Discerning the two views of Creation

Exploring the role of the feminine in the creative process
Feminine Creative Power - Topic 2 of 10
A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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To being to understand the feminine creative power, it is necessary to be able to distinguish between and discern the two views of Creation - the view of the heart and the view of the mind. We can being to discern these two views through the four finger exercise.

Four finger exercise

Do the four finger exercise and contemplate the discussion provided with the exercise.

Power of the mind

Everyone is aware that we can use our mind to make things and get the things we desire to have - that is, if we know what we need to do to make or get something. This section of the original workshop focused on helping individuals understand the true power of the mind and what it can and cannot create given the fact that mind only knows what it has experienced and to create is to being into existence something not previously experienced. The discussion focused on the power of mind to create something when we don’t know how to go about doing it. It addressed the fact that we do much of our creativity through our nonconscious mind. It focused on the fact that the actual creative power of the mind is will beyond what we believe about our mind.

The approach was to ask individuals were they created in the past and how they went about doing it. It was to look to see whether they copied the actions of another or they stumbled around through trial and error looking for a creative solution. Or, did they rely on their intuitive guidance to guide them and/or have a flash of insight as to what they needed to do.

This part of the workshop is difficult to reproduce without extensive writing about a variety of cases studies and anecdotal evidence as to the creative power of mind. The approach in the workshop was to use the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding as to how we create our experiences and create the reality we experience within a shared reality to provided An Alternative View as to how the variety of experiences individuals have can be interpreted. In particular, interpreted as to how it is possible they are creating or had created what they experienced.

The recommendations for you here is to consider the possibility, as presented in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity understanding, that we do in fact create our experiences. We do so by how and what we think and believe and then direct our creative life energy to manifest an experience of what we believe in the environment in which we find ourselves. Then view and contemplate the types and kinds of experiences individuals are reported to have in life within the context they are somehow creating that experience by how and what they think and believe.

Without the benefit of being in the workshop, the recommendation is use the following topics as key words. Search for articles and discussion on the web about these issue. In particular, look to see how what we know about reality doesn’t fully explain how and what is experienced. Look at the possibility we are simply creating the experience through our nonconscious and conscious mind, both our transcendental mind and our enculturated mind.

Topics of consideration

  • illness and disease and spontaneous and/or miraculous cures.

  • placebos and their ability to create healing

  • ecstatic states and trance states and what is experienced in such states

  • Anecdotal stories. For example Padre Peo who has the stigmata while living but when he died his body did not have the stigmata wounds - that is, is there the possibility the power of his own mind created them and when he died, he took that power with him. Or, Look at the experience of Louise Hay and her experience of cancer in the introduction to her book entitled "Healing your body."

  • Consider the kinds of things a medical intuitive sees and their insights into the roots of illnesses and disease. For example, cancer being said to be the disease of unfinished business which keeps eating away at the body and one’s being.

  • In looking at the power of the mind, it needs to be realized that the mind embodies the masculine aspect of our creative power. The masculine is what desires and thrusts what it desires out into the world. But, we have a conscious and nonconscious mind. The question is, "How much creative power lies in the nonconscious mind and how do we access it?" The answer is the feminine creative power and we access it through feeling.

    What needs to be understood, is that there is a oneness in creation. Nothing is really separate from anything else. Masculine creative power and feminine creative power lie on different ends of the same spectrum. One end of the spectrum is the masculine power and the masculine way to make things happen and that is to use the conscious mind and what we know and relay little on what we feel. At the other end of the spectrum is the feminine creative power and the feminine way to create. It is to use the nonconscious mind and what we feel with little reliance on mind other than to make what mind feels to happen.

    Power of the heart and what we feel

    Here the concept of the creative spirit and our ability to access the flows of energy giving rise to the experiences we have are discernable in and through what we feel. It is to talk about the awareness in what we feel and the awareness in the body.

