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 Exploring the feelings in sex 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Exploring the feelings in sex
Feelings - source of our creative power
Awareness awakens in feelings
Opening to feeling
Crying and being held - the natural way to heal
A vulnerability in the healing space
The issue in holding someone
The issue of going beyond the sex
A sensual versus sexual experience
The bottom line about feelings in sex
Knowing ourselves sexually without an other

Feelings - source of our creative power

Creative power is about feeling. Feeling is the source of our creative power. We do not act unless we feel. The question are:

  • What allows our feelings to arise?
  • What causes us to become excited and passionate about a given topic?
  • What causes us to become excited and passionate about life?"

To access our creative power it is essential for us to get in touch what we feel at each and every level of our being and to be able to answer these questions.

Sex is about generating a flow of energy which we are capable of feeling. In opening ourselves to what we feel, we can begin to explore exactly what we feel and access information in those feelings. The feelings which arises as a result of our experiences in and with sex need to be explored.

Awareness awakens in feelings

In addition to accessing our creative power through what we feel, awareness awakens in, and through, feeling. Feeling arises from sensing the energy flowing within our being. When we sense something new, we awaken a new part or rather an unexplored part of our being. In this regard, there is an awareness within feelings for any feelings we have. However, we need to focus our attention and awareness into what we feel to see what it reveals.

Whether we realize it or not, there needs to be a flow of energy, some movement for something to which to awaken. If there is no movement, there is nothing to which to awaken. The deeper, broader and more encompassing the flow of energy we feel the greater the awareness and awakening that is possible.

The awareness which arises form within feeling are best described as a knowing. That is, we know something we have no logical way of knowing. It is beyond what we call psychic abilities. The awareness which arises is more related to how and why things are the way the are for a given situations. When we open ourselves to feeling and can move past the feelings of sex and sexuality there are profound awarenesses available to us. Sexuality opens the door to the awareness which lies in feeling. All we need to do is to step through the door.

Exploring the feelings we have is really about looking at what gives rise to the feeling. The feelings which arise in and during sex are varied depending on the conditions in which one engages in sex. When sex is experienced as pleasurable, the feelings , especially orgasmic feelings, tend to be felt as freeing and expansive. Within the creativity perspective we would normally say feelings of freeing and expansive serve us. However, it needs to be realized wherever we achieve a creation, there is a expansion and dissipation of the energy. Any creative endeavor achieved has an associated feeling for freedom and expansion as the energy is dissipated in the experience. The issue with sex is to know why we engage in it in the first place.

A man or woman who desires to "conquer" their partner and see sex with their partner as another conquest will have a feeling of success at their accomplishment. The man or woman who see the sex act as the completion of a commitment or the fulfillment of a contract with their partner will feel freedom and expansion. Force sex is not pleasurable. Sex under duress is not pleasurable and very damaging to our creative spirit. Any sexual experience which does not allow for a freeing and expansion experience does not ultimately serve us.

Opening to feeling

The key to the creative power available in sex and sexuality or the imprisonment of our creative spirit through sex and sexuality is what we feel. Our creative power lies in what we feel. But to feel the subtly within what we feel, we need to be open to feeling and have lowered our threshold to what we feel. This means we need to process the pain of the past which caused us to raise the threshold of feeling. Doing so of course makes us very vulnerable.

In opening ourselves to what we feel and learning to discern what we feel in sex we will awaken. But, we most probably will find we awaken to some pain. There is the pain we have avoided feeling in the past. Avoiding the feelings of pain of the past and/or the present keeps us from accessing the depth and breadth of our creative power/Creative Power and exploring the feeling which arise in sex and those feeling beyond sex. Avoidance of pain of the past and/or the present, or fear of recreating pain of the past, is a cage of our own making that keeps our creativity bound.

We are capable of feeling pain at each and every level of our being at our spiritual, mental, emotional and/or physical levels. We have suffered pain or do suffer pain at each of those levels. We need to become aware of the gift in pain and how to use that gift.

