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How to become a rainmaker


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In any creative endeavor, it can be most helpful to find an individual who can create a focus of their attention and awareness to create a flow of energy which will allow us to awaken that to which we need to awaken for the intention we hold. Such an individual is a rainmaker. The rainmaker creates the space for the creative spirit of another to step out of the cage which imprisons it to find sufficient freedom of movement to create what is desired. They are a rainmaker in the sense that they create the space to bring forth, or call forth, the refreshing waters of life. It is that flow of energy within our being, to both flush out of our being that which not longer serves us and waters the seeds of transformation for our new creation to grow and unfold.

The rainmaker is an individual who calls forth the refreshing life giving waters within our being to water our parched inner dry landscape. They are capable of consciously performing the external role for what we need to experience. They do so not by some knowledge they have studied and being in what they think they know. Rather they do it by following their internal guidance and creatively shift their shape to meet our true needs. They are willing to become uniquely different for each individual they face.

The rainmaker intuitively knows how to step out of the masculine mind and into the feminine aspect of their being to create that safe and secure nurturing space to free the creative spirit of another. A rainmaker is an individual who has done the inner world and achieved the level of love which can create that immediate and direct experience of the Source of Creation. Whether or not they have achieved a conscious immediate and direct experience of the Source doesn’t matter for that is not their objective. What matters is they have achieved that level of love. That is, we cannot give what we do not have. The rainmaker has sufficiently loved themselves to give to their true needs which allows for the growth, unfoldment and maturity of what lies within their heart. They then elect, or maybe more appropriately said, they are drawn to freely give that love to another and to become a creative shape shifter - that is to give and become what that other truly need and not what their mind wants to give to create that safe and secure space for the free unfoldment of the individual’s creative spirit - without any expectation of return. They have learned to give exactly what the situation calls to give unconditionally no matter what it is and leave the result to destiny. They are willing trust that whatever occurs it is what is appropriate for the situation at hand.

In actually, any individual can create an adequate flow of energy which will allow us to awaken that to which we need to awaken for the intention we hold. Many do so nonconsciously. However, few can do it consciously for a variety of reason. Many of these reasons will need to be address if one hopes to become a conscious rainmaker.

For a rainmaker to create such a space or create the necessary flow of energy,  they need to set the intention to create and hold a safe and secure space for another no matter what it looks like and requires of them so as to nurture the true needs of the other and what they desire to create. This requires the rainmaker to go within and access their belief structure and the associated beliefs that are the cause of what is currently experienced so they can be changed to create what is desired. That is, they know they need to make the inner changes first.

This is much easier said that done and cannot be done from the ego space. Often when an individual sets such an intention to assist another from the depth of their heart, they will create the conditions to initiation themselves into the role of the rainmaker. However, they must be willing to face what arises that will cause an aspect of their being to die in order to create and hold the safe and secure space for the other. It needs to be remembered, any creation requires a sacrifice and there is an inner and outer aspect the sacrifice. For us to experience the other different than we currently are experiencing, something inside ourselves needs to change to support that new way of being of that individual. To create a safe and secure space for another to become different will requires a sacrifice and something to die within oneself.

Being a rainmaker is about knowing how to set the intention to make these changes and then becoming the phoenix and a creative shape shifter to become what is necessary to nurture the true needs of the other and what they desire to create. Becoming a rainmaker is about creating the ability to do this at will.


An important, but rather subtle point, to realize about the experience of Creation is that the fact creation is not done alone and we will need another in some way to awaken us. Consciousness is a flow of energy which has awakened to the awareness of itself. Without a flow of energy there is nothing to which to awaken and there is not movement to know that one is awake. The consciousness which gave rise to Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective awakened to itself because of an inherent flow of energy within Creation. There always was, and always will, be a flow of energy that allows for consciousness to awaken.

