Background and foundation for any shifting consciousness workshop 

A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity workshop

Copyright 2008 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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The mind which created the current situation we face is not the mind that will create what we desire. Shifting consciousness for any creative endeavor is about breaking out of the mold of preconceived thinking. It is to break out of our current mind to access our creative spirit and our true nature and inherent creativity and/or to know the infinity of our being to a sufficient degree to create what we desire.

There is an old proverb: "Give an individual a fish, they eat for a day. Teach the individual how to fish and they eat for a life time." The approach used here is to learn how create what we desire for anything we desire. It is to move to access the depth and breadth of our true inherent creativity

The approach used here is to access the truth within our being. It has been observed that when we become our truth and live our truth in the world we access and inner satisfaction and inner peace that never runs dry no matter what is happening in our external world. In essence, we become peace. In celebrating and living that peace, we bring peace into our world and the world.

We cannot give what we do not have. Until we find an inner peace and inner satisfaction within ourselves we will be unable to give a lasting peace externally. The key for anything we wish to create in our life or in the world is to first become it within and allow it to unfold from our inner being. Although not understood by many, our inner world is reflected in the outer.

In first accessing the truth of our being, we can then move to create whatever we desire and not lose focus of that inner satisfaction and inner peace and become distracted by the needs of the mundane world. Accessing the truth of our being has been found to be one of the faster, easier and gentler ways to go about accessing our inherent creativity for whatever we desire to create and/or accessing the infinity of our being

After accessing the truth of our being we come to the proverbial fork in the road and what we desire becomes very important. The mind which created our current situation is not the mind that create the experience we desire. Otherwise, we would already have the experience or know how to create the experience we desire. The path we need to take to gain the concepts, understanding and beliefs to create what we desire depends on what we desire.

In looking to move through any different perspective our path will be unique. Although there are generic aspects that can used to guide us through any particular perspectives and another, or others, can assist us in our journey, it is a solo journey. No one can do it for us or tell us exactly how to do it. We will have to rely on our own truth and our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and inner knowing to ultimately be our guide. In taking this journey to change our perspective often we will seem to spiral around through aspects of our being and understanding seemingly continually returning to the past but going deeper with each pass through. At one level it appears we are just going around in a circle. But, in reality, we move into deeper and deeper levels of awareness.

If our desire is to experience the infinity of our being there will be four specific perspective which we will need to pass through in one way or another The four different perspectives are: Victim Consciousness, Ego Consciousness, Surrender Consciousness and Creator Consciousness. Moving through these four stages then opens the door to move into what can be called the Witness Consciousness and the possible experience of the Ultimate Accident and into the infinity of our being and/or the Source of Creation

Background and foundation

Shifting consciousness for any creative endeavor is about breaking out of the mold of preconceived thinking to move into a different perspective or view about Creation. As a result of an exploration into our inherent creativity, to have this shift of consciousness there are some principles and concept to which we need to be introduced to help make that shift. They are introduced here but will be used and revisited through any workshop discussing the shifting consciousness for a creative endeavor.

Note: this can be a handout or a starting lecture before the real workshop beings. These are seeds which need to be planted and which grow into an understanding over time throughout any creativity workshop.

At the most fundamental levels: At the most fundamental levels of Creation, Physicists have observed Creation does not work the way our mind perceived it to work. Energy has both a wave nature and a particle nature. Depending on how we choose to observer determines whether energy is perceive as a wave or a particle. Consciousness too has a wave and particular nature. How we choose to observe consciousness is simply determined by how we consciously or nonconsciously have focused our attention and awareness by what we think and believe. We can localize our awareness in the particle nature of consciousness reflected by our mind. This is the way our awareness normally perceives the creation/Creation we experience Or we access our nonlocalized awareness through what is symbolized in our heart and experience the wave nature of consciousness. Here we perceive through the view of the heart and feeling the flow of energy giving rise to the experience of creation/Creation. This view is reflected in our intuitive guidance, body wisdom and inner knowing.

In essence there are two views to creation - the view of the mind in the way consciousness localizes itself into a particular view and the view of the heart and the way consciousness steps out of any particular view to feel and flow with the energy. When we look inward, we experience consciousness When we look outward we see energy. Working with these two views leads us to the relationship of energy and consciousness and the energy consciousness model for Creation. Here we see the nature of reality is a dance between energy and consciousness. The two, come together with the awareness (consciousness) of the flow (of energy). As we can come to see, our intuitive guidance is actually a bridge between what we feel and what mind thinks and that being in the flow is to live in Heaven here and now and/or experience Nirvana.