Crying and being held - the natural way to heal

The natural way that our bodies and our being process pain is much like that of a small child. When a small child is hurt it want to cry and be held by mommy. When our being is hurt it wants to cry and be held by a mature nurturing feminine presence. When we experience pain at any level of our being our natural response is to cry and be held by a feminine nurturing presence the equivalent to mommy - not a female presence, a feminine presence. Such a space accelerates the healing process.

In accessing our feelings we can expect to cry and want to be held. We should not be surprised if we begin to cry as a result of intense feelings arising in sex. As we open ourselves to what we feel we will see there are others who cry in pain and want us to hold them. The question is can we put our pain aside long enough to hold them without expectation of return in any way? This, of course, is very difficult for most of us to do and very much compounded during the sexual experience. This is especially true if we are seeking pleasure for ourselves and the other is trying to open themselves to what they feel.

A vulnerability in the healing space

When one is in a healing space and in a healing energy, one is tremendously vulnerable. This is true whenever one is flowing within the healing energy. The individual who is healing is obviously vulnerable. But so is the one who is creating the space for healing. To impose oneself on another other than to hold them in the way they need to be held both violates their trust and damages if not destroys the healing space. But similarly, for we to strike out at the one who is holding the space when we feel the pain of the past, we run the risk of the destroying the individual’s ability to hold the space for us to heal. It take great courage to continue to hold the space for another when the one healing is lashing out at you in their pain.

The issue in holding someone

There is one significant problem with holding someone with the intent for them to process their pain. If one goes within with the intent to create the healing space for another to heal, they will feel a profound love and life giving healing energy that enthuses and energizes their whole body and their whole being. The love one feels is indescribable. It knows no boundaries. It can and will excite the sex organs. It is here mistakes are often made. The energy is acted upon sexually rather than followed as a healing energy.

When we allow ourselves to feel at each and every level of our being and/or allow a flow of energy to enthuse our entire being for the purpose of (1) accessing the depth and breadth of our creative power/Creative Power; (2) creating a healing space for ourselves; or (3) holding a healing space for another, we risk awakening our sexuality. When we access what we feel within our entire being it is very likely sexuality may be awakened and we will feel a sexuality. Sexuality is one of the most powerful creative tools we have. It is the basis of the Kundalini and Kundalini rising. If we are aware and awake to what is arises within us and explore what is arises, including learning to flow with the energy in mindfulness and awareness and where it leads, it can be used to further awaken us as to how we are creating our experiences.

Unless we are physically disfunctional we will probably will feel a powerful sexuality as this energy of love enthuses our entire being. We could say experiencing the feelings of sexuality where there was none before is one indicator as to whether or not we have accessed the depth of this healing energy and that we have allowed it to enthuse our being.

It needs to be noted here that it only makes senses that sexuality arises within one’s being when in the presence of this life giving energy. The energy of sexuality is about creating life. If you are looking to create a healing space for someone, you are also looking to create a new life within them. So it is only natural that the aspect of our being for creating life is activated when we desire to create the space for healing and create a new life for someone.

However, one is not free to act on that sexuality. To do so would violate the trust of the one seeking to be held and the safe and secure space we are attempting to create. We must be able to hold that space without acting on what they feel so as not to hurt the one who is to heal. The one healing must learn to make all the moves. We must learn to move in a way that empowers them and allows them to be free to express their life.

What we do with the sexual feeling that arise is our choice. But we need to be forewarned how we choose to use our sexuality and any sexual feelings that arises in our exploration of our creativity has a great and profound influence on our creativity and our creative power. If we desire to honor our creativity and hold it sacred, then we need to become very aware of what is awakening within us when feelings of sexuality arise, what energy is being called forth, what that energy being called forth is asking us to do, and why it is being called forth.

The reverse is also true. Sexuality, and the feelings it can cause to arise, can awaken us to what we feel and awaken us to our creative power if we know how to use it. Most do not know how to use and become trapped deeper into caging their creativity and their creative power.

