Accessing the consciousness of another


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Accessing the consciousness of another
How it works
What we experience
Accessing the awareness of another
The challenges and issues in awakening the consciousness or awareness of another within oneself

Accessing the consciousness of another is about accessing the awareness the other possesses which lies behind their perception of Creation. Accessing the consciousness of another is not to see and experience Creation with their perception, rather it is to have their awareness about Creation. To access the perception another has about Creation, we need to face both our pain and their pain.

Probably the single greatest question one will have is, "How possible to awaken the consciousness of another within oneself?" Based on how we normally experience Creation, accessing the consciousness of another would appear to be a total impossibility. In actually, we do it all the time and there are two ways in which to do it.

The first way is really what education is all about. An awareness of one is given to another all the time in our education system. That is, another has an awareness and perception about some aspect of Creation and they find some way to express that understanding. Painting, music, writing, speaking and creative endeavors themselves have been the means the awareness of one is communicated to another. In fact, creativity is the language of consciousness and it is the way one consciousness will communicate who and what it is to another.

The second way was reveal during the journey into the exploration of our creativity. It is based on using the non localized aspect of our being and the nature of mind which filters any experience we have. This second way was not something which was intentionally or purposely pursued. Nor even a thought given as to its existence. As described in the discussion on Shams Consciousness, the awareness arose out of a rhetorical question asked the Universe several years before the author experienced what can be described as the Ultimate Accident. In the experience of the Ultimate Accident, the author realized he had stumbled into an understanding about our inherent creativity as human being which caused the author to completely change his life in order to share that understanding. In particular, the awareness contained an awareness about what lied in each heart, a creative spirit which incarnated with an intended purpose.

The rhetorical question which arose that resulted in accessing the awareness of another was a result of learning about the story of Shams and the Persian Poet Rumi. Shams is reported to have accessed an awareness such that he had a passionate desire to share what he learned. As the story goes, Shams is reported to have ask God to share the understanding with at least one individual. God is reported to have asked Shams what price would Shams be willing to pay to do so. Shams is reported to have said, "My life." Relative to this story, the rhetorical question asked the Universe by the author was, "What did Shams know that he would be willing to give his life to share it with one person?" In asking this question with the true desire to know its answer created a fertile space for the answer to be provided.

In time, the author was lead to have a set of experiences to obtain an understanding about Creation which was accompanied by a passionate desire to share the information with at least one individual at the cost of his life. But more importantly, sharing it with another was the occasion for a powerful creative spirit to be released from within the individual with whom the information was shared. It was, much the way a creative spirit was released in Rumi upon Shams sharing his understanding. In was in seeing the powerful creative spirit released in the individual the author came to understand he has access the awareness or consciousness of Shams or the Shams Consciousness.

How it works (Top)

How and why this is possible arises from two the facts. One is that if we look at the implications of Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective, it is possible to see how we each are an aspect of the Consciousness within, or behind, Creation. That is, we are an individualized aspect of the consciousness within, or behind, Creation and we each have the ability to localize our awareness in any aspect of Creation. Within this view, it is also possible to see how we can access any aspect or all of Creation from within our nonconscious mind.

To access the awareness of any one aspect of Creation, we simply need to shift the focus of our attention and awareness to make certain aspects of our nonconscious mind conscious. Of course, because our inner world is reflected in the outer, in changing our inner awareness we can expect our external world to become different. Whether or not you think this is possible all depends on what you think and believe. The recommendations here is to do your own experiments to see if what is said here is true. We only need to have a clear intention to do so and take whatever action as indicated by our intuitive guidance. However, our current mind may not have the minimum set of experience necessary to properly characterize and understand what we access.

Whether we realize it or not, our awareness we have is holographic. That is, as a hologram, each piece contains a picture of the whole. Analogous to the way a piece of a holographic image contains the entire image, the clarity of the image is depending on the size of the piece of the hologram. The larger the piece of the original hologram, the greater the clarity of the whole. Similarly within is us the awareness of the whole of Creation. However our consciousness awareness is only a small fragment of the total. The greater the awareness we can achieve, the greater the clarity we can obtain about the whole. Since the whole lies within, we only need to shift the focus of our awareness to access any aspect of the whole.

Within this view, it is also possible to see how we can access any aspect or all of Creation from within our nonconscious mind. To access the awareness of any one aspect of Creation, we simply need to shift our focus of our attention and awareness to make certain aspects of our nonconscious mind conscious. Of course, because our inner world is reflected in the outer, in changing our inner awareness we can expect our external world to become different. Whether or not you think this is possible all depends on what you think and believe. The recommendations here is to do your own experiments to see if what is said here is true.

What many do not understand is that there is a creative process. Once the creative process starts it will continue on automatic unless consciously preempted. This creative process allows us to create an experience within environment in which we find ourselves. of that on which we focus our attention and awareness. Our focus can be either conscious, nonconscious or a combination of both. It doesn’t matter. If we do not have clarity of intention when we enter the creative process, the process will still manifest what we desire the best it can. But the creation will be a muddled in some way and we will not get what we expect. The greater clarity we have, the more precise we can manifest what we desire.

