Sexuality and awakening body consciousness


A Releasing Your Unlimited Creativity discussion topic

Copyright 2009 by K. Ferlic,   All Rights Reserved

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In understanding how consciousness awakens consciousness it is appropriate to note how sexuality provides one of the most powerful vehicles with which to explore an awareness of one’s being It can awaken parts of oneself we didn’t know we had and it can be similarly used to awaken parts of another.

It is well know that sexuality is necessary for reproduction and that it is enjoyable for many people. However, little attention is paid to how it awakens consciousness and reveals parts of ourselves we did not know we had. As a minimum, sexuality, whether one engages in it or not, forces one to awaken to the fact and understanding that no one is a island unto themselves. The pull of sexuality forces one to face the fact we are in this human experience with others and we need to engage another if the human experience is going to continue. But there are two deeper roles in sexuality awaking consciousness. One is awakening to the biases, judgments and preferences of our mind and part of our being of which we were unaware. The second, which in many ways is a subset of the first is awakening our body consciousness.

Awakening to the biases, judgments and preferences of our mind and part of our being of which we were unaware is discussed in the topic, "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness." Sexuality and awakening body consciousness is discussed here. This topic follows in sequence and builds on the understand that consciousness awakens consciousness and sexuality’s role in consciousness awakening consciousness. Although it is not necessary to have read and understood the topic, "Consciousness awakens consciousness" and "Sexuality and consciousness awakening consciousness," it is suggested that they be read before moving on to this current topic.

This discussion centers on the fact that within each of us is the equivalent is of a seed. It is essence of our gift to the world. It will grow and unfold if it is nurtured and allow to unfold true to itself. If it is not allowed to come out many experience a pain, discomfort, discontentment or dissatisfaction with life. One problem many of us face is that which needs to come out and unfold is inherently linked with our body for the body is the vehicle for our human experience of Physical Creation. The issue is how do deal with that link and to access that wisdom of the body to allow that gift to unfold true to itself while dealing with the mundane of the world, its expectation and not get trapped in sexuality with anyone while awakening our body consciousness. The primary issue we each need to address is how to address awakening the entire body and it consciousness to let our gift unfold in the world, which includes awakening and experiencing one’s sexuality and the associated feelings that go with, and not become trapped in sexuality.

Body consciousness

Although we may not be aware of it, our body has a consciousness. It has a wisdom, an awareness and perceptions unto itself. As a result of this wisdom, awareness and perception, it has its own unique way of sensing or experiencing the energy of the environment in which it finds itself through what it senses and what it feels. The wisdom, awareness and perceptions provided by the body consciousness seems to exist separate from our mind. However, this perceived separation is only the result of the fact that they existed before our current mind as we know it and experience it came into existence. For this reason, our mind does not readily acknowledge the exist of the our body consciousness, the awareness which lies in what we feel and the awareness of the body.

There are things contained within our body and/or only accessible through our body our body consciousness. There are body memories, an awareness in the body, an awareness which lies in feeling and there are the deep feelings beyond sexuality. All of these are accessed through our body consciousness and in what we feel. If one is open to what they feel and experience, they will find they can become intimate with another at least physically. However, in addition, it creates the space to cause one to become very physically intimate with themselves and with what they feel. Additionally if one is mindful and aware they can also become very intimate with the spiritual, emotional and mental aspects of their being also. But, as a minimum, when we become physically intimate with ourselves we can discover parts of ourselves we could otherwise not access. In this regard, sexuality can be used as a tool for awakening of oneself or another

The ability of sexuality to awaken body consciousness is one of the basis for spiritual practices such as Tantra. However, awakening body consciousness is usually rarely emphasized goal in spiritual practices such as Tantra for many who seek spiritual enlightenment judge the physical as something less that the spiritual for one reason or another.

What lies within the body accessible beyond sex is a profound awareness and understanding but we must go through the sex to get there. There is a truth within our bodies that needs to come out for us to achieve what we incarnated to do. It is really the doorway to create a gentle phoenix for individual to access the intention for their life and to find that God within, experience it as such and access the depth and breadth of the creative ability and creative power. Here the infinity of our being and the infinity of the universe is accessible from within.