The issue of going beyond the sex

There is an issue we all seem to face when it comes to experiencing feelings of sexuality. It is about what we seek, and have been seeking all our life within the human physical experience. It lies beyond sexuality but it gives feelings of sexuality. It is a state of being where we are able to fully embrace the physical experience as a human being without separation from any aspect of Creation. It is an experience of wholeness and oneness through the Physical. It is best described as a total body/being sensual experience.

Relative to the sexual experience, most never experience this sensory state because they becomes lost in the sex thinking it is the sex or they avoid the deeper experience of sex for whatever reason and never open the door to the experience. Because most of us never open ourselves to what we feel and explore what we feel, we think sex will give what we seek.

When we have a sexual experience, sometimes as early as immediately after the experience but probably as early as the next morning, as soon as we had time to reflect, we find we have a disappointment. We are puzzled that the sex did not give us quite what we really wanted or thought it would. It may be extremely pleasurable but it does not seem to last or something was missing in the experience. It is then we can talk about sex and we can see what sex is really all about.

Each individual must get past the issue of sex both mentally and physically before they can come to see what we have do to bring our physical sexuality into what we are experiencing to be able to discern the difference in the types and kind of feelings we have. We need to get past what we think about sex and we need to have some experience of sex in some way to see it is not the sex. We have to somehow stimulate or play with our body. It is not about having to have sex with a person and, to be honest, it is something most may want to avoid because of the issue of mixing the energies in sex and through sex. To create what we desire, whatever we desire, we have to hold a single point focus to do the work. Having sex with the wrong person will take us off course as a result of the way we share and mix energy in sex. All we need to do is bring an intense physical sexual experience into a our awareness so we can come to see what we feel in sexuality. Then compare that experience with what is flowing from our heart and enthusing our entire being to know if the sex will give what we seek.

From a creativity perspective, the proper use of sex is not to have sex as the purpose of getting together with another. Rather, the sex only be the completion of the flow of energy from the heart into physical expression.

Here an important point needs to be made when we experience the feeling of a flow of energy from our heart and it enthuses our entire being. When the energy flows from the heart enthusing the entire being, it will most probably cause the sex organs to be stimulated in some way. This is a natural process. If we are free to spontaneous and innocently respond to what we feel, we can have sex with the person whom we are with and there will be a completion in the dissipation of the energy. However, if we deny the sexual experience because we are not free to be spontaneous and innocent in the experience for any reason, we will thwart the flow of energy from the heart and shut down our creative spirit and place it in a cage of our own making. In essence the energy giving rise to what we are creating will simply vanish or greatly diminish.

This is a very tricky and subtle point. Most are lead by the creative spirit to create a new life. The energy for creation is enthused throughout the body including the sex organs. Because the sex organs are excited, we are drawn to have sex with another person. However, the creative spirit is desiring the energy to create or recreate life. It is not to have sex as such. But, rather than embracing the life and energy that is created, as soon as the sex happens all of our feelings, thoughts and ideas about sex, and past experiences about sex enter the picture. Many try and own the other person or control them because the initial experience was so profound - they want more of it. They think it was the sex but it was the energy flowing from their heart to create. As soon as mind enters in any way, the flow of energy from the heart is thwarted.

This is in part the tradition idea of dating to get to know a person. The sex should flow as a culmination or in conjunction with something larger. Sex as an end in itself will always be unfulfilling. There will always be something missing. There will be the feeling there should be something more. It may take time for our mind to realize this but it will. That is why so many people grow apart. The sex should be able to be a completion of the flow of energy from the heart. It will be about create a life to give the world. It should be about creating a flow of energy to energize a creative effort.

What most people do not realize is sex is really a tool I it is a tool in several different ways. One of the primary ways it is a tool is the way to mix energy and create a new life at each and every level of being. That is why sex with the wrong person only takes us off course. It also can: calm the body; open one to feeling; allow us to see through time and space; creates a fertile space to grow thoughts; be use to read another individual; be used to dump into another individual; be use to take another's energy; and it can be use to imprison and control another. These are just a few ways sex can be and is used whether people realize it or not. By the way, sex also open our creative spirit to its vulnerability and makes us vulnerable if we are truly open to what we feel.