There is an inherent eternal ebb and flow of energy into and out of form which assumes a shape as directed by consciousness. In this regard, becoming consciously aware is about embracing the role of consciousness in the creative process to become the cause to alter the flow of energy directed by the intention we hold. Similarly, consciousness awakens and goes to sleep continually redefining itself anew as a result of what it experiences within the flow of energy and what it remembers as to who it is and how it perceives itself to be and the experiences it has when it awakens.

When the consciousness within the Creation Story for the Creativity Perspective shattered itself in the illusion of Creation it also fragmented and shattered the flow of energy to which it awakened. Each independent point of consciousness contains some or none of the this shattered flow of energy. That is, there are different "levels’ of awareness to which any individual point of consciousness first awakens. But, nevertheless, each point of consciousness can awaken to a Cosmic Consciousness or go totally asleep and unaware. But there will always be at least one point of consciousness sufficiently aware and awake at anyone moment to awaken all.

Whenever a consciousness awakened, it creates a flow of energy by how it focuses itself attention and awareness it creates a flow of energy. It is the focus of the attention and awareness of another that allows us to awaken to the information contained within that flow of energy direct toward us or into which we stumble into. That is, there is an awareness within what we feel. We only need to awaken to what we feel and direct our attention and awareness into what we feel to access the information. When we direct ourselves inward to what we feeling inside ourselves and ask ourselves "What flow of energy gave rise to my life?", we can access the flow of energy for the intention of our life.

For any flow of energy we experience and perceive it as our own, whether we create it because of how we focus our attention and awareness or we perceive and energy permeating us, the beliefs our mind holds forms a belief structure. This belief structure creates an internal terrain or landscape through which our creative life energy flows. When in Physical Creation, because of how the inner is reflected in the outer, our internal landscape gets reflected in the experiences we desire to have in Physical Creation.

Our internal landscape is analogous to a river flowing to the sea. There is a wide variety of experiences to be had because of the varying terrain as any river flow from its source to the sea. For the same source of water, for example flowing east or west down a continental divide to the sea, will experience a different type and kind of terrain flowing east or west. For any given flow of energy we experience, as we change our beliefs we create a different terrain through which our creative life energy flows.

The belief structure we have form is only one of an infinite number of creations/Creations  we can experience for any given set of beliefs. That is, the exactly same beliefs assembled in a different way creates a different belief structure. That different belief structure subsequently creates a whole different way of thinking. Analogously it is much like the atoms in chemistry. There can be two molecules containing the same originating number and types of atoms but the atoms are arranged to create different molecules with different properties. Since the belief structure forms a terrain through which our creative life energy flows, the beliefs we hold and how we hold the beliefs become very important.

Since we are in Physical Creation and the inner is reflected in the outer, what we experience in our outer world gives us information about our inner world and the beliefs we hold and the structure they form. We only need to pull the string on the cause effect chain and we can being to pinpoint the beliefs that are giving rise to the particular type and kind of experience we have. Exploring mind in the creativity perspective is about bringing the focus of our attention and awareness into our mind based on the external experiences we have to see what we think and believe and to pull the string as to why we think and believe what we do. Here metatheater is an extremely powerful tool. Using metatheater we can vary what we experience within a given set of conditions to refine and isolate particular beliefs and patterns of thinking.

Exploring mind within the creativity perspective utilizes as a backdrop or framework the fact that we each are an independent consciousness of unlimited creativity having a common physical experience as a human being as a creation within Creation based on what the human collective believes believe a human being to be. This commonality greatly narrows the parts of the belief structure on which we need to focus. Analogously it is like exploring the strand of DNA molecule. Once we know the sequences or the location on the DNA strand we seek, we need to worry about looking at the whole molecule. We can narrow and refine our focus.

Knowing that as an energy manifesting a form or experience as a creation within Creation, our energy is split between and inner and outer form like a cutout and the hole it creates. A certain portion is shared with Physical Creation to give us the experience of Physical Creation,. The other portion is under our direct control. It is the portion under our direct control that we use to explore mind.