Results of an exploration into our creativity: As a result of an extended exploration into our creative ability and creative power and the nature of Creation at its most fundamental levels, it is concluded that we each are infinitely creative beings possessing an unlimited creativity to create our experiences and to create the reality we experience. We have only limited our unlimited creativity for the intended purpose of having certain types and kinds of physical experiences. The "Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective" provides a way to see and understand how this is possible through the traditional use of myths and stories. The topic, "Creative Physics" was created to provide a more structured way to understand how this is possible based on first principles. The two discussions "Origins of creation/Creation" and the "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality" provide this starting point.

The key to a life consciously created: The key to living a life consciously created is to know that we are an infinitely creative being who has a free will and has knowingly or unknowingly created what we experience based on what you think and feel. Our creative life energy goes where you focus our attention and awareness. That on which we focus will create an experience. As an infinite creator, there is a reason we created for our being here even if it is only to have a physical experience. We get in touch with that reason through feelings and the feeling of fullness of being and/or what gets you excited about life. To do so requires us to step out of mind to be able to discern our truth and learn to navigate from the heart with our internal compass to be able to follow what we feel and what subsequently arises in our intuitive guidance.

Power of intention The power of intention and the power in a clear intention cannot be understated. We need become very clear on what we desire to experience and to pull the string on why we are choosing to experience what we desire. When it comes to our intentions we cannot think we can lie to ourselves about what we really desire to experience. We should not say we seek what is called spiritual or mystical powers and experiences if what we really want is financial security or physical happiness. If we want to be physical happy then we need to be honest with ourselves about it and do not judge yourself or let the judgment of others influence what we desire.

Adopt a creativity perspective To use this faster, easier and gentler way it is beneficial to adopt a creativity perspective where we hold our creativity sacred. The creativity perspective is a perspective where we look at, if not adopt, beliefs and ways of thinking which allow us to: (1) hold our creativity sacred; (2) call back our creative power from where we have giving it away and/or placed our creative spirit in a cage of our own making and; (3) we are free to allow our awareness and creativity to expand into the infinity of our being.

Holding our creativity sacred: As a minimum, to hold our creativity sacred means we are free to explore all options in our creative imagination  and we allow ourselves to bring back the solutions we find to do the necessary and appropriate experiments and evaluations to see which are feasible in the world in which we leave. If necessary are free to look to change our environment to allow it to support the options we find.

Calling back our creative power: Calling back our creative power is to look at our life to see (1) where we have denied our creative ability and our ability to learn what we need to know to create what we desire and (2) denied our creative power and/or gave it away in some way for some reason or another.

The cage of own making: The cage of our own making refers to the response patterns we developed to protect our creative spirit when it became thwarted in one way or another. However, rather than protecting our creative spirit we end up creating a cage which keeps it captive.

Infinity of our being: This is about having an understanding and a set of beliefs which allow us to access infinity of our being. It is our mind and what we think and believe which keeps us from understanding our true nature and depth and breadth of our creative power. Although there are many discussions and version of what the infinity of our being looks like in mystical, esoteric and spiritual writing, the discussion provided by Jill Bolte Taylor of her experience with a stroke in the left side of her brain best described this state of being in modern more scientific terms. It also need to be noted here, as discussed in the topic, "The problem of mind and the experience of the Source of Creation - the trap of mind," our mind will bias what we experience and usually does not allow us to see the experience for what it really is.

Our creative spirit: The awareness of the infinity of our being by may mystics, shamans and the like is what has given rise to the concept we are a spirit having a physical experience. That is, we have an aspect within our being that transcends time and space. But, as a result of the nature of the human physical experience, we normally cannot access this aspect of our being while in a body. Yet, all the spiritual, mystical and religious traditions of humanity try and access it in some way. But, in reality it is a wasted effort. What has been revealed in the exploration of our creativity, we have no need to obtain anything. We already are this awareness and are never removed from are it. What is being missed is that this awareness is a creative spirit. It desires to create and have certain types and kinds of experiences and localized itself in our body for the experiences it desires to have. We are only experiencing what we ourselves have chosen to experience for whatever reason we may have.

Our desire for the human physical experience: We are an infinite creative being as described in the Jill Bolte Taylor experience that has chosen to localize itself in a human body for the purposes of having a human physical experience. Exactly why we incarnated into our particular body, family and time and place of incarnation is unique to us. It is reflected in the intention for our life and only we can access that understanding.

Intention for our life: The intention for our life is what brought us into life. It is what gives us life. It will give us an inner satisfaction with life that never runs dry and all the health we need to have the experiences we need to have to fulfill that intention if we are willing to live our life to fulfill that intention. However, this intention existed before our current mind came into existence. To know it we have to feel it and we feel it in what gives us life, gives us a passion for life and a passion to engage life to be here and now.

