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 Building a Reality 


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The following approach is based on the understanding in the four sections of Creativity Physics found in "Starting point for a structured approach to Creativity Physics" and an energy consciousness interpretation of the story of Moses and the Dancing light. This approach can be used to begin to move from experiencing a separation in Creation to experiencing oneness and to become a conscious creator of the experiences we have and the creator of the reality in which we have those experiences.

The origins and illusion of a hierarchy to Creation

This journey starts with the simplest understanding about the nature of our perception of the Universe. Then expand outward into the Creation that we experience. The process discussed here is what we and Creation use to manifest the world we experience.

The first discussion is to understand how we observe Creation or perceive the experience we have greatly determines what we experience. First and foremost we need to be aware of our perception and how and hat we believe about Creation. This aspect of our perception is discussed in the topics "The origins and illusion of a hierarchy to Creation" and "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind.

The flow of the creation process

The manifestation of any creation follows a process that parallels the way the energy flows into Creation. In many ways it is much like building a building. There is a ground or environment on which, or in which, the creation will manifest. The environment on which, or in which, we choose to manifest a creation will have a great influence on what kind of creation we can manifest and what it will look like. For example, an area subject to very extreme variations in climate and weather conditions will cause us to construct a building very different that an area with little or no climate or weather variability. Although the two structures may externally look the same or at least very similar, they will be constructed very different.

Once the ground is selected, a foundation is constructed on which the creation will manifest and that is appropriate for the type and kind of creation we wish to manifest. Without a proper foundation, any creation we build has the possibility of collapsing and the more our foundation is inappropriate for what we desire to create, the greater the possibility of collapse.

The foundation is, in turn, followed by a framework to support the creation. Here again, the framework must be strong enough to support the structure we desire to build. Wood can only allow us to go so high. After a certain height we must switch to something stronger like steel.

The framework is then overlaid with the external covering that creates the final form of the creation. Although it may first appear that once the foundation and framework are adequately built, the final cover is not as important. However, the final covering is what is exposed to the environment conditions and must be suited for the environment to weather the environment for the duration of it existence. Again, if the final covering is not appropriate to the environment, the creation will be unable to function as desired.

Once the form is completed, the creation can be then utilized. For example, the human body is a creation. It is manifested in the environment of the surface of the earth. That environment channels the creative life energy of the universe into a given direction. Since the physical plane is composes of atoms and the interaction of actions, the foundation for the human body is the arrangement of atoms into molecules and cells. The cell structure forms the foundation of the human body. The cells then organize into a framework consisting of organ systems. That framework is then integrated and overlaid with the external covering of muscles to create the human body. That final form, the human body, then becomes the vehicle for a human physical experience.

Although we can divide this creation process into a infinite number of steps, the overall process is determined by a choice of environment followed by a foundation, the framework, the external covering and its utilization. Such a model is used here to explain how to become self determined at every level of our being to create our experience and create the reality of those experiences. the building blocks that we have available to us and to create the experiences of our choice.

In this discussion we refer back to the story of Moses and the Dancing light. In this story, Moses and his existence at a particular time and place in Physical Creation was the choice of environment for energy of the Source of Creation to manifest. The energy of the Universe arranged itself for Moses in a way that Moses could understanding. There are an infinite number of other ways for what we experienced as a Dancing Light to manifest. But, as a human being, that which we perceive as the infinite and the knowledge of Creation which goes with the infinite, we perceive that energy as light. Alternatively said, the environment causes the energy to manifest as light or to be experienced as light. The symbols formed as letters became the foundation. The framework was the arrangement of the letter into the alphabet. The final cover was the words that could then be utilized by Moses to create. What occurred here is true for any experience we have. There is a flow of energy following by it manifestation as some foundation (an interpretation) which gives rise to a framework (what that interpretation means) followed by external covering (using and acting on the interpretation).