Shifting our focus is a creative endeavor. As a creative endeavor, our current mind does not know how to create that shift, how long it will take to get what we seek nor in what form it would come. Most importantly, since it is not something we previously experienced, nor will we recognize what we seek when we get it for the time and place in which we find ourselves when we get it. This last statement is very important to understand.

There is a creative process that once started runs on automatic. We only need to set and hold a clear intention and follow our intuitive guidance relative to that intention and we will manifest an experience of what we desire in the environment in which we find ourselves. However, since we never previously experience what we desire to create we often do not recognized we access what we desired to experience. Such was almost the case in access the Shams Consciousness.

There is an assumption we know what we truly want when we ask. But what we ask may not be what we truly seek. So, we never look to see if we really did create what we started out to do. Similarly, unless thwarted, Creation will give us what we do want at our deepest level but mind usually does not recognize that it even asked to get it. Rather, our mind keep looking for what it thinks we want.

When we ask with passion and act to get what we seek, the Universe responses to meet us. But more often than not our consciousness intentions are preempted by the mundane demands so we never see the creation process for what it is. Additionally, as our external world changes in response to the intention we hold, we start to respond to the changes in the external world rather than flow with them to manifest our intention. However, since our nonconscious intentions tend to not be preempted by either the mundane of the world or our response to the change in the external world for we think the external world is independent form our inner world,. the nonconscious intentions manifest to give us an experience that we desire for whatever reason we may have set the original intention. Since they are manifesting from a nonconscious aspect of our being, we do not realize we are responsible for creating the experiences we have arising from that nonconscious intention.

What we experience (Top)

Relative to what we actually experience when we access the awareness of another it needs to be understood, any creation and its environment are integrally linked. The same essential creation can look different given a different environment. We will experience whatever we desire in whatever form our environment can support. In general, accessing the awareness of another is about accessing the awareness which allows one to be willing to do what another has done regardless of how and what we believe about what the individual is reported to have done.

On this point of what the environment can support, there is an internal environment and an external environment. What we experience depends on why we seek to access what we do, how we state the intention, and the time and place in which we reside. Our problem is our mind has it ideas as to we will experience but it has nothing to do with the reality of what is experienced.

In looking to access the awareness of another we need to realize we are the creator becoming the creation. To truly know anything, we must become it and/or experience it. What we experience depends on whether or not we are willing to live it. Intellectually knowing something is not like experientially knowing something.

Accessing the awareness of another (Top)

To access and awaken the awareness within one’s being of another we will need to set an intention which will go into the depth of our being in such a way that we never lose focus. and use the non localized aspects of our consciousness which lies within our nonconscious mind. We only then need to response to what our intuitive guidance provides and be open as to how to get there and trust the creative process will lead us to the experience we desire. Here again, we just need to realize our mind may not recognize it what we get it because mind does not have the minimum set of experience to understand it.

Trying to set such an intention based on what mind wants will never achieve what we desire. We need to remember, mind is the product of the experiences we have and what we think and believe. As our experiences change and/or we change what we think and believe our mind becomes different. Unless what we seek lies below the ever changing desires, we will simply divert our attention and awareness away from what we set out to experience.

To insure we know what we experience when we experience it, it is good to have some clear indicator as to know we have experience it. In the case of Shams Consciousness it was a understanding which causes a passionate desire to share what was known at the expense of one’s life and when it was shared it released a powerful creative spirit causing the individual to move into consuming creative activities

The challenges and issues
in awakening the consciousness or awareness of another within oneself

In attempting to access and awaken the consciousness or awareness of another within our being or an aspect of that consciousness, there are a variety of challenges and issues which will occur that will cause us to lose focus and/or not obtain what we seek. These challenges and issue are really no different than what we face in any creative endeavor.

The issue of ego: More often than not, even though we have problems in life with our ego, our ego likes the identity it has and does not seek to change. Many of our desires and intentions are ego based. But when those desires and intentions require the ego to change, we will find some reason or another to abandon the desire of the ego so as to keep the ego intact. This is especially true about accessing the awareness of another within our being. It sounds like a great idea until we see the change it requires in our life. Few ever consciously follow through in awakening the consciousness of another and surrendering to what it requires. What keeps us in pursuit of any intention and desire is one that will sooth an inner feeling that goes beyond what mind wants. Few have such a feeling about the awareness of another.

What we think about what another is aware: We have an opinion as to what we think another is aware and/or what having such an awareness will require of our life. Whether or not it is correct isn’t really the issue. The issue is mind has its expectations and those expectations will interfere with accessing the awareness of another. To awaken and experience the consciousness of any other we will have to be willing to be in a beginner's mind and be in a state of childlike play to spontaneously and innocently explore the awareness which awakens. Otherwise, mind is present with it judgments, biases, desires and the like thwarting the very thing we say we desire to experience. This does not mean it cannot be done. It only means we need to be willing to step out of mind and surrender to the flow of energy manifesting the intention we have set.