But to get to that awareness and get it out, sexuality stands in the way. If we go into the sex we do not access the awareness. If we avoid sex we do not access the awareness. If we are allow to let the sex be what it is and focus on the awareness in what we feel and do the body work to let it out, it comes out quickly, easily and gently if we are allowed to flow with the feelings that arise whether it be love or anger. Quite often, if not more often than not, it is an anger in that we are angry because the love which is in our heart has been suppressed and not allowed to unfold true to itself.

Background on physical intimacy and awakening body consciousness

Since all is energy consciousness, the body as a specific amount and form of mass energy, has a unique consciousness. As consciousness it has the need to express itself, share itself and creatively express itself. Consciousness desires to share itself at any and all levels of being. It is why children are so enthusiastic about sharing their discoveries of the reality they experience. Our body similarly desires to share itself and it will need another with whom to share.

On this note it needs to be remembered, creativity is the language of consciousness. The only way one will be able to see and hear the communication of the body is going to be if one is intimate with it both internally and externally and the language it speaks. Its language is through what it feels and its feelings are a communication as are it illnesses.

Only we can be intimate with our body internally but we will need another to be intimate with our body externally and intimacy does not necessarily mean some one with whom to have sex although it may for the sex may as appropriate to what our body needs. Here it needs to be understood our body has its true needs and two of those needs is physical intimacy and the need to be held. When we are held in a safe and secure space we are able to process the pain of the present or pain of the past if it arise to be addressed. It is why very young children need to be held to have that warm fuzzy place to know they are safe. In reality, our bodies do not lose this desire for a warm fuzzy place and feeling. Rather, our mind comes to think we don’t need it. Yet, again and again the power of being held, touch and caressed in any number of ways goes a long way in helping to restore health and vitality to the body. How often is one bruised and the first reaction is to rub and massage the wounded spot on the body. Being held by an individual who is intent on creating the space to process the pain of our past and free our bound creative spirit is the bias and doorway to a gentle phoenix - a faster, easier and gentler way to access the intention for our life, our inherent unlimited creativity, the infinity of our being, or to find that God within..

To understand the need for physical intimacy, we must first understand what intimacy is. Intimacy is a state characterized by pronounced closeness. It is deeply personal and private with a knowledge and understanding of one’s innermost and essential nature. Such a state only results from a close study and familiarity. Intimacy is about a level of knowing that cannot be described but only experienced and it is in the experience that one comes to know and understand. In this regard sexuality is the door way to physical intimacy for it causes one to become naked, literally and figuratively, to understand the depth and breath of one’s feelings both internally and externally. The problem with sexuality is that sex is normally the only way one gets anywhere near the level of physical intimacy needed by the body. However for most, sex is not seen as the tool and doorway that it is. Sex simply carries too much "baggage" from both a individual and social point of view. Because the need for physical intimacy is so unrecognized, the understanding we have about sexuality interferes with this level of physical intimacy in almost every individual and why one must move past sexuality into the flow of energy. To achieve such a physical intimacy, one needs to make focusing on the feeling and exploring the awareness in what is felt rather that the sex. The sex needs to be used as a tool to awakening he feeling rather than an end in itself.

It needs to be understood that what we think physical intimacy is as compared to what the body needs in physical intimacy is not necessary correct. For example, one obvious place where we could point that requires physical intimacy is the creation of physical offspring. We have to have intercourse to create a child. However, this is not true for artificial insemination works well and no physical intimacy is need. Physical intimacy is not require for creating the physical offspring. The intimacy of sex results to create a child often results because it usually feels good and the feeling good only serves to get the individuals together to mate. Similarly one can have sexual intercourse to have a child will little or not feeling for one’s partner for the act is solely to fulfill an obligation. What is not recognized is the physical intimacy severs other important functions. In particular, physical intimacy is needed to cause an awakening the awareness within an individual’s body and/or their body consciousness.