Alternatively said, for any flow of energy, we perceive there is an interpretation of that energy in some symbolic way follow by how that symbol is understood followed by how we act on that understanding. The key to consciously creating is to recognize the step of feeling or sensing the energy and how our mind interpreting that energy realizing mind is characterizing the best it can based on the experiences it has had. But, mind may not have the necessary experience to properly characterize what we feel and sense. We need to become aware of the limitations of our mind how our body and being respond to an energy we never previously experience and how mind will reacts to such an experience. In having this awareness, we can being to see where mind is not the best way to be lead and we need to rely on what we feel to keep us safe.

To consciously create what we desire, we need to become a detached witness to the creation process. The reason for this statement is that we, our existence in our particular environment, creates the environment for the energy of Creation to manifest. We are integrally linked to how the energy of the Universe is expressing Itself. The same energy in another would be expressed differently. We are not the observer of an experiment or the observer of an experience. We are intimately and integrally involved with the experience. We are the experience. We are the creation manifesting. WE are the process and we are the result of the on going process. We are a dynamic, creative living process unfolding continually recreating itself. In becoming the detached witness to only report what we see as we see it, feel it, experience it without the judgment, analysis, opinion and interference of our mind, we will then be able to see the creation process for what it is. We will then be able to see the environment, the foundation, the structure and the final covering and be able to choose at what level we need to enter to shift the flow of the creative life energy into the creation of our choice. In doing so, we claim our birthright as the creator that we really are, created in the image of the Creator.

The issue we face there is two fold. Since our mind interprets what we feel based on what we have previously experienced we need to become very mindful and aware of what we feel and how mind is interpreting the feelings. It is to be aware of the very small gap between what we feel and sense and mind steps in to make its interpretation. So, first and foremost we need to become mindful and aware.

The second thing is that we need to be open to what we feel. If we are not free to consciously feel what we feel and sense at each and every level of our being, we will do so nonconsciously. Our body is an energy detector much like an antenna. It will feel and sense energy whether or not we are consciously aware of what feel and sense. Similarly, are mind will characterize what we feel and sense nonconsciously in the same way it will characterize what we feel and sense that of which we are consciously aware. As a result we have ideas, dreams, thoughts, images and the like that seemingly come from no where. But there is an origin to our thoughts and we can pull the string on any thought and ask from where that thought originated.

If we pull the string on the thoughts we have we will find two things. One is we will find out just how sensitive we are and to what we are sensitive. The second thing is we will come to understand both what beliefs we hold and even from where we obtained those beliefs. We will being to see how much we are living our life based on our enculturate rather than being free to life the truth of our being.

A Foundation Structure

As said above any energy we sense is first formed into symbols and those symbols provide the foundation for the framework. In this regard, all of the discussion topics in the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material are the symbols. That is, each discussion provided a concept and/or understanding about the energy of Creation. In this regard, the question can, and should be asked, is, "What is the energy or the aspect of energy which was observed that gives rise to a particular discussion." It is not the discussion itself which is really important. It is how accurately and effectively what is discussed reflects the energy.

Alternatively said, it is to focus our attention and awareness not on what is said as, "this is the way it is." Rather it is to say, "There is an aspect to the energy of the Creation which the author has characterized as a discussion, what do I see in the energy which is not reflected in the discussion? Surprisingly, if we ask such a question, we will get insights and those insights come from aspects of our being we do not normally use. It is about learning to become a detached witness to detach from the experience we have, such as reading a discussion, to look the energy which is giving rise to the experience and manifesting and being expressed as reading a particular discussion. We will begin to see both what has pulled us to read a particular discussion and where acting, or not acting, on the discussion can lead. In essence, we can see both the past and the future. We can see the cause which gave rise to the effect we experience. We can also see what will unfold if we do not act and allow the cause effect chain to continue as it or we can see what happens if we do act. We will find ourselves standing at the point of creative power where all is possible. We only have to be willing to accept the consequences of whatever we choose.

