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 Part IV of the Structured Approach to to Creativity Physics -


Beginning with the end in mind
Creation - the dance of energy and consciousness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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Experiencing creation/Creation as energy consciousness

Experiencing energy consciousness as creation manifested is to move past or transcend the duality we experience in experiencing Creation as either the energy or as consciousness. It allows us to stand outside the creative process and the creative tension giving rise to the experience we have as a detached witness. In doing so, we no longer feel separate or have the deep inner longing which arises from the experience of the creative tension in the creative process. To experience energy consciousness as Creation, it is to take responsibility for what we create and understand how we are the creator and the creation manifesting and our experience as simply the creator experiencing their desired creation.

Experience creation/Creation as energy consciousness is vary rarely done by the typical individual. The concept and story of the rainmaker is a utilization and application of these energy consciousness principles as is the Hawaiian technique of Ho'oponopono. Whether or not energy consciousness is understood in these practices does not matter. These practice utilize the relationship of energy consciousness. The principles work independent of what we think and believe. In essence both these stories require the individual to take responsibility for what is happening and go inward and do the necessary inner work and then allow that inner transformation be manifested externally.

There are many books about how we create with our thoughts, the power of positive thinking, visualization and the like. There is also a large number of book about creating peace and love and the existence of a oneness to, or in, Creation. Yet many of these books look for the external world to change. Little is said about the fact that our current mind is what created the situation we face and it is not the mind that will give us our solution. To change what we experience, we must take responsibility for what we experience and go with and make the inner changes first.

Experiencing creation/Creation as energy consciousness is to understand and utilize the principle that our inner world is reflected in the outer. It is to realize all of creation/Creation arises about of the fabric of Creation to create an observer and an observed reflective of cutout and the hole. Realizing our inner world is reflected in the outer and we need to go inward and make the inner changes first is probably the most powerful insight from the energy consciousness understanding.

The normal experience of Creation does not reveal how we are responsible for what we experience. Rather, Creation masks our responsibility and allow us to live in the illusion of mind as to how creation/Creation works. Creation does let us know and understand how we can have a thought and then go and act on that thought to create what we desire. But it does not readily reveal how we focus our attention and awareness by how and what we think and believe is creating our experiences or how we create the reality we experience. Nothing in our normally way of perceiving reveals how much creative power we really do have and at the most fundamental level of Creation, Creation does not work as our mind normally perceives it to work.

The major issue we face in experiencing creation/Creation as energy consciousness is to realize our experiences in Physical Creation continually direct us to believe we are separate, independent, and unconnected. In reality we are all interconnected and in a constant communication with Creation. We have just localized our awareness and energy into our body and the identity mind perceive itself to be. Rather than believe the separateness we see outward, we must go within and live in the knowing we are all interconnected and we must do the inner work first for any changes we wish to experience externally. We must act on the awareness that our mind has only created an illusion unique to us as to how our mind thinks Creation works. It is, of course, very difficult to trust the creative process of going within and making the inner changes first and waiting for creation to recreate itself externally based on our choice of a new identity and our new way of acting and being in the world.

The creation process at any level of begins with energy consciousness separating into the observer and the observed. The discussion topic, " Understanding the need for inner changes first" has been compiled from several Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topics to help change our perspective to begin to experience creation/Creation as energy consciousness in oneness as opposed to separation.

The role of consciousness of energy consciousness is to become he cause. There is a continual ebb and flow of energy into and our of form. Without consciousness becoming aware and awake to change what is experience, the process continues as is. It is consciousness by how it focuses it attention and awareness through what it thinks and believes which changes the cause effect relationship as to what is experienced.

Relative to this cause effect relationship at any level of being or of creation/Creation, when consciousness is unaware and asleep, there is no change in the cause effect chain and the cause effect chain is unchanging and can be said to be on auto pilot. In Physics, consciousness being unaware and asleep can be experienced as the Newton Law of Motion which state, "an object in motion stays in motion and an object at rest stays at rest unless acted upon by an unbalanced force." In the Eastern mystical literature, this would be the concept of Karma. That is, if we do not awaken and become aware and awake, and choose to change our patterns of how and what we think and believe and our way of being in the world, we will continually create the same type and kind of experiences over and over again. Going around and around and over and over the same types and kinds of experience then gives rise to the proverbial wheel of Karma.