The body awareness longs to be awakened as does the awareness of feeling. The body feels and the primary way it communicates is feelings. So if the body is unable to feel the entire range of what is possible to feel it lacks the full ability to communicate. Feeling in the body is about detecting the subtle variation of energy the body experiences. When it is fully open to its feelings, the body is capable of sensing not only it immediate environment but also sensing the unseen realms of Creation. In this regard, if one is free to express their sexuality in the spontaneous and innocent childlike play of discovery and exploration without binding commitments, fears and the like, and one is awaken and aware during sexual intimacy, one will awaken their body wisdom and body consciousness in a way that is rarely seen. Sexuality is a vehicle for awakening the body’s consciousness if one uses it as part of knowing and understanding the physical intimacy of the body. However, normally the sex of the sexuality diverts one’s attention and awareness and one is lucky to even pay attention to what they feel let alone become aware that they are capable of awakening an awareness and use it. To awaken the body consciousness, the focus of sexuality has to shift from the sex itself to physical intimacy and awakening feelings and one’s deepest and inner most levels of their being.

Whether physical intimacy is require for our creative efforts entirely depends on what we desire to create and one’s mind will not be able to discern whether physical intimacy is required. We can only be lead by our bodies but we will have to be intimately aware of what our body feels not to confuse what come from the heart and mind. Only the discerning heart can tell the difference if we are lead by our creative efforts or our ego needs. Since feelings flow from the heart and one’s creative passion arise from the alignment with one’s creative life energy, feeling and a desire for the physical intimacy can be expected if one is pursing either their creative passion or the dream they carry in their heart, that is, the intention for their life. In any case, if one has any desire either from their mind or their heart, to become aware of the unseen realms of Creation, they will have become physically intimate with all parts of their body and reopen their feelings at every level of their being.

But it needs to be very clearly understood if one is lead to engage physically with another individual as part of one’s creative endeavors, we will be awakening very deep aspects of our consciousness. Awakening the deep aspects of our consciousness is a natural byproduct when sexuality is coupled with one’s creative efforts. That deep awareness in turn is most often too frightening for the ego and mind of most individuals. Many individuals will pull away from sex or sex with physical intimacy because of the depth and breath of what open inside them.

Additionally the memories that caused one to block their feelings will inevitably arise. Whether one becomes consciously aware of those memories or one simply has uncomfortable feelings that they have been harmed in the past and there is something harmful or painful as to what is occurring may be all that surfaces. Nevertheless, all the reasons why we shut down our feelings from the earliest days as child before we had conscious memories and even beyond into what individual’s call past life memories will surface. We can be assured that will happen.

Surfacing of memories is the most common reason one’s mind tends to remain focused on the sex in sexuality rather than the physical intimacy that is possible. There is the need not to know. The sex keeps one bound in the past and these memories suppressed. The physical intimacy will cause the memories to surface and the body awareness and consciousness remembers who and what it is. We can be assured that if our are lead to physical intimacy, we will transform our psyche in a way that will essentially destroy our ego as we currently know it and it will be destroyed beyond our wildest imagination. Our ego cannot and will not be able to control what occurs. If we are not willing to consciously surrender and flow with what arises we will simply cause ourselves to retread deeper into a shell of isolation and separation or cause ourselves to experience physical and/or mental illness.

It is here one needs to be remembered the story of the four men who went to study the mystical Kaballah that has been discussed else where. One when crazy for they could not process what was experienced. One became an atheist denying the existence of what was seen. One died because they were to overwhelmed such that they destroyed themselves and the fourth surrendered to the experience and became a mystic. So too when one moves past the sex of sexuality into the physical intimacy to awaken and work with the body consciousness. Our ego and what we think will died when faced with what we will see and experience. If we try and rationalize it we will become crazy in the eyes of the world and based on the standards of the world. We can either deny what we see and say in the sex or move past it flowing with the energy behind the process and have what can only be described as mystical experiences.

Using sexuality to awaken body consciousness

Using sexuality to awaken body consciousness is not about being sexual with anyone or engaging in sex as such. Although one can engage in sex, using sexuality to awaken body consciousness is about using the feeling that arise in sex and the awareness within the body. It is about how our creativity and our creative spirit is integrally linked and tied our body and that sexuality stands at the doorway. The ultimate issue is we usually use sexuality in such a way that we keep our creative spirit captive and bound rather that using sexuality to let the awareness within the body and our creative spirit to come out and freely unfold true to itself while accessing the wisdom and awareness in the body.