    Discussions of the workshop focused on the fact that there is a creative spirit and the flow of energy that sustains us is what brought us into life. In this regard, there is an intention for our life and the intention for our life is the source of our life and the source of our creative power in this life. We need to understand, there is a wisdom that grew us from a fertilized egg into an adult without the need for our mind. This wisdom is still accessible to us and it is accessible through what is symbolized in the heart and we do so through feeling and our body with is the manifestation of this wisdom.

    The wisdom is contained within this energy and the body. It is not directly accessible through mind. It is outside of mind as we know mind and as we normally experience it. This wisdom and the awareness found within feeling can see through time and space. The "trick" is learning how to use it and we do so through what we feeling and our intuitive guidance, body wisdom second knowings

    It is this creative spirit and the flow of energy which nurtures and sustains our being is the embodiment of the feminine aspect of Creation and our being and is the source of our feminine creative power. It provides a feminine nurturing energy that we access to we access and direct through what we think and believe and what we do and do not allow ourselves to feel.

    The relations of the heart and mind

    There are a variety of metaphors, images and the like that can be used to describe the relationship of the what is symbolized by the heart and what is symbolized by the mind. The topic, "Dances of creating/Creation" provides one way to see many of the ways to see this relationship. However, any one way of viewing this relationship will be incomplete in some way.

    Relative to access feminine creative power, we access it through giving ourselves the space for our creative spirit to be free to express itself and surrender to the flow of energy which nurtures the creation we desire to experience. This requires stepping out of mind and what it thinks and believes.

    However, to provide the nurturing for our creations to grow, we need to allow our creative life energy and our creative spirit to grow and expanding toward the infinity of its being. Our creative spirit, key to the feminine creative power, needs to grow. In this regard the relationship between the heart and mind is much like the exoskeleton of an insect or the skin of a snake.

    The exoskeleton of an insect is a hard outer shell which protect the vulnerable internals. However, if that insect is to grow, it needs to shed its exoskeleton and become vulnerable while it grows another exoskeleton. Similarly, there is the analogy of the snake and its skin. The skin of the snake must also be shed if that snake is to grow.

    So too our creative spirit which is symbolized in the heart and our mind. The mind and its ego act as a protective exoskeleton of an insect or the skin of a snake. However, the mind and response patterns to life we develop early in life as a child to protect our vulnerable creative spirit must be shed. Otherwise, if the mind and ego developed as a child are not shed, it becomes cage of our own making that holds our creative spirit captive. Yet, when we shed that mind and ego, we become vulnerable until we develop that new mind and identity which compasses the new understanding of ourselves and our creative power. When we come out of our shell and become vulnerable, we need a safe and secure space to be safe until that new protective layer is developed. Here the concepts of the rainmaker, dream midwife and dream nanny become helpful to understand the type and kind of external support that is needed.

    To access the feminine creative power, we need to understand mind and what it knows if of the past. It is fixed and hard not easily penetrated. It must be shed if we are to creative grow, spiritually and creatively mature, and access our birthright. But we need to remember, the function of the mind is to protect our creative spirit and keep it safe but mind must be shed if the creative spirit is to grow and unfold. Here again another dance. The dance of continually shedding the mind and ego to allow our creative spirit to become vulnerable and to grow and expand into the infinity of our being.

    Experiencing the heart and mind

    In begin to experience the separate views of heart and mind there are several things which can be done.

    To explore the view of the heart, we can sends some time exploring and working with what we feel and opening ourselves to our intuitive guidance and body wisdom. In doing so, we strengthen our connection with the feminine creative power and feminine aspect of being.

    To explore masculine aspect of our being, we need to look at our belief structure to see where the motivation for what we are doing in life is really coming from. We need to pull the string on what we think and believe the way we do. We need to dig deeply to see if we are only acting based on our enculturation or we have some stronger reason to think and believe the way we do.

    We need to create the space to allow ourselves to experience and step into the masculine creative aspect of our being to create the space for the feminine to unfold true to our truth and not the truth of any other. Yet, it is only in accessing our truth does the true masculine aspect of or being unfold to create the safe space for the feminine to unfold. Then in that safe space can we come to step into and experience the true feminine creative aspect of our being.

    The next step
    Exploring the view of the heart

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