The material and approach provides a foundation and the building blocks, or rather bite size segments, to understand the energy and consciousness of Creation to create the realty and experience of our choice. We only need to learn how to use these building blocks and assemble them in the way that is most effective for who we are. The material cuts across the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our being and we cannot deny the cross over. We are not compartmented and segmented being. To think so is to cause separation to raise in our life. On the point of building block, one can take all the individual discussion found in the List of Topics as creative building blocks. However, a set of Creation Building Blocks has been created that can be uses as a study guide to look at the major concepts and principles related to how we create our experiences and create the reality of those experiences.

What arises as discomforts in any way when reading, contemplating or working with this information are clues as to the causes of our physical health and emotional well being however good or bad we may judge them to be. What is address as to the need to allow our creative spirit to freely unfold lies at the root of all addictions including the human addiction to deny the essence of our unique being. Rather, that become our truth and freely learn to express it in the world, we deny our own unique process that will allow us to live our truth and to we look to external thinking for our identity. In doing so, we create attachments to the ego and how the ego thinks it knows who we are and how the universe works.

In note of our ego and its attachments, it must be said no matter how good, wise and enlightening a discussion may be relative to how the energy of Creation manifest, no amount of discussion or explanation will be of benefit if our ego thinks otherwise that it does. Our ego tends to be very set in its ways and it view of reality that it has created. It sees any change as a death. Any attempt to justify what is said only lends to posturing by ego of the one talking or the listening/receiving. It is much easier to take these statements or any statement made by anyone as assumptions or even pure conjecture. Then experiment with them and do our own experiments and determine for ourselves how true they are. If we do so, we are no longer mouthing the truth of another. Rather we are acting on our truth.

To build the reality of our choice, we start by doing our own experiments to see what is really true for us. Then live and become the truth as we know it and understand it.

The frame work
The essence of all that is - the "mud" of creation/Creation

As perceive by a human being, the Universe is composed of, or permeated by, what can best be describe as energy consciousness. The essence of all that is, the "mud" of Creation is energy consciousness. It is not just energy and not just consciousness. Rather energy and consciousness are different aspects of the same thing. It is the substance out of which all things form. This energy consciousness can be experienced as energy, as consciousness, or as energy consciousness depending on the environment and how and what consciousness chooses to observe in that environment. For all practical purposes, all the laws of physics applicable to energy apply equally to energy consciousness for they are the same but they may look differently only because experience of consciousness is not perceived the same way as the experience of energy.

This energy consciousness exists in a duality similar to the wave-particle duality we see in physics. For those not familiar with the wave-particular duality of energy, it simply says, energy can be expresses as a wave, an undefined and unbounded form extending to infinity or a particle, or localized within a defines shape, depending on how the observer has chosen to observe the energy. For example, you can create experiments were an electron with mass acts as a wave with no mass and where photons with no mass acts as a particle with mass. So too with this energy consciousness. Depending on how consciousness chooses to observe, it will experience the energy consciousness as energy (and mass) or as consciousness.

The implications that energy and consciousness are one and the same thing is that reality will mold itself to whatever consciousness intends or holds as an intention. Energy goes where consciousness focuses its attention and awareness by how and what it thinks and believe and consciousness directs its attention and awareness to where it perceives the energy is flowing. The flow of energy into a given form, can be experienced as life. In this regard, there are many forms of life that humans could experience but do not fall into what humans normally see as alive. As consciousness, there is only awareness and no flow of energy, it exists only as a witness to what is. As consciousness expands or contracts itself by either redefining itself or focusing itself, energy flows into that new awareness or focus of attention.

Since the energy can form itself into any give form selected by consciousness, energy consciousness whether as energy or as consciousness is inherently creative. This creative life energy of energy consciousness goes where consciousness focuses its attention and awareness and whatever consciousness focuses on grows like a seed, growing from within the ground below in the unseen world, into a tree above into the world of manifestation. The source of life, the source of energy, is focused consciousness. Similarly, if consciousness takes its focus off something, it will begin to wither as a branch that has be cut from its source. There may be an existing form that remains but it will have no life in it. Over time, that branch withers, dies, and decays away capable to be broken off by the wind to fall away to dissolve and return from where it came.