The goal is to learn to use the sexuality as the tool that it is and learn to live a life where our heart is open and free to flow in whatever way it needs to flow. It is to begin to see how it is possible to live a life in continual orgasmic pleasure.

A sensual versus sexual experience
An experience beyond the sexual experience

To enter the sensual state of being where we are able to fully embrace the physical experience as a human being without separation from any aspect of Creation. There is the need to move past the feeling of sex to where our whole being is absorbing and radiating with a totally sensual feeling and experience. It is a feeling where the physical sexual interaction can be a distraction and does not at all provide us with anything close to the feelings of being sensual. The issue isn't sex. Sex stands in the way of what must be experienced and one must go through the sex. The sexual experience should be one that provides for a feeling of expansion within our being and allows us to move into the total sensual experience. However what we think and believe about sex and the experience it gives often prevents moving into this deeper experience. One cannot intellectualize it away. One must experience it and discern the difference in the feelings. The topic the "Sensual experience beyond sex" provides a discussion of this the sensual experience.

The bottom line about feelings in sex

The bottom line what needs to be understood is that we access creative power through what we feel. Sexuality is one of our most powerful creative tools and is one of the most powerful way to feel or open ourselves to feeling. As such, one can expect that somewhere, at some time, sexuality will arise as an issue if we choose to access and explore the true nature of our creative power and the creative powers/Creative Powers of creation/Creation.

It does need to be noted here that in addition to feelings of sexuality arising in creating a healing space for another, it can also arise in creative play. If we stumble into the opportunity to return to a state of spontaneous and innocent childlike play, we should not be surprised if sexuality arises. Here the problem is what do we do with the energy.

Since it is a sexual energy, there is incredible information in that play and energy. But it is not something that can be done alone. Since it is a sexual energy, there is the need for another to go into the body. But, it is not about sex. It is about directing the energy and using the energy that can become available in sex. It is integrally linked as to how the other desires to use that energy. Sex and where the energy goes is not only our individual choice but it also directed by the intention of the other individual. The other must either be willing to hold a safe and secure space for us to process the energy or have an intention to play with us and surrender to where the energy leads in play.

Knowing ourselves sexually without an other

There is a deep and profound wisdom available to us in sexuality and the feeling of sex. Most only find this wisdom in pain and exploring its origins. But there is another way - a much easier, faster and gentler way. Here we will have to do our own experiments to see this way. It is to go play with ourselves alone. Bring ourselves to orgasm and in that state or at least as close as we can get to that state, focus on the what we feel and the energy giving rise to what we feel. Focus on looking behind the energy or into the energy and open ourselves to the wisdom which is there. It is a knowing beyond mind. We may not realize what we see but there will be a knowing available to us. Look to see what the energy has in store for our life and where we need to go with our life. We will be access the flow of energy that created us and sustains us and creates our life. As we look into and beyond the energy, we can experience the Source of the flow and of our life. We may even want to make it a daily practice for a while as we recharge our batteries and get focus on where we life wants us to go.

We need to remember,sexuality is about creating life and is the source of life. People go there to create life and to feel alive. When we go there we can access the Source of Creation. If we are not distracted by either our own thoughts or those of another, we can access the Source. The experience with another can be more powerful but there is baggage that comes when another is involved since our energies become mixed. Since we are recharging and pampering ourselves and go there ourselves there will be much less clutter. It is easier to do it with another but they have to have a clarity within themselves about what they desire to create and deep intention to create the space for us to become free. If they use the experience for themselves they will cloud what we see for remember, individuals do exchange and mix energy in sexuality. In any case, we need to go there ourselves and look behind and into the energy. In dong so, we will start to see and feel things which we will find are a big help in many ways.

Related topics
An awareness in what we feel
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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