Awareness in what we feel: There is an awareness in what we feel. We have to be open to what we feel and then ask our intuitive guidance what we feel and from where does the energy arise in what we feel. Our mind will then gives us an interpretation the best it can.

Limitation of our mind as we know it: Mind only knows the past and what it has experiences. It cannot lead in a true creative endeavor and the life we live is such a creative endeavor. Mind does an excellent job of characterizing what we feel if we are experiencing something we experienced in the past. It does a terrible job of characterizing something we never previously experienced. The more what we experience is unlike the past, the worse our mind is at characterizing what we experience. Relative to the intention for our life, it is something we must feel and learn to navigate our life from that feeling. However, to feel it we must be open to feeling.

Navigating from the heart: Is about learning to follow the feeling the fullness of being and that which gives us life and a passion for living and to engage life. Following that feeling will allow us to align with the intention for our life and it will lead us to the experiences we incarnated to have. However, as said above, we must be open to feeling to feel it. Also it needs to be noted, the experiences we incarnated to have may or may not be experiences our mind desires, or would want, to have and/or are totally acceptable to the world in which we live. We may find we must travel the left hand path in the world.

Being open to feeling: To know the intention for our life and/or access the flow of energy which any intention we hold creates, we need to be open to feeling. To be open to feeling means we will eventually have to face all the reason why we shut down our ability to feel. That is, we must face the pain of the past and where the free unfoldment of our creative spirit was thwarted and where and why we have put our creative spirit in a cage of our own making. We have to go back and take the bars of the cage we ourselves have created. This, in turn, takes us back to the beginning and the power of the intention we hold and learning to hold our creativity sacred.

The deep intention we hold arising from our current life: What needs to be understood is that most of us live life with a deep subconscious intention to remain safe and to protect ourselves. That is, we have all felt pain in our life for one reason or another and we all have had the free expression of our creative spirit thwarted in one way or another for one reason or another. Obviously there are things that can harm us in life. But rather than learning to deal with the true hazards, we live life seeking safety and protecting ourselves well beyond what serves our creative spirit and the life we incarnated to live and the experiences that life desires us to have. Quite simply many of our responses to life were developed in childhood with a child’s mind rather than looking at the situation as an adult and dealing with the true hazard. A child’s mind will go to the past and what it knows is safe because it has not yet learned to think and figure out how to deal with the real hazards. As a result, most of us live life trying to remain safe and recreate the past that we know is safe. Few are willing to step into the unknown to address the true hazards as they arise.

The addictive pattern of avoiding pain: The end result of living life in the past is that is there is a unconscious intention for our life that lies below the subconscious intention to remain safe. These two are often in conflict and gives rise to a discomfort within our being if not out right pain. We then try and numb, suppress or otherwise remove ourselves from the pain or discomfort we feel and end up developing an addiction or addictive patterns. Most of us develop a thinking addiction and remain in our mind and the illusion mind creates rather than being open to what we feel within our being and our body. In being in mind and out of body, we miss the awareness which lies in feeling and the awareness which lies in the body to know what we need to be doing with our life.

Facing the life we have created: We have created a life based on what we have come to think and believe and the experiences we have had. Most of what we have created is based on the childlike response we developed early in life. What we need to come to understand is that we have a free will and we create our experience by how we focus our attention and awareness. In is just that we are in Physical Creation playing by the rules of Physical Creation and we seem to lack the true freedom which a available to us. The focus of our attention and awareness is determined by how and what we believe and the experiences we have had. To create a different life in any way, we have to somehow change what we think and believe. The mind which created our current situation is not the mind that create the experience we desire. Otherwise, we would already have the experience or know how to create the experience we desire.

The proverbial fork in the road: The question is what beliefs will give us the creative ability and creative power to create what we desire. Spending all of our time in learning how to care and feed a horse will not give us the understand to learn how to fly. The question is "What type and kind of life do we desire to create?" The beliefs we need to have will be different for different desires. Some overlap but there will be differences. Here we come to the proverbial fork in the road and what we desire become very important. The path we need to take to gain the concepts, understanding and beliefs to create what we desire depends on what we desire. Here again, we must be totally honest in what we really desire if we are going to access the correct beliefs that we need. Otherwise, we will continually be creating a life that is not really serving us and the satisfaction in life will elude us.

The recommendation - Become our truth: The recommendation made here is to become our truth. It is to know and understand who and what we really are and obtain a set of beliefs that give us some idea and/or feeling as to the potential depth and breadth of our creative ability and creative power. It is to see the possibility that we truly are an infinite creative being with an unlimited creativity. Then, if we so choose, either look to create what we desire to experience or move into the possibility of creating a conscious experience of the infinity of our being.

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