Focused consciousness is experienced as intention. It is the intention behind the thoughts and actions of consciousness that is responsible for Creation. Although the thoughts and actions of consciousness within a given environment may give a particular shape and form to the intention that is held, it is the intention that is the cause of what manifests. Intentions can be held at a conscious and/or nonconscious level. There is no real difference between the power of the conscious mind and nonconscious mind to create. The only difference is the nonconscious is automatic and preprogrammed whereas the conscious mind is subject to change based on how consciousness chooses.

From a creativity view point, one can consider the conscious and nonconscious as functionally the same in their ability to mold energy and create new forms of creation. If consciousness is intently focused, the energy of energy consciousness will "accumulate" or condense itself into a form based on how the consciousness of the energy is focused. In a way analogous to water vapor of the atmosphere coming together under the correct environmental conditions to form a cloud and subsequently condensing into rain, ice or snow, so too is energy consciousness. Under the right environmental conditions (by how consciousness thinks), the energy of energy consciousness will coalesce into a manifestation of that thinking and the longer the thinking continues in the way it does, the energy "thickens" to a greater and greater degree. If it is held sufficiently long, it will solidify into matter.

Additional discussion on the relationship of energy and consciousness are found in the topics, "Energy consciousness - the "mud" of Creation," "Energy - the Invariant in the Creativity Perspective" and the "Interdisciplinary Aspects of Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity"

The following discussions provided analogies to help understand energy consciousness and how the intention held by consciousness defines the boundaries for the shape of the experience or of the material of creation that forms: "Rain river analogy for the creative process includes the water vapor analogy;" "Freezing water analogy of energy consciousness manifestation;" "Water vapor analogy for manifestation of a thought;" "Creating an illusionary form - the vibrating string."

The external covering
The nature of creation/creation manifested

It was said that the overall creation process is determined by a choice of environment followed by a foundation, the framework, the external covering and its utilization. This section addresses the fact that the environment for our creative efforts has already been selected. We are in Physical Creation. Although we have an unlimited creativity, because you are here in physical form, a choice has been made by us for whatever reason, either by us or Consciousness to limit our creative ability and creative power to those that can be accomplished while in a physical body. Physical reality and the nature of physical reality becomes the backdrop for our creative efforts.

Said above as reflected in the story of "Moses and the Dancing light" the first level of interacting with energy consciousness is understanding and knowing how to use and work the light, the creative life energy, itself. What needs to be noted in the story of "Moses and the Dancing Light" is for Moses to exist and experience energy consciousness as light, the Consciousness of all that is, had to have already separated and fragmented itself into at least one individualized point of consciousness of which Moses is the entity.

We need to remember energy consciousness can be perceive as energy, as consciousness or as energy consciousness. In Moses observing light, we have a consciousness observing energy. This means that the Consciousness of All That Is, or the consciousness within, or behind, Creation, had chosen for some reason, whatever reason we may give it, to observe itself and it has chosen the vehicle of Moses to make the observation. To do so, as described in the discussion "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality," Consciousness had to separate its conscious awareness from the form it had created to experience its creation. Or said another way, Consciousness chose to separate Its conscious awareness from its nonconscious and dormant consciousness. Although such a separation is illusionary, the separation is nevertheless experienced as real. As a result of how Consciousness chose to separate Itself, the energy of the creation It experiences is in the form of light.