To optimize our creative power, the portion of the energy under the control of our mind must be free from attachments. Otherwise our creative life energy is bound and unavailable to from a new creation. Or, rather we just continually recreate the past in a new way. Often this bound energy is experiences as being a victim, held captive, in an oppressiveness, bound by restrictions on or in our life, constraints on our freedom, causes us to live in fear, or otherwise not being free to move in one way or another for one reason or another.

Exploring mind realizes we bind our energy in attachments by how we have focused our attention and awareness at some level of our being to direct out creative life energy to flow in such a way as to create the experience we have. The approach to exploring the mind by studying flow of energy in our life as done in the physical sciences and in how the mystical and shamanic experience of the unseen. In this regard, the exploration of mind is incomplete unless the environment which mind experiences is also reviewed for the environment and the unfoldment of any creation are integrally linked.

Since creation is not done alone, and consciousness awakens as a result of a flow of energy, an observer, by how they focus their attention and awareness, can create a flow of energy to surface any aspect of an individual’s belief structure. The individual in being mindful and aware of the beliefs, memories or thought that raise in the flow of energy can awaken to the aspect of the belief structure and the beliefs giving rise to the experience they have. In that awareness they have the possibility of changing what they believe and subsequently changing their belief structure. That, in turn, creates a different internal terrain that gets reflected externally in the experiences that one has.

On this point it needs to be noted the intention held by the individual who create the flow of energy to which an individual awakens an aspect of their being becomes very important. It is also important what intention the individual who is to be awaken holds. Both individuals need to be as clear as possible on what they intend and why. Each should pull the string on their intention until optimal clarity is obtain. What is optimum clarity? That each individual knows, without a doubt what they do and why the do it and they are willing to access the consequences of their actions.

Becoming a rainmaker

In taking responsibility for what we experience, all of it, we move into the realm of the experience of the rainmaker. The journey to becoming a rainmaker is to start by taking responsibility for all that one experiences. In essence, taking responsibility for what we experience is the first step in becoming a rainmaker. The story of the rainmaker is about an individual who accesses greater power by taking responsibility for what they need to do as an individual within themselves for the Creation they experience to unfold true to Itself. A more recent story related to what the rainmaker learns to do was circulated on the internet about a Hawaiian therapist who used a technique called "Ho’oponopono" to help people.

The key point of understanding is becoming a rainmaker starts with doing our own inner work first. Although our own inner work needs to be done first, the first and primary recommendation is not to desire to become rainmaker because mind thinks that is what we should do. Everyone is not meant to be a rainmaker. Everyone can learn to hold the space for the creative spirit of another to come out. But everyone did not incarnate as an individual to bring the water of life to reawaken a creative spirit. Rather, we should first access the intention for our life and that intention lead us to what we need to do.

To become a rainmaker requires access to a deep level of compassion and a deep trust in the creative process and oneness and interconnectedness when mind cannot see which way it will need to go. Becoming a rainmaker is about the destruction of the ego to become that creative shape shifter. In this regard, becoming a rainmaker is much akin to having the Ultimate Accident. It is not something mind can actually create. It is something that mind creates the conditions to increase the probably of it happening to us but we must be able to access and follow our intuitive guidance to capitalize on the opportunity provided us.

Becoming service to others

We need to remember we cannot give what we do not have. The rainmaker is about creating the space for an individual to access the their creative power they need for their desired creation unfold. The source of our creative power in our current life is the intention for our life for that is what brought us into life. In accessing and knowing the intention for our life and to speak and live our truth we can give that gift to another and create the space for them to access all the creative power they need down to the source of their creative power.

In finding our passion and living our heart, we are having the experiences we came to have and are awakening those portions of our sleeping consciousness that we came to awaken in this incarnation. In doing so, as we awaken, we awaken those around us, for consciousness awakens consciousness. As we live our heart in trusting our feelings to act, we set an example and create the space to allow others to trust living by their inner feelings and, in doing so, allow them to get in touch with their own internal wisdom.