To awaken the body consciousness, there is the need for the body to feel and to be held. In being held it is possible to process pain, in particular the pain of life. Holding the body is what allows for a gentle phoenix to access the body consciousness and a profound wisdom. In opening the body to what it feels, there is the issue of accessing and releasing body memories.

In the same way the consciousness we perceive as our mind has memories, our body and it consciousness also has it memories. All that we experience in life is in some way encoded in the body. Most of the experiences and the memories in our mind are inconsequential as are the most of the memories of our body. However, there are many painful memories such that when a particular part of the body is awaken through feeling, the pain of that experience surfaces and will need to be addressed.

Sexuality , because of the intense feelings it can create, under the correct conditions will awaken the body consciousness in the fastest way. The body consciousness that is accessible will burst open with an awareness. In many ways sexuality is the beast that stands before the temple gate. To get into the temple, the true nature of our body and our being and to access the source of our creative power and the source of our life and the Source of Creation itself, we must face sexuality.

Whether we realize it or not, in regards to awakening the body consciousness, awakening the awareness of the body and/or creating a deep physical intimacy with the body, there are correct conditions for sexuality and incorrect conditions for sexuality and it has nothing to do with marriage, what society or religions says or anyone else can say. The correct conditions are unique to the individual and the individual must follow their intuitive guidance and their own internal compass to create them. In essence, the correct conditions are those which allow the creative spirit of the individual to become totally free and unbounded. Exactly how and what it looks like again, is unique to the individual. But as a minimum, the individual and their partner must be focused with the similar if not joint intention of awakening the body. Sex can be an outcome but the intention must not have sex as the objective.

Many do not want to recreate the past. To not recreate the past is to realized there is an awareness in the body that lies behind or beyond sexuality that is not recognized by the mind for the awareness lies in feeling. The past is to believe there is nothing behind the sexuality and sex is sex. The past is to believe sex is for children, enjoyment and comes with baggage. To not live the past is to become aware sexuality stands guardian at the gate for something much more profound that what our minds can realize. What is access and can come out is an awareness and a creative force.

The piece about sexuality that is not understood is that sex stands at the doorway of accessing what is in the body. That is, the body must be very intimately stimulated but the intimacy extends to each and every level of being. To sexually stimulate the body does not do it. To intimately stimulate the body in the way it needs to be stimulated will almost inevitable cause sexuality to arise. This is why massage does not work at releasing this awareness. There are too many conditions around it. This is why paid sexuality will not work. The intention and feel will not be correct to make create a safe and secure space for the awareness to come out. Paid sexuality does not allow the necessary intimacy at any level of being to be developed. The conditions must be such that there is a safe and secure space such that a doorway is created for one to be free to enter intimacy at each and every level of being as necessary. That does not mean any one necessary become intimate at every level of being. Rather the safe and secure space is created such that one is free to return as necessary to a creative state of play at each and every level of being to discover and explore what does and doesn’t work to release the pain of the past and allow the creative spirit to freely unfold.

Sexuality, under the correct conditions is the natural way to become open to this awareness. Men and women keep seeking that "soul mate" that idea person who will open the door and let out what is within oneself. It will take a male to release what is within the female body as it would take a female to release the male. This statement is not a statement for or against homosexuality for from the creativity perspective there is nothing wrong with homosexuality as such. Rather it has to do with the elements of creative process which gives rise to the masculine and feminine aspects of being which are encoded in the male and female body. But, in any case, the person who will release the awareness within the body of another must carry the correct intent and motivation. That is true for all of us. Sexuality is a natural door way to this awareness but people do not know how to use it. They tend to stay at the more mundane level - creating children and enjoy it as a pleasure experience rather than as an enlightening experience and/or a creation experience.