What is being said here is that the consciousness of Moses and the created form of energy consciousness being experienced as light are integrally connected. It is as discussed is the relationship of the cutout and the hole. To experience the energy consciousness of the universe as light is to demand a human consciousness constructed similar to Moses’ consciousness. To have a human consciousness similar to Moses’s consciousness is to require the energy of the energy consciousness of the universe to appear as light. The illusion of Creation is that Moses is separate from the light and observing the light as in independent observer when, in fact, the light only takes the form it does because Moses is Moses.

Moses is really only witnessing the manifestation of energy consciousness into a form chosen by Consciousness. If Moses changes, the form that light takes will change and if Moses was consciously awake during these changes, he would witness the light taking a different form. This is in fact what the story tries to relay. Moses experienced the dancing light. However he did not understand the light in that form. So the light changed to a form more in line with Moses’ understanding and Moses continued to see the light change until it took a form that he understood. It is the nature of Moses and the understanding of Moses that changes the way energy of energy consciousness manifest. If Moses initially understood what the light was, the light would never have formed into symbols, letters and words. Whether Moses realized it or not, he is the creator of what he experienced because or as a result of the understanding he does, or doesn’t, have. However, it does need to be emphasized, as long as the consciousness of Moses is observing as Moses and no matter how enlightened in understanding Moses becomes, he will not get past the experience of the energy of energy consciousness being expressed as light.

To experience the light as other than light, Moses must become something other than Moses. Unless he steps outside himself and his identity as Moses and his view of reality as Moses, he will not see the light other than as light. In a related note on this topic, for Jesus to do what is claimed that He has accomplished, He had to declare that "I and the Father are One." He had to step out of his identity of being Jesus if He was going to create what He created - a new reality and a new way of being in the world because of who He had become. By becoming the One with the Father, Jesus could become the Creator - but of course it did come with a price for His the time and place and of course, there needed to be a death. There is the sacrifice of creation required by the creative process to release the energy for a new creation. That takes us back to the statement that the form that the energy of energy consciousness takes is dependent on how the consciousness of energy consciousness is observing. The observer Christ the human had to die to become the new observer as the Christ the Creator - whom most would call God. The two are integrally connected.

There are two points that can be made at about energy consciousness at this level of Creation. For the energy consciousness of the universe to express itself in the form of Moses experiencing the dancing light, an intention already exists that is governing the manifestation of the Creation. There is a reason why Moses exists even if it is only to experience energy consciousness as light. The second thing is that as long a one views through the perspective of a human, they will only be able to experience the energy of the universe as light and in relations to being a human. That of course is what we observe. All the knowledge that humans have accumulated about the manifested universe is based on energy and the transformation of energy of which electromagnetic radiation, one form of which is light, is what we experience. To experience the energy consciousness as other than electromagnetic radiation, mass and energy as we currently experience, one must somehow step out of being human and what it means to be human. Although there are a handful of human who have stepped out of what it means to be human, in general, most of humanity has remained bound in their human experience. To escape the human collective thinking one must have the energy/passion and endure the stress and strain as a rocket escaping the pull of gravity to go to the moon.

To work at this level of understanding with the light as light, means that we need to be able to work impersonally with the creative life energy of the universe and requires us to be a witness to what is to know that we and our observation are integrally connected, yet fully participate in awareness in how and where that energy leads us. To do this one will need to understand the nature of the particular Creation in which we participate and we will need to be able to clearly see for ourselves the truth about reality and to see it for what it is.

Because we exist in a human body, and our current understanding of who we are and how the universe works is so integrally linked to the physical plane, it is hard to separate out the pieces that are solely of the realm of our individuated consciousness and those solely of the realm of the physical plane. This does get more complicated with the realization that the principles of creation (principles of energy and principles of consciousness) are the same for both our consciousness and the earth plane. It is only how we each have defined ourselves, learned these principles and chosen to apply these principles that there seems to be such a great difference in what our consciousness creates and what is created by earth and the physical plane.