Each person has their own unique and particular limits and boundaries. In understanding the integrity of our own, we come to recognize and understand the integrity of those of the other and they are then free to live by them or adjust them as they feel capable. In accepting ourselves for who and what we are, we can accept another for who and what they are. We do not bind them to live by our expectations. When one is not allowed to live within the boundaries that they set, they live in the fear of being annihilated and consumed by the expectations of another. If a person feels another individual does not value the things important to them and respect their right to value them, they will feel a lack of support and encouragement and fail to develop the self-esteem to live their heart. In accepting another, no matter how and where they set their boundaries, whether they are set out of fear or out of a conscious way to live their life, it is their choice and a choice that they cherish as much as we cherish ours to live our desires. In honoring their choice, the universe honors our choice and we allow ourselves to be free of the fear of having to live our life to the expectations of another. We cannot get what we seek unless we are open to receiving and in giving permission to another to live the life of their choosing, we open ourselves to get permission to live the life of our choosing.

As we live our heart, we set an example in many ways. What is true for us today may not be true for us tomorrow. Similarly, what is true for another today may not be true for them tomorrow. As we remove our limiting beliefs, our truth grows and expands and there is no need to accept the truth of another. In doing so, we allow the other’s truth to grow and expand and allow them to be different today than from yesterday. People are always telling us where they are by what the say and what they do or don’t do. If we watch, we will see few individuals are focused on where they are going in their life and few have the strength of will to maintain that focus. Until we agree to live our heart and support who we are, then and only then, can others support who we are. In declaring ourselves, we allow others to declare who they are by aligning or not aligning with our decision.

When we take charge and begin to be true to ourselves and live the way we came to live and support ourselves one hundred percent, whether or not we fall short of our goal, others are faced with a choice. They can either choose to agree with us, in which case the need to ask themselves why they are not living in a similar fashion, or they disagree with us and remain asleep. In backing ourselves, we force others to back us by forcing their decision and they cannot make their decision until we make ours. In their decision to support or not support us, they are less likely to attack us, because if they support us, there is no need to attack us. If they don’t support us, they will acknowledge that we made our decisions and there is nothing they can do to make us change our decision. In either case, there is a reduced need to attack us and put pressure on us to change. Since we are not attacked, we are less likely to be upset or defensive about someone else’s lessons and give them room to be who they have to be. In accepting ourselves unconditionally, we allow others to accept themselves unconditionally and, in turn, a world is created where each person is accepted and appreciated for who and what they are and that makes our life a little easier.

Actions to take

The greatest single step we can take to become a rainmaker is to do the inner work to access and live our truth and follow the intention for our life. In living the intention for our life, we access our greatest creative ability and creative power it that intention is what brought us into life to create the experiences we have. From that position of power we can become the creative shape shifter to nurture the true needs of the creative spirit of another and the ego will not be an issue.

If we would truly like to become a rainmaker, the recommendation is to not set the intention to become one. If we do, mind will interfere so as to not loose control. Rather it is recommended to set the intention to become unconditional love or learn to love unconditionally. Such an intention will open the door for the opportunity to become a rainmaker for someone. We only need to trust the universe will provided the initiation that will cause us to die to the identity we have had and become that love to nurture the true needs of another. Such an effort allows us to become a rainmaker in a way mind does not interfere with the process.

Alternatively, if from the depth of our heart in compassion for the world, we are willing to set a particular intention and make two requests of Creation and learn to follow our intuitive guidance we can create the space for ourselves to become a rainmaker. The intention we need to set is to let go of how we think the universe works and learn and become whatever is necessary to free what lies in the heart of each individual. We then request (1) the universe to give us the wisdom and understanding as to how to create the space for the creative spirit within an individual to be become free of the cage which holds it captive and freely grow and unfold, and (2) ask the universe to show us how to recreate our life to act on the wisdom and understanding we get. Then practice following our intuitive guidance to create that space for an individual to release their creative spirit to bring it into the world.

The following topics can be used to start the process of becoming a rainmaker.

Guided path to releasing our unlimited creativity
Learning to dance - taking the next step in meeting your creative spirit
Exploring the role of the feminine in the creative process
Becoming our truth

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