If we are free to flow with what we feel engaging in sexuality if it arises but move past it into the awareness of the body and the deep feelings beyond sex, the awareness is released into the consciousness. If one denies the sexuality or purses the sexual feeling as opposed to the awareness or makes the sexuality the end, the awareness of the body is lost. Some may call it a razors edge. But all one really needs is (1) to be mindful and aware of what is happening and why, and (2) be willing to pull the string on whatever arise especially if it means moving away from the sex into a exploration of what arises. It is here in this second point most have great difficult. One or both partners are not willing to let go of the sex when what arise calls one to stop pursuing the sex and explore what arises. Most tend to want to complete the sex and then move into what arises. However, when that occurs the opportunity is lost for mind has regained control.

In looking to move into the awareness of the body one does need to be aware what usually comes out before the awareness is all the pain that has been suffered or the anger at what is repressed because of the experiences of the body. Often the experiences of the body included what has been passed on genetically. Here the sexuality is an asset. If one can flow freely with the sexuality because of the safe and secure space created by one’s partner, much of the pain and anger flows away in it and the awareness can be readily accessed. Sexuality can be used to flush out the body much the an enema flushes out the colon. All that is held that no longer serves is released. If sexuality is not used then there are options like metatheater and playing out the anger, frustration and the like. Of course, therapy is an option but if the body is not engaged, the source of the problem is not being addressed.

In theses cases, therapy is the equivalent of intellectually knowing or intellectually understanding something and never ever gaining the experiential knowing and experientially understanding which is necessary to have a complete knowing of an concept or subject. In many cases the different between intellectually and experientially knowing something in minor, but in cases where the body is involved, the difference is quite substantial.

The awareness in body consciousness is quite profound. It is something difficult to communicate it to people for it needs to be experienced. It is an experiential knowing and accessing information that lies beyond what mind knows and understands. The issue that arises is that if one truly wants to know who and what they are and the truth of their being, they will have to explore their sexuality. They can take the words and teaching of others about who and what we are and the creative power available to us and what sexuality is and isn’t. But to truly understand, to know for themselves who and what we are and to access the depth and breadth of their creative power to know what they really possess, they will have to experience the creative power of sexuality for themselves in the way their being needs to express it and experience it or allow themselves to be lead to create what they desire.

Does that mean jumping into sex to explore it? It can be but not necessarily. Rather, it is more about allowing oneself to explore it when it arises in one’s creative endeavors to see exactly where it leads, especially when it raises from one’s intuitive guidance. However, the focus will need to be on what one desires to create as opposed to just jumping into sex. But then again, many will have to find that out for themselves. In then end, what they will find is that what is here is true.

To begin to access the feelings

Each thought creates a flow of energy. We hold that thought as an intention can follow that flow of energy through feeling along the path of least resistance with a single point focus to manifest that thought. This is the essence of what clear intention, conscious creation and meditation are all about. The need for clear intention is critical if one desires to engage in sex and not become distracted or captured by the sex. If one is not extremely clear in their intentions and what motives them to explore and use sexuality it can be and will be devastating to the ego and possible to one’s life depending on the situation they create.

To access the feeling of the body and engaging in sex the issue for a male and female will be significantly different. A man must learn to live his truth and then exercise discipline and wait for the invitation of a woman. But he does have to create the space for a woman to become totally free in her body without the expectation of sex in return for what he does for her. That will destroy his ego in many ways. A woman must learn to not give sex to have security or to "win" a man. She must learn to use it for herself and the expansion of her own being. However, there is the issue of fertility and the children so the issue is much different for a woman as to how she can go about facing sex, awakening the body and yet deal with the possibility of children. In this regard, men tend to be oblivious to the issues of being a woman and what it really means simply because they do not have the responsibility of carrying and birthing a child. That topics "Moving past sexuality" and "What moving past sex looks like" provides some additional discussion on these topics.