To understand the nature of the Creation and the creative process in which we participate, we will have to study it as an observer in the separation that an observer provides. This is the purpose and nature of Creation. It is to be separate from Creation to experience a Creation. To do this we will have to be very much in mind thinking and analyzing. This is where most individuals find themselves. They live in belief of separation seeing themselves separate and as an observer independent of the Creation they are experiencing.

For the second part, we will need to learn to release and be out of, the judgments and opinions of both the enculturated ego and transcendental ego and learn the nature of reality is independent of the Creation in which we participate and our own nature. This is to be come the detached witness to all that is and surrender to the flow of the energy itself. In becoming one with the flow as a detached witness we will learn to understand the flow and how to navigate in that flow. This requires us to surrender to our heart and the creative life energy that sustains us. Ultimately we will need to learn to dance between the mind and the heart in accordance with the melody provided by the Physical Creation we inhabit.

Two notes need to be made here. One is that in order to freely surrender to the flow of energy we will first have to have developed a strong masculine aspect and a strong feminine aspect at every level of our being. If we surrender before we are able to become self determined at every level of our being in both our masculine and feminine aspects of being, we will be unable to fully surrender to the flow. The flow is balance and contains no uncertainty or weakness. Our beliefs of weakness and limitations will carry over unless we transform them in the strength of our ego and those same beliefs will keep us from being able to merge with the flow. The ego serves a very important role. We only needs learn how to work with it. We start by creating that strong masculine and strong feminine aspect by bringing our inner masculine and inner feminine to maturity.

The second note is that said above the physical reality and the nature of physical reality becomes the backdrop for our creative efforts. That does not mean that our creative efforts are limited to physical reality. It only means that physical reality, and our perceptions and beliefs about physical reality as it currently is are the starting point for our creative efforts. If we don’t understand the nature of the physical reality and the rules of Physical Creation, they will interfere with whatever we desire to create. If we do understand them, Physical Creation become a stable platform on which to build the creation of our choice.

The environment and foundation of our creative efforts

In realizing the All That Is has chosen, for whatever reason or purpose, to manifest a Physical Creation in which the energy of energy consciousness manifests as light in the form of electromagnetic radiation and perceived by a human consciousness, the following foundational principles are laid.

First, the Consciousness of All That Is, the consciousness within, or behind, Creation, has chosen to fractionate and fragment itself into at least three individualized consciousnesses. One is you, the reader, for I am not you. One is me, and you are not me. The third is the physical plane itself which is experienced as Creation and as energy. Or it can be seen as the light as in the Moses and the Dancing light story. It is manifested into a fixed form such that we can have the human physical experience that you and I are having. As you may suspect, there are a multitude of other individualized consciousness but the only three we can definitely count are you, me and the backdrop of our conversation, Creation itself. We need to remember, the world as I know goes away when I die and the world as you know it goes away when you die. You are experience your world and I am experiencing my world and their overlap as this moment in time is what you are reading.

Second, we are a consciousness, a creator, within a creation, namely Physical Creation. As consciousness, just like Consciousness, the creative life energy that sustains our being or rather is our being, will go where we focus our attention and awareness and mold itself to give us the experience corresponding to our focus. More importantly, it is our conscious or nonconscious intention that is the focal point and determines where our energy goes, not necessarily the object, person or situation on which we focus but rather (this is the critical piece) the intention behind the focus. On this point, it behooves us to pull the string to know we intend what we do.

Three, as consciousness, and a creator, we already are the perfect. We are the perfect expression of our beliefs that we hold and choices we have made. (Hard to believe but nevertheless true - do your own experiments to see if it is true) There is no evolution and growth of our consciousness unless we believe it to be so. We already are. There is no lesson unless we believe there is a lesson. We can, however, awaken ourselves to greater awareness or go into a deeper and deeper sleep becoming less and less aware. The choice is ours. There is however a cause and a reason for what is and we can ask ourselves why we have created, or at least agreed to participate in, the experiences that we have. We have a choice. We have the choice to live as we are fully experiencing who and what we are as we currently believe or find out why we believe the way we do that is resulting in our creating the experiences we have and creating the reality we are experiencing at any moment in time.