What we fear: In accessing the awareness of another, many fear our life will become like the life of the one whose awareness we access. One of the greatest challenges we face in accessing the awareness of another is what our mind thinks will happen to us. The topic, "Dealing with fear" provides some thoughts in this area.

A death to be faced - we will become different: Whether we realize it or not, our inner world is reflected in the outer. We cannot have a profound awareness awake within ourselves and not become different. We can’t remain in our current mind when we access a profound awareness. As such, there will be a death to be faced. A part of our inner world and our outer world will have to transform to accommodate this new awareness.

To access any awareness a part of who we are must die. Who and what we think we are is based on the experiences we have has. To access a new awareness is a new experience. That experience changes who and what we are and to live that awareness we must become different. In doing so, a part of us dies to be transformed into the new.

Awakening any awareness within our being that is currently not awake is ultimately about learning to become phoenix and stepping through the fear of death. It is to understand our energy and consciousness will never die but only transform into a new and different form. To awaken the consciousness of another within us, we do not have to physically die. To awaken the consciousness of another within us is to die before we die. We must face the death as to who we are, what we want and what we expect in our life.

The death is required as part of the creation process. If we are unwilling to undergo the death we must face, we will be unable to create what we desire. Exactly what we will face and how be a death it means for our life totally depends on how different our current awareness is as opposed to the awareness we access. The greater the difference the greater the change that can be expected.

A potential inner conflict: Each of us need to realized we incarnated for a given intention. There is an intention for our life and there is something were are here to experience. The awareness of any other is not necessarily our awareness and the awareness we need to satisfy the intention for our life. In many ways, trying to access the awareness of another is about attempting to copy another. Creatively, we should be true to ourselves and become the embodiment of our truth in the world. In doing so, we create an inner satisfaction that never runs dry no matter what is happening in our external world. Additionally, we honor the creator/Creator whomever/Whomever that creator/Creator may be. To deny our truth in any way and/or to not live our truth but try and live like another is to deny ourselves and the creator/Creator. Any other individual existed for a given time and a given place and played the role they incarnated to play. We exist at a given time and given place for a role to be played. Here again the more our role parallels the role of another as it would be expressed in this given time and given place, the less conflict we will have. The greater the divergence the greater the conflict.

The recommendation made here is to honor yourself and the Creator and become true to yourself. You can access the consciousness of another for information purposes our out of curiosity. But we do more for Creation by simply becoming true to ourselves in all ways and living it in the world. Of course, that will mean we do need to shed our enculturation and all that does not server our truth at the deepest levels of being. How to do this starts by calibrate our internal compass and looking to see what gives us a fullness of being, gives us life and a desire and passion to engage life. After all, the intention for our life brought us into this world. Living that intention will give us life and allow us to feel alive at each and every level of our being.

The environment of unfoldment: Many are unaware the unfoldment of any creation depends on the environment of the unfoldment. The same creation unfolding in different locations can be quite different. The consciousness of anyone and any thing will unfold differently given a different set of circumstances. The essence will be the same but the unfoldment will be different. One can probably be assured a talented artistic painter or musician born, raised, educated enculturated in a rural Chinese farm in 500 AD will paint or play music quite differently than if they were born, raised and came to age during the Roaring Twenties in New York City. The two worlds are quite different. Yet the unfolding talent would be the same. How many artist, musicians and the like move to other parts of their country or move from the world from which they were raised to find better opportunities to express themselves? We cannot expect what another would do years ago would be exactly that same to day. The essence will be the same but exactly what is done will be different. Here again, one will need a beginner's mind to fully embrace the awakening of an awareness within ourselves whatever that awareness may be.

The awareness of what another feels: In the oneness of Creation we are all connected. It can be said that what does not allow us to see through the eyes of another is pain. That is, we must face both our pain to access the interconnectedness and then the pain of the other to see through their eyes. This fact is reflected in the old Native American proverb that we should walk a mile in the moccasin's of another before we judge them. However, to see through the eyes of another is not the same as having the awareness of another.

Summary (Top)

As stated above, an awareness of one is given to another all the time in our education system. Although we do not have the pain of another as seeing through their eyes when we have their awareness, we are open to what they feel as a result of that awareness. To be unaware that hitting someone physically can cause them pain will not stop them is from hitting someone. However to come to the awareness that hitting someone does cause pain, we now become open to seeing all the people that experience the pain of being hit. We never need hit anyone to be open to feeling the pain hitting someone causes. When we are open to the awareness of another we are also open to seeing and perceive Creation differently because of that awareness. We will now become aware of situations in life and the implications of those situations that were previously masked by unawareness. In this regard, be open to the awareness of another helps to open the door to compassion.

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