emotionally, we will become passionate with life and living. If we integrated it physically, we will create optimum health for what we wish to experience in Physical Creation. If we integrate ourselves across all levels of being, we will achieve our destiny and become the creator of the reality we experience of our choice and creator of the experiences we have. If our beliefs are divided we cannot stand and create the reality of our choice.

It has been observed that the most powerful set of beliefs, attitudes and emotions we can have are ones that are fully integrated and coherent across all aspects of one’s being and equally valid internally and externally to the individual and equally valid spiritually, mental, emotionally and physically. One thing we should try and accomplish in any creation ritual is to check the alignment of our beliefs for the creation we desire to manifest. However since we are all independent realities, what I believe works for me and what we believe will work for we may differ. The only question we each need to ask is, "Are the beliefs I hold the most powerful set of beliefs that I can hold for what I wish to create?" The only way we can really answer this question is to experiment and find out. The quickest way to see how powerful our beliefs are is to do rituals based on those beliefs and see what happens. The rituals that we choose to do that result in causing us to transcend our limits and barriers. Our life will expand and grow at all levels of our being. Those beliefs that seemingly do nothing are the ones that no longer work for us. We may want to investigate the beliefs, attitudes and emotions behind the ritual we perform to see where we are fragmented and separated such that they no longer work and/or are effective for us.

Engaging in a creative endeavor to bring something new into the world that did not exist before that involves using our body and acting with our body in some way other than sitting and thinking causes change to occur in our life. This is simply because energy can neither be created or destroyed and all of our energy is currently cast into some existing form. For something new to enter our life, something must change and change involved movement. The change will exist both within ourselves and externally and will exist on the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels of our being. How much change depends on how big a creation we desire to manifest. What we can expect to experience to one degree or another has been traditionally characterize by two phenomena. One is the "Awaking of the Kundalini Energy" and the other has been the "Dark Night of the Soul." The magnitude of what we experience all depends on how much we change our world and shift our energy.

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