Four, being within a creation, the energy that sustains us in physical form flows within the larger intention that created the creation we experience and sustains the physical plane. In this regard, we are like a small self powered motor boat (our consciousness) flowing within a vast river or ocean (the intention behind Creation). We are pulled along by its currents. If we have little or no understanding and power to create (small or weak motor), we will be totally subject to the larger current. If we have the understanding and a powerful ability to create (a large and powerful motor), we could possible muster the energy to go totally against the current and go in our own direction. However, if we choose to go against the larger current, we should ask the question, "What am I doing in this larger current of Creation in the first place - I may have something I wished to accomplish?" If you ask this question and expect an answer, you will get one. You may even the answer is important.

Five, the physical plane, earth in particular, since it is compose of energy both as energy and as mass, has a consciousness, an awareness and a purpose unto itself. It can be added, although we are important or otherwise we would not be here, the earth does quite well with us or without our presence. What needs to be understood is that the Creation we see before us is independent of us and runs well without our presence. How it manifest around us is our creation. To make changes in the way the earth is manifesting and unfolding, unless we understand and accesses the consciousness of earth, owe must make all the changes as energy transformation, evolving, or changing the existing form, whether it be mass or energy, into something new. We start those changes by going within and allowing the inner change to be reflected in to outer experience.

Six, we, the consciousness that is aware of itself, are not our body. Our body is only a vehicle for an experience in the physical plane. As long as we are in our physical body, we are free to create anything that we choose as long a we do it in and/or through our physical body. However, as a specific quantity of energy in the form of mass, our body has a consciousness an awareness and a purpose unique to itself and it gives a particular unique view and experience of Physical Creation. It is aligned with the intention of the physical plane and of Earth for that is from where its essence comes.

Seven, as a consciousness within a Creation, we have three ways of creating available to us. One is to create solely through the power of our consciousness to mold reality into whatever on which it focuses its attention and awareness. The second is to work with the creative principles of earth itself and follow the rules governing the physical plane and the planet earth. The third is to use a combination of both.

Making Building Blocks From The Mud Of Creation

The mud of Creation, that out of which all forms is energy consciousness. It can take any form and any shape desired by energy consciousness. Energy goes where consciousness focuses its attention and awareness by how and what it thinks and believes and consciousness directs its attention and awareness to where it perceives the energy is flowing. There are an infinite number of ways that we can create out of these two principles that govern the essence of All That Is, the Mud of Creation, because all of reality (seen and unseen) flows from these principles.

Although there are an infinite number of ways we can create from this Mud, we are present in Physical Creation and as such, are limited in many way to the rules that govern physical creation. In order to have a human physical experience, we have agreed to limit our creative abilities to the rules and principles that govern the physical plane. This is true for any creation we experience. We have to limit our creativity in some way to have the experience of that creation.

However, the fact we limit our creativity to have an experience of being human being in Physical Creation does not make the essence of our being physical nor does that limit us to being solely physical. We can create any experience we choose as long as create our experience from within our physical body, the vehicle chosen for our physical experience.

Nevertheless, there is still an infinite number of ways to construct a set of foundation principles within the principles and rules which govern the physical plane and then build on that foundation. In many ways the foundation principles we create function as building blocks. We then build what we desire with whatever set of building blocks we choose.

Here it needs to be noted, each society, each social tradition, each religious tradition, each spiritual tradition, each way of perceiving and being in the world defines a set of foundation principles. The society, social tradition, religious tradition, spiritual tradition or perception then uses these principles to create their experience in Physical Creation. Sometimes these foundation principles created by humans correspond are in alignment with the rules of Physical Creation. Sometimes they are not. Sometimes they are choose to create particular types and kinds of experiences at the exclusion of all other experiences. But, what needs to be noted and emphasized, no matter what step of fundamental principles to which we adhere, they do not make the essence of our being or our truth any different. We can become whatever we choose but becoming whatever we choose does not change the essence of our being. But, we can become so intent on believe we are what are experience say we are that we simply forget our essence and how to live true to the essence of our being.