When consciousness awakens, it has a choice of not making any changes, changing the flow of energy within itself, using its flow of energy to change an external flow of energy or cause another flow of energy to arise from within and/or without. When consciousness awakens it can become the cause to break away from the existing cause effect chain to create a new cause effect change and escaping the karma of the past and escaping the wheel of karma. As such it is essential for us to awaken and become aware to become the cause of our next experience. Otherwise we will only be living the past in a new way within the ever changing backdrop of Creation.

The basic creative process
for experiencing creation/Creation as energy consciousness

One of the unexpected observations made in studying creativity, our creative power and creative ability, creation/Creation and the basic process of how we create to try and discern the basic creation process, was we each individually are part of several larger creative processes that governs our lives. Unless we become aware of these larger process, there will always seem to be an unseen influence on what we are trying to create. Observations revealed there are at least two such processes and evidence to suggest more. The possibility of more overlapping processes is suggested in the topics on the "Collective" and "Layers to Creation." The two primary process of which we need to be aware our enculturated path and the path our society wants us to follow and the other is our mystical path reflective of the intention for your life and the experiences we incarnated to have.

Our mystical path is our own individual process. It is called a mystical path because it tends to be rather mysterious and arising as an unseen influence in our life. This process is governed by the intention for our life. This mystical path, although similar for each of us, is unique to each of us. The mystical process of which I am a part is not the same one in which you are a part. They are coordinated and integrated where appropriate and when necessary, but they are each are essentially independent of each other. As such, what I need to understand about how I create my reality will be conceptually that same as what you need to know. But, practically, within the details, what I need to do will be different than you. This may be difficult to understand but it is nevertheless true. This is why it is so hard to find predictability between individuals.

One of the larger creative processes in which we all participate in addition to our mystical path and the path of our enculturation is to have a physical experience as a human in this time period of history. That is, we are a creation within a creation in which we share a common human physical experience with others.

Additionally, it was found many of us have nonconscious intentions that come from a variety of sources and compete, if not conflict, with any intention we set. Addressing nonconscious intentions are addressed in the topics which unfold in the discussions on "Clarity of intention" and "To set an intention."

The power and influence of these various creative processes of which we are a part on our creative endeavors cannot be under estimated. At time, they seem to play little or no influence. At other times they completely dominate anything we attempt to do. To gain conscious control over what we create, we need to obtain some understanding of these larger processes governing our lives and of which we are only a part. Our problem is that since we each are part of a larger process, we cannot step out and stand apart from the process of which we are only a part to see the whole process. Because of the nature of our current mind, we cannot step out of that process nor stand apart from it if we persist in what we think and believe.

All we can do is infer the process through our observation of what we experience. Then act on what we infer about the process and how we thinks the process works from the inference to see if it is true. If it works as expected, we can take it as true. If it doesn’t work, then we know there is something additional we are missing. In this regard, we need to allow effectiveness to be our truth.

The understanding which has been obtained about the creative/creation process based on the approach discussed here and exploration of creativity in the workplace and subsequent exploration of our inherent creativity is found is found in the three sequential a topics, "The physics of the creative/creation process - the introduction," "The creative/creation process" and "Steps in the creative/creation process," These topics address the basic creative/creation process and the general overall creative/creation process that all creative endeavors seem to follow

Particular aspect of experiencing creation/Creation as energy consciousness

The discussion above and the discussions "Origins of Creation," "Observer observed pair and the nature of duality," "Energy consciousness," and "The creative/creation process" address the basic creation principles and concepts. Where we go from these is totally dependent on what we desire to create. The follow are some discussion which may be of interest in applying these concepts to our creative endeavors.

Begin with the end in mind: Although there are five requirements to manifest an intention, a clear intention held with a single point focus such that we never lose focus is essential to manifest what we desire. In essence it is to begin with the end in mind. This principle is applicable to any creative endeavor including creating the life we live. It is essential we know what we desire to create and why. Understanding why we desire to create what we do requires us to pull the string to look to see what really lies behind our desires. When we understand the why, we will find we have a much greater passion to deal with to obstacles and setbacks we may face. Relative to creating the life we live, it is wise to look at giving our eulogy at our own funeral. It is to imagine ourselves looking back over our life to see if we are satisfied with the life we have lived. The ideas is to look to see if what we are doing now in our life is going to withstand the judgments we make about our life when all is said and done.

Inner is reflected in the outer - the bridge point and the mind body connection: Understanding how the inner is reflected in the outer and understanding the inner dance, the outer dance and the dance between the inner and the outer are probably some of the more important understandings we can carry about energy consciousness. They are to become a rainmaker and to live in a mystical relationship with Creation. In understanding how the inner is reflected in the outer we can use the inner to see the outer and we can use the outer to see the inner.

Understanding how the inner is reflected in the outer is the key to understanding there is a point were the inner creative power move into the outer and the outer creative power into the inner. It is also a point where what we think and believe becomes manifested in Physical Creation. The key to using the bridge point and the mind body connection is to understand our creative life energy goes where we focus our attention and awareness and reality will mold itself to give us an experience of that on which we focus. We focus our attention and awareness through what we think and believe. As such, our body and its environment is our consciousness manifested. As we change what we think and believe we are able to both change the conditions of our being and our environment including the conditions of our body. Similarly, if we are unable or unwilling to make the inner changes we will be unable to manifest the changes we desire externally.

What is important to understand is that at the deepest levels of Creation we are it. We are Creation manifesting and we are the creator/Creator experiencing its/Its creation/Creation. In feeling the need for what is called a spirit journey of any type or any journey to look for the external partner to complete us, we are ultimately only looking to create a particular kind of life where we are free to release our creative spirit to give us the life we incarnated to live. This does not mean we do not wish to share life with another which includes having a sexual experience. However we need no other to complete us. When we are whole and complete we seek to share life, we do not seek any other to complete us. In living the life we incarnated to live we find that inner satisfaction and inner freedom and all that we seek in finding Heaven or finding Nirvana. We can have it all here and now. We have only come to deny our need for an inner journey and the experiences we incarnated to have because of our current mind and what we have come think and believe.

We need to realize our outer world is reflective of our inner world. What we seek in an external partner to fill our inner longing which draws many to sex or spirituality is to look in the wrong direction. There is, of course, a biological need for a mate to create a child, but creating a child does not address the inner longing which we see the external partner addressing. To find and live in wholeness within our being and satisfy the deep inner longing we feel, we cannot believe we are in any way separate from the external world. We need to see the external world as the reflection of what lies within.

When we feel we are lacking something and we are drawn to find an external partner, we need to look at our inner masculine and inner feminine to see which, if not both, have not been able to come to maturity to give us what we need. The inner masculine is about finding our truth and having the courage, strength of will and fearlessness to live it in the world. The inner feminine is about nurture what lies in our heart and what gives us life to live the life we incarnated to live. When we do what gives us life we are moving toward living our truth and nurturing our truth and the experiences it creates. In doing what gives us life we find a fullness of being, and passion for life and for living, a desire to share life, an expansion of being or a blossoming of our being. In is living our truth our gifts are brought forth and given to the world.

Ultimately this inner journey to address the inner masculine and inner feminine is intimately tied to both the body and what it feels and to the outer world. There is a powerful mind body connection at work and profound inner and outer reflection. Each, the inner and the outer, can be used to address the other. What we desire externally, we need to look internally as to what and where we are not giving ourselves what we seek to meet our true need to create what serves us. Similarly, what we feel internally we need to look eternally in how we are not living such that we can give ourselves what we need to experience. But we cannot change one and sustain the change without working both the inner and the outer. Something will need to be sacrificed in our inner and outer world to create the life we wish to live. A part of us must die and in the death there is an annihilation to create what we desire.

The basic creative process and the need to let go for the sacrifice of creation: Any creative endeavor requires a sacrifice. In understanding the creative process and the need for a sacrifice, we can better prepare ourselves to let go of our attachments and trust the creative process. Creation can be painless or at least greatly reduced in the pain cause by letting go of our attachments.

Building a reality: The topic, " Building a reality," provides a discussion on the perceived levels to any creation and the fact the overall creation process is determined by a choice of environment followed by a foundation, the framework, the external covering and its utilization. It can be used as a starting point to begin to understand what is necessary to become a conscious creator of our experience and the creator of the reality we experience.

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