The recommendation here is bluntly made. It is go play with yourself and you body by yourself and feel the energy and bask in it. Come to know what it feels like as it flows through your body and all parts of your being. Know it well before you attempt to mix it with anyone. The key to the body consciousness is working with the body. It included manipulating the body in a way that awakens the body - that means being touched in all parts and maybe in all ways. There is an old adage, "Know thyself." It is just as important to know our physical body intimately as it is every other part of our being. It needs to be remembered, in oneness, all is one and our body is a part of our being just as important as only other part. Its needs, desires and wants needs to be understood. It is recommended those needs, desires and wants be understood the best one can before they become sexuality involved within another. Here again, sex is about mixing energy. It only makes sense to know oneself before one beings to mix their energy with another.

But, there is also another perspective that one may wish to explore if they do not want to take the time to know themselves and their body or they are not sure they have done the necessary exploration of their own body. It is to (1) learn to use one’s intuitive guidance, (2) become mindful and aware of what one feels and the thought one has and then (3) read and understand what is discussed here to obtain an intellectual understanding of these concepts and principles. Then when you engage in sex become aware of all that occurs in the experience especially the thoughts and feelings which arises. Be prepared to stop the sex to pursing essential information or feelings which surface.

It needs to be understood is that in many spiritual traditions, the body has received a lot of bad press in that is it an animalistic nature where as mind and the beauty mind can create is perceived as being something better to obtain. But little attention is paid to how destructive mind can become and damage the body, other human beings and the environment. It needs to be realized the body does not destroy. The mind does. The animalistic nature of the body destroy elements of life only to eat and live. It does not take what is does not need. Most importantly, rarely does the body kill and eat its on kind. Yet, humans kill other humans for any number of reasons conceived by their mind and the mind seeks to fill itself well beyond its true needs. The body seeks comfort and warmth and desired to be cuddled and held much achieve a warm fuzzy feeling much like what a child desires in being held by their mother. The body seeks life and a feeling of expansion, fullness of being and fullness of life. It is the mind which and what we have come to think and believe which takes us away form using and benefitting from the wisdom of the body.

If we learn to trust our body and what we feel, one path to awareness comes through our intuitive guidance and body wisdom. They are insights which become available as one works with the body. Moving into the body is about recovery of the free expression of creative spirit. It is a soul retrieval for our creative spirit is what created the body and the vehicle for its experiences. It is about retrieving and regain that which has been lost or better said, "misplaced and forgotten" in a cage of our own making as a result of the experiences we have had.

Our own intuitive guidance system is more than capable of leading us into the deepest awareness which is possible while in physical form if we are willing to surrender and listen. But we have to awaken and become aware of our intuitive guidance. All that needs to be done is to use our intuitive guidance and our internal compass to pursue the feeling which allows for a blossoming or flowering of our own being. We can feel the fullness of being within and follow expansion into the free expression of our creative spirit and its blossoming and unfoldment. It will always lead true if mind does not interject itself and second guess where it lead. What it leads us into will not always be what mind wants or what mind judges as acceptable. Nevertheless, following the feeling of expansion of our own being will lead true including through any sexual experience. However, one needs to realize they must follow the feeling of expansion even in sex and stop the sex if the feeling indicates other actions needs to be pursued. This, of course, is very difficult for one’s partner to understand and their partner needs to both be very understanding and seek to free the other’s creative spirit.

Here an observation has been made. One cannot be following the feeling of the fullness of their own being and create the space for the other to be safe and secure to do what they need to do to process the pain of the past and pursue ones’ own blossoming. To create that safe and secure space an individual must be willing to become a creative shape shifter and do and become whatever is necessary for the other at the expense of their own freedom. As a result, the continually giving of oneself for another will simply deplete oneself.

The answer is to learn to dance with and for each other. It is to realize one will not flush out all the pain of the past in one experience and it will take time to process all that is experienced and recover the free expression of one’s creative spirit. In the dance each individual consciously alternates in what is given to the other. Here the individual make a commitment to each other and to the obtaining the free expression of the creative spirit of each other. One becomes a creative shape shifter for the other as the other process the pain of the past and/or does what they need to do to move into increasing the feeling of the fullness of being. Then the role reverses and the dance continues alternating until the freedom of each is obtained.

However, this process is not an equal dance. One cannot look to equating what one does for the other and expect an equivalent return. It is here the commitment between each other and the commitment to the end objective becomes of vital importance and the trust between the individuals to fulfill that commitment. This requirement for the commitment and trust in itself may awaken many aspects of ones’ being for which one had no awareness of issues existing. Trust is one of the major causes of the lost of one’s creative spirit and reason we create a cage to protect our creative spirit and ends up keeping it captive rather than letting it come out to be hurt again.

Relative to trust, probably the greatest issue one faces is lost in ability to trust oneself. To use one’s intuitive guidance trust in oneself and what ones’ intuitive guidance provides is essential. If lost of trust occurs in oneself and the inability to use one’s internal guidance, all that can be recommended is to practice and learn to develop the necessary trust in oneself and one’s intuitive guidance to lead them. Here again, one need to remember, trust in one’s intuitive guidance will not come through the mind. Rather, it is about learning to follow the fullness of being and an inner satisfaction with life and with living. What mind wants will not always lead to satisfaction. However, the fullness of being is the essence of inner satisfaction and the more one can follow that fullness of being the greater the inner satisfaction they will have in life and with whatever happens in their world.

In any case, it needs to be realized that if one go after the sex with someone who isn’t focused on the awakening and the release of the awareness in the body and the creative spirit they become trapped in several different ways. They especially become trapped by how they choose their partner based on what they think and say and why they choose the partner that they do the way they do. Rather than looking at awakening the body and what needs to be done to awaken the body as one would undergo a medical procedure, their mind takes over to do what mind wants to do and in the way it wants. This, in turn, only reinforces the entrapment.

An associated point needs to be made here. One needs to be aware of the individual who says they desire to awaken and release the awareness in the body and free our creative spirit when in fact they only mouth the words to get what they want. There are two options here reflective of the mind and heart.

Relative to the approach offered by mind, we need to remember that actions speak louder than words. We can hear what a person tells us about wanting to release the awareness in the body and free our creative spirit but we need to look to see what actions they do to back up those words. If their action cause us to move into an expansion of our being and we gain a greater and greater freedom, feeling of fullness of being, appreciation for life and for living, and/or desire to engage life, then the individuals is most probably speaking the truth. Whether or not they realize what they may need to face and will be able to endure becoming what we need them to become is another issue. But, if we experience an expansion as a result of what they provided their action are consistent with what they say.

Relative to the approach offered by heart, it all depends on how much we can trust ourselves and our intuitive guidance. If we trust what we feel more often then not, then we should go with what we feel trusting wherever happens is what needed to occur. This, of course, if very difficult when we end up in a situation mind finds unacceptable. However, even if this is the case, we need to stick with what we feel and follow that internal guidance and internal compass. Other we may be thwarting the fastest way to get what we desire. If however, we find we cannot routinely trust our intuitive guidance and what we feel, then we may want to find some way of double checking what we feel and that it is not mind imposing its desires on us.

The real issue in following the heart is how much trust we have in our own intuitive guidance systems. If we can trust ourselves, we will be fine. If we doubt more than we trust, we need to deal with the doubt and why we cannot trust our intuitive guidance before we look to follow it into sexuality. In most cased doubt arises from the mind and the mind not believing the heart can know things mind is incapable of knowing or it is mind interjecting itself such that it biases the clarity of our intuitive guidance making us think it is inaccurate. Here the task is to improve our intuitive guidance system before we use it to guide our life especially into sexuality.

It needs to be understood key to all of this is about the focus of one's attention and awareness and what they are really desiring to create in life and how deep are our intention. This then brings up the entanglements we get ourselves especially about sex and what we think about it and how it should and shouldn’t be used. The issue is ultimately not about having sex but one must be free to explore their sexuality. To some exploring sexuality is about having sex but sexuality encompasses much more that sex.

One issue that we face is that we think we don’t know the information we need. Actually we do have all we need if we allow ourselves to work the body and its wisdom. The wisdom to create anything is within us. But the beast at the gate to get to that wisdom is sex and sexuality. Unless we are willing to focus beyond the sex we will not access that wisdom.

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An awareness within the body
Moving past sexuality
What moving past sex looks like
A bottom line about sex and our creativity
Sensual experience beyond sex

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