Based on the exploration of our inherent creativity and the lessons learned of others, the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material represents a set of foundation principles. This set of foundation principles have been chosen as those which seem to best represent the set of principles that allow us to hold our creativity sacred and that of any other and allow us to access and release our unlimited creativity. Simultaneously, they allow us to function from within the limits of physical body and the rules of Physical Creation. There is no need to transcend the body or Physical Creation to find Heaven, Nirvana or the Kingdom of God as many suggest. Rather, we can access and experience them here and now if we choose to do so and give ourselves permission to experience them. All that is currently available and posted relative to these foundation principles are found in the Password Protect Area in the List of discussion topics and other related list of topics.

The Creation Building Blocks

To help make learning and understanding the volume of principles and concepts with the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material a little more manageable if one desired to study and contemplate this material, a set of building blocks have been created. The building blocks, are the next level of understanding and application of these fundamental principles. They are where we can really begin to define the type and kind of creation we will manifest. That is, the building block are an application of the fundamental set of principles which will further limit what is possible to create. Yet, as a set of building blocks, the do not severely limit what can be created. It is just that they cause the focus of our attention and awareness to be less that what it could be.

The building blocks what have been created based on the Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity material do not represent the only way to create in the physical plane. But they do represent an attempt to allow us to utilize our unlimited creativity in any way the we chooses and to be self determined at every level of our being. Since the building blocks do representing a limited of our unlimited creativity, in this regard, it is highly recommended the building block only be used as a "lesson book" much the one would learn a musical instrument. That is, each one is studied and contemplated and explored and we give ourselves permission to do our own experiments with each. It is also recommend in the studying and exploration of each of these building blocks, they be done so as much as possible with a beginner’s mind and in the spontaneous and innocent beginner’s mind of discover and exploration of what each building block really represents.

The one guiding principle that governed the formation of these building blocks was that we look to nature and the way nature manifests its Creation as the way to create. The view held within this material is that the physical plane, earth in particular, is a consciousness manifesting its creation and we have been invited to experience its Creation within the plan that it has chosen to unfold. As such, it can be our teacher and tell us how to create our own reality and how our individual individuated consciousness actually goes about creating what it does.

In contemplating the building blocks, it needs to be noted they are not numbered and the order of their presentation is in no way suggestive of a hierarchy. But there is the attempt to present them such that there is a logical flow between the principles. How we ultimately assemble them to build our creation is our choice. A red brick and a gray cement block both allow us to build. One is really no better than the other. It all depends on what exactly we wish to build and what we wish the final construction to look like. It is only then and in the light of that desire we wish to manifest does one type of building block become more important than another. All we really need to ask ourselves is what types and kind of experiences to we wish to create?

As the building blocks are studied, contemplated, explored and exercised, we will probably feel there is somewhat of a weaving back and forth and there is some redundancy. This can be expected. A concrete block and a concrete brick are both constructed out of concrete. Being made out of the same material, the process of making the block or the brick will require some steps of the process to seem almost identical. Yet in the end, two different products result. For example, to mix the concrete for a brick or a block, one would use the exact same steps to mix the sand, concrete and pebbles to make the concrete. So too with the effort here. In making the building block there will be a repeat of many initial steps to get the block into the form we desire.

Before starting an exploration of the various building blocks it is recommended the following discussion "Overview and integration of the creation/Creation building blocks " be reviewed to see how the building blocks can flow together. However, in beginning an exploration of our inherent creativity through the building blocks, we may find we need to free aspects of ourselves from the past which did not serve us and which we hold onto memories which bind our creative life energy. Consideration may want to be given to becoming our truth and doing the work necessary to call back our creative power from where and who we may